Smokiemcpot's Perpetual Pot Plant Paradise

Unfortunately I'm not there to make things as close to perfect as possible, I can only do so much with my time but my plants seem happy. I go by what the plants tell me they need man and so far they are all happy besides the one... It could just be a weak plant.. the babies are getting the same nutes and same water and same pH and same everything and they are perfectly fine...
Sometimes it's just genetics man.. it's the runt it's the shit plant all others are fine so I'm not goin to worry about it.
I'm doing what I can with the time and resources I have, my plants aren't even at my residence so I don't have the ability to baby them as much as id like.
I know what you mean about time restraints. I'd never be able to do this if I had to go anywhere to do it. I work 5 days a week, 10 hours per day with 45 minutes of travel each way. With the 1.5 - 2 hours a day I have to spend feeding & tying things back I barely have time to eat & sleep. That's why next grow it's Auto Pots. It will shorten my work feeding quite a bit. Also one of the reasons I keep thinking about going down to a 5' x 5' tent with only 4 plants. If I can get to where I get 8 oz. per plant then 4 plants is all I need to grow 3 times a year to make me very happy.
I do like kicking back a few hours on the weekends watching the grass grow though. It gives me a good chance to spot anything that might be going on or branches that need tying & things like that. Besides, who doesn't like to look at their hard work ?
Well here we are day 19 and they look good to me... I topped the ak47 right above 5th node so we'll see how she reacts. I gave them some more nutes @300 ppm 0463 ec. Lights are at 30in and temps remain 79-81 with 60-80% humidity.
Tonight I used 2.5 ml cal mag, 2ml micro, 1ml bloom from the GH Flora trio line.
I rearranged my tent so i can access plants from all sides so it will be easier to work when they get bigger and I'll be adding more co2 this week.
I take it the ones in the cups are only a week old ? Look good so far. Are the small ones I see in the big pots the same plants ... just up-potted ?
Why are you adding Co2 ? With temps 79 - 81 there's no need for it & it wont help at all. Your temps have to be above 84 for it to work. My temps are the same as yours but my RH is a little lower. Mine stays 55 - 65%. I had a complete Co2 set up ( 2-50# tanks, Regulator, Controller,etc.) & sold it because it's useless with my tent reaching a high of 81. You throw a 1000 watt HPS in your tent & you'll need Co2. Just trying to save you some money on something that wont help unless you raise your temps. Raising your temps might be a good idea since you are above 70% at times. RH should be 60 - 70 % during Veg & closer to 50% during flower.
I take it the ones in the cups are only a week old ? Look good so far. Are the small ones I see in the big pots the same plants ... just up-potted ?
Why are you adding Co2 ? With temps 79 - 81 there's no need for it & it wont help at all. Your temps have to be above 84 for it to work. My temps are the same as yours but my RH is a little lower. Mine stays 55 - 65%. I had a complete Co2 set up ( 2-50# tanks, Regulator, Controller,etc.) & sold it because it's useless with my tent reaching a high of 81. You throw a 1000 watt HPS in your tent & you'll need Co2. Just trying to save you some money on something that wont help unless you raise your temps. Raising your temps might be a good idea since you are above 70% at times. RH should be 60 - 70 % during Veg & closer to 50% during flower.
Idk what your talking about smaller plants in bigger pots. That's a week comparison of growth in the tent, last Sunday to today. Yes the small plants are like 10 days old, and co2 helps in tons of ways and is very beneficial to plant growth... Not just with high temps lol..
My rh is where I want it atm and I'll get a de humidifier for flowering.
I see you tagged Barney. That's who's info I've been passing on to you the whole time. I'm following his method as strictly as I am able. Always good to get 2 opinions. But him & Farside have way different methods. Not saying anyone is right or wrong because they both have nice grows. We just have to find which method works best for us. So far these are the nicest looking plants I've ever grown with zero problems so far so I'm really happy.
Dude, I keep trying to point you in the right direction but you think I'm stupid or something. RH above 70% can cause WPM, Mold, Root Rot, etc...
If you truly believe Co2 at those low temps will help then be my guest & waste your money. Do you pay attention to your VPD chart ?
We obviously disagree on everything so I'm going to quit while I'm ahead (behind, or whatever).
Go research what co2 does for plants and then come back and tell me it's not beneficial lol.. it's not opinion here it's science.. and my rh is only above 70 when I water and run the humidifier full blast.. I want high humidity in veg and low in flower.. I never said you were stupid but we don't seem to agree you're right about that.. your the only one who has had bad things to say about my grow and it's mostly due to you not reading what I type clearly in my post..

The facts are as follows... You have more grow experience, you have more lights/ watts per plant, your nutrients are atleast 2x what my whole line up cost.. and with all that said your plants aren't knocking mine outta the water...go back to your page 2 and 3 of your log and compare for your self.. my node spacing is wayy tighter that's why mine are shorter but I have more growth at day 18 then your day 20..
Stay or go but be humble at least..
I see you tagged Barney. That's who's info I've been passing on to you the whole time. I'm following his method as strictly as I am able. Always good to get 2 opinions. But him & Farside have way different methods. Not saying anyone is right or wrong because they both have nice grows. We just have to find which method works best for us. So far these are the nicest looking plants I've ever grown with zero problems so far so I'm really happy.
Yeah Coco is pretty forgiving mate. You can treat it a few ways.i just always make sure to pass on the safest way and the most reliable way I know. We all have different methods. If it works for you then it's the right way. :)
Oh wow that escalated quickly lol .
I've never used co2. But from what I've seen its not as easy as 123. A lot of people tend to get it wrong and get weird side effects that look like bad pH issues.
It's one of these things that's really there to take an already great grower that extra 10%. Not something I'd recommend for a first grow or personally ever use. Dont fancy the idea of running a closed circuit tent. Too much faffing about for my liking but each to their own :)
Just wanted to say sorry to @Buds Buddy and anyone else watching this journal.
I lost my cool and got worked up, I know your trying to help buds it just comes off as patronizing and putting my grow down when really your just trying to maximize my effectiveness so sorry again.

Today is day #19 and my buddy said the ak (topped plant) has grown another .5 inches over night so I think it's dealing with the haircut well.
And here is what one week of growth is looking like! What do you think @farside05 @Barney86


They seem to be liking what you're doing. When they've got their feet under them, topping doesn't slow them down much. That undergrowth will explode up over the next couple days. Just try to do some leaf tucking so the new breaks get light and can get past the fans above.
They seem to be liking what you're doing. When they've got their feet under them, topping doesn't slow them down much. That undergrowth will explode up over the next couple days. Just try to do some leaf tucking so the new breaks get light and can get past the fans above.
Should I start defoliating a little of the under growth like the false leaves to the first node? It's a jungle In there lol can't see much.
Ach we all kick off now and then mate. Im scottish so barely speak english as it is and the way we put things across really doesnt translate well into text. Gets me into bother all the time. I know its just a breakdown of translation but i kick off anyway. I blame the tories lol.
Plants are looking sweet though mate just keep doing what you're doing and leave them to it.
Id leave the trimming for another week or 2 though, depending on how they grow.just tuck things under for as long as you can. Then tie them down if it's needed/wanted and then start chopping bits off when it's necessary to get light to the lowers.
Leaves are energy sources mind. the lower ones are always best left on till bloom. The plant will eat them when they stop getting enough light anyway and are the first place they tell you when they're hungry.
Lots of us trim the tops as they're growing but generally because it becomes a bit of a necessity from training them. No point choppi g bits off yet mate but be patient young grasshopper. Youll get to unleash the samurai on em soon enough :)
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