Relaxed Lester's Garden Photos

{{sigh}}....I just love stopping in always makes me feel like Spring is around instead of cold ol' winter.
Nice Pics as usual Lester!

Haha, I think that is the point of my journals right? To make other people jealous....... JK :)

Much Mahalo to you cannafan and Happy Sativaday :Namaste:
Here's a massive photo update for the regular garden, starting to become more active in the yard, been digging up and getting some of the ground soil ready for transplanting, veggies, fruits to plant in the coming months. I will put a caption on each one, as normal.

Some digging in the 'ol green bean location,was going to be putting the potted California Wonder Peppers here, but I may actually just put another batch of green beans here, they yielded pretty well.

Some lettuce shots, mind you this stuff just grew on its own after I knocked the seeds off the last flowering batch of lettuce, they laid dormant for a couple months and sprouted up just recently.

Well, now we have the onset of our much anticipated Heirloom Romanaesco bloom, this just the beginning, it takes a lot to maintain these things from the bugs.

The only Rose bloom currently in the yard

Fang had a hot and lazy day...

Here is a white fly infestation on our Habiscus that we've been dealing with for 2 years, it tends to spread so I need to cut some stuff out, extremely tedious because they occur on many single leaves, all over and it forms this hairy thing that spreads and attaches to other leaves easily...

A floral cluster of Habiscus and one about to open up! :Namaste:

Here we have the Rosemary that is currently flowering

This plant I'm not sure what it is, but I need to find out, I'm certain these berries are poisonous

Same plant as the toxic berries, a squirrel had made a nest last year and left when it got too big... Those damn squirrels are getting annoying, eating all of our fruit, we may have to take action soon.

We have the common mint that somehow found it's way into the Spearmint planter bed, let them grow I say!

And just one more picture of a past beheading....kind of trippy if on psychedelics

Awesome shots, love the hibiscus & the stealthy lettuce :thumb:

Have seen white fly infestation on some of our lettuce but never like that. Very interesting the white fuzzy action going on... fungus? construction of a little cocoon type dome..? I could see how tedious that really could be, are you planning on trimming that girl pretty decently?

Greenest wishes for the 14' season Lester :Namaste:
Loved the cat paws! And the rest of the garden too. LOL yeah, let the mint grow. I have some growing wild in a tree planter and it gives off such a nice fragrance and is always ready when I need a sprig for something special.
Have a great day!:circle-of-love:
Thanks cannafan! I'm glad you enjoyed the cat pictures, I'm sure you'll get a lot more in the future, and hopefully the ol' tortoise comes out soon. :Namaste: Yeah Cheers on that mint, when we have Mint Julips this summer we will need them, or maybe a Mohito :)
Hope you have an excellent Sativaday, and congrats on your recent seeds sprouting and whatnot. Very nice operation there. :thumb:
Awesome shots, love the hibiscus & the stealthy lettuce :thumb:

Have seen white fly infestation on some of our lettuce but never like that. Very interesting the white fuzzy action going on... fungus? construction of a little cocoon type dome..? I could see how tedious that really could be, are you planning on trimming that girl pretty decently?

Greenest wishes for the 14' season Lester :Namaste:

Yeah, the white fly's always come with a type of powdery mildew type of thing, but oddly enough it seems they colonize their eggs underneath all the leaves, and this hairy fungus grows off it, the hairy fungus easily spreads and attaches to other plants. The year before last I cut the Habsicus (trimmed heavily) back to JUST STICKS, meaning not 1 leaf left because of how bad the fungus was. Believe it or not it grew back to where we are today, still a little bit of a fungus problem but not as bad as it was. Trying to stop it from spreading to the lime tree, but it's just tedious trying to trim it, as long as it doesn't spread to my cannabis planter bed I think we'll be alright. Not to mention that Brocolli is like a bug-attractant, tons of aphids and bugs huddling together, have to constantly give them deep cleanings. Anyway thanks for the kind words, greenest wishes for '14 right back at you! And I'll be watching your indoor buds finish up in the not too distant future! :Namaste:
Yeah I had black aphids on some weed 2 years back. Pain in the ass.

My garden is all dead atm :(, well at least the outside one hehehe.
Great photos!

You should see our Rosemary; black as night from the low temperature. She'll bounce back in about a month and a half.

I just wanted to mention, rotating your green beans to another location. Legumes form a symbiotic relationship with the soil and micro fauna. They actually "fertilize" the soil. They'll add more nitrogen along with establishing beneficials in the soil. That's why many commercial farmers plant a winter or cover crop in the winter.

