Relaxed Lester's Garden Photos

Beautiful flowers Lester! Amazing how they are still thriving, have you had a good freeze yet? They will sure love this warm streak we should get. All of our roses & geranium got demolished, took a heavy hit as I missed our first freeze.. No bueno! Expecting them to hopefully make a recovery next year :wood:
Beautiful flowers Lester! Amazing how they are still thriving, have you had a good freeze yet? They will sure love this warm streak we should get. All of our roses & geranium got demolished, took a heavy hit as I missed our first freeze.. No bueno! Expecting them to hopefully make a recovery next year :wood:

Thank you! It typically does not ever go below freezing here, we are lucky to get into the 40's ever. I think it snowed here once about 50 years ago. It's that ocean that keeps us insulated :Namaste:

Oh yes, I'm sure your plants will make an astounding recovery, they always do!

Thanks for droppin' in :)
Just some pics for the ol' off topic thread, a little magical creation using a Grapefruit from right outside!

1X Fresh grapefruit
Sugar to taste
2X parts high quality Vodka
Shaken on the rocks
Strained and topped off with Perrier or Peligrino carbonated water
Garnished with pineapple slice or maraschino cherry

Here is some lettuce that is naturally growing from the same location we had our lettuce during the springtime, the old lettuce went to seed, and I just kicked the seeds off with a stick, they fell to the ground, we watered when the temps came up, now we have some free lettuce growing. It looks great.

Although I need to do a bunch of weeding.
Here is a couple of mushrooms growing and competing with each other inside the juniper, we have a lot of spores around here. I need to do some bad mushroom removal...
Not all mushrooms are bad, Lester. Get some good food ones going, and some entheogenic ones as well. :)
Just some pics for the ol' off topic thread, a little magical creation using a Grapefruit from right outside!

1X Fresh grapefruit
Sugar to taste
2X parts high quality Vodka
Shaken on the rocks
Strained and topped off with Perrier or Peligrino carbonated water
Garnished with pineapple slice or maraschino cherry


I was so going to make this today. Driving home from the store I realized I forgot the grapefruit. Shots of Grey Goose with beer backs it was.

Haha thank you for bringing that up Josh, I've been drinking a lot of Ginger Beer lately, it helps my stomach :Namaste:

The recipe for my current go to drink is:

To a Rocks Glass (Standard)
2-2.5 oz top shelf vodka
1-3 drops of angostura bitters
3 ice cubes
Filled to brim with Jamaican Ginger Beer

Gonna have one later.

Anyway here are some current pics from a couple of garden blooms as well as the lettuce and broccoli. Oh and our loving and demanding cat, Fang, she's waiting for her tortoise friend to come on out of hibernation.
Where does the big fella go for hibernation? Plants looking good, love the hibiscus.
Great pics Les! :goodjob:

I was so anxious to see the picture of the "den" with the tortoise! Now I'm just hungry, please!!

Hungry?? Please no..!:straightface:
Please post pic of the "den" :tokin:
You can expect much more tortoise pictures once he becomes more active...for now... this will have to do:

The entrance to the den:, Not exactly sure how deep it goes, but it's pretty deep for how old he was when he dug it. I think it goes down about 10 feet... just a guess though, not like I'm crawling down in there to find out...(plants overgrown on top )

Hi Les! I wish my garden looked as green! I hope that all is well with you!

Howdy RS! Thanks for the compliment, haven't seen you around in awhile -- hope all is going well for you as well. :high-five:

General garden stuff: Getting into the planter beds and turning up the soil, de-rooting some unwanted roots from some of the larger planters (junipers growin everywhere), de-weeding, and removing dead leaves and mushrooms from around the strawberry plants. Stir up and top dress top soil for the brocolli plants, as well as give them showers to remove some bugs... brocolli getting a lot of bugs inside the deep nooks and crannies, tough one to maintain. Also need to cut out the white mold from the habiscus so it doesn't spread to the lime trees. There's a start....
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