In the past I'd always move the beans yearly. My last two garden plots were things of beauty. Coming up on the second year at this house so we'll see. I know it'll be better than last year's. But I'll never have flowers blooming outdoors in mid January.

Keep up the stellar work!

Garden looking great. The white flies freaked me out, though. Have you considered adding flamethrowers to your arsenal for bugs?
Yeah I had black aphids on some weed 2 years back. Pain in the ass.
My garden is all dead atm :(, well at least the outside one hehehe.
Yeah, pain in the ass is right!
Bet your happy your outdoor garden finally came to a halt for a small while in January... long season for you Jimmy!:thumb:

Great photos!

You should see our Rosemary; black as night from the low temperature. She'll bounce back in about a month and a half.

I just wanted to mention, rotating your green beans to another location. Legumes form a symbiotic relationship with the soil and micro fauna. They actually "fertilize" the soil. They'll add more nitrogen along with establishing beneficials in the soil. That's why many commercial farmers plant a winter or cover crop in the winter.

In the past I'd always move the beans yearly. My last two garden plots were things of beauty. Coming up on the second year at this house so we'll see. I know it'll be better than last year's. But I'll never have flowers blooming outdoors in mid January.

Keep up the stellar work!

Wow thanks for the information, I had thought about that, but we actually have pretty limited space with all the planter beds, (it's not like a plot of land) Since we have so many different flowers, and plants that been growing for 30 years, I can't just cut them down,etc. So I'll be limited to where I can put things...Ideally, your right, It be a good idea to have the crops rotating in sections. I have also read that it's not good to grow peppers near strawberries, which is what I've been doing (LOL)... so yeah my garden is far from being ideal, but it's a nice side supplement to wandering the garden looking at cannabis.

We'll see how the green beans do, given that I probably should not plant there, it'll be another experiment all around...
Good call though and +Reps for the information!

Garden looking great. The white flies freaked me out, though. Have you considered adding flamethrowers to your arsenal for bugs?

The thought did not cross my mind...sounds like a nasty smelling job :reading420magazine:
But not a bad idea either...
Mahalo! :thumb:
Ahhh...a kitty's life. Chase the bugs, chase the mice, crawl into that dark place to see what's there.... go see what the humans are up to....stealthily knock something over just to watch and jump up a tree just cuz you can.... eat...purr.... and sleep. LOL
Nice pics as usual lester. :)

Haha thanks! I think that about sums it up! :)
Some various garden shots as well as a few cat pics for cannafan :)

These are not blueberries, but the ivy ground cover is blooming and going to seed, kind of nice.

Now our heirloom brocolli is starting to flower, what a joy!

Happy Cat Day

Methuselah came out of hibernation today, he didn't expect me to walk up on him and he gave out a "hisssssssss!" and tucked his head and legs into the shell for a second. Then he sit in the sun for a couple hours and I gave him 3 fresh habiscus flowers to eat, he loves them a lot. Anyway, couple of brocolli plants decided to go ahead and flower, and there is some nice mint coming out of the ground. Awesome.
In other news, today I planted some vegetables because the weather shot up, so I planted a batch of raddishes, carrots, and green beans.
Now I am going to pick some fresh limes and make a margarita and sit with the cannabis. :peace:

Some old carrots I forgot about, on this next batch I will put more care into them.

Just dug those up today, those are the round type of carrots, we use the ones that don't grow long and slender because maybe our soil is not the most "loose" to accommodate the growth of the carrot. Still workin on em!
Methuselah hissed for some fresh hibis! ;)
Where would this fella hibernate les? Back under the patch?
Man he is an awesome creature. A buddy of mine had theirs for the longest time, it was his dads who had it for 40+, no telling how long my buddy had it man.. Some prehistoric bada***s life. I would like to think backback in time there was a Methuselah the size of a house, and bud plants the comparable to the Eiffel towers :laugh:

Up north I have decided to wait another week or so and wait out the supposed freeze we should be having once more. Anticipating some fresh veggies being pumped out the garden! :peace:
Beautiful Garden bro, in and out.
There's the big feller! :) Mr M the Tortoise is awesome. I've never seen carrots like that. Very cool. Do they taste much different than long carrots? I've got shallow sandy soil where I'm at, with shell-rock about 1-2 feet down, so a small carrot may be suitable for here as well. Is it difficult to keep your mint under control? I tried growing a little bit about 5 years ago in a pot, but my whole trailer park is still trying to get rid of it.
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