Smokiemcpot's Perpetual Pot Plant Paradise

CrazySwede has been covering the edge of his tent with LED strips to supplement his main lights. Pretty easy to put together and shouldn't be too pricey.

Ignore all his notes!
It will be the weekend before I have a day off. It's a 7 day work week for me. Started Saturday and work through Friday. This week in dispatch we get to play the game "Is it gunshots or fireworks?".
It's because of patriots like you, that served, that we continue to enjoy our independence.
Your too kind brother! I hope everyone has a great holiday with family! I'm actually working right now but I did so for Friday off and a long weekend with my beautiful girlfriend hiking and fishing the beach!
So if you look closely at the one main tiny plant it looks like I might have burned her with the nutes, i know I got some feed on the first set of leaves to cause the initial problem but now she's starting an upside claw effect and some brown on newer growth.. so I'm gonna be giving her just cal mag, armor si, and rapid start with some pH water. The other ladies are taking in the nutes well so maybe it's just too strong for the runt :/
But nonetheless Im going outta town till Saturday/Sunday so my brother will water them daily to runoff with no feed.
When to top is determined by the maturity of the plant, and how you want it to grow. Check out the quad squad in these forums. They want four main branches, and top between the fourth and fifth nodes. I used NugBucket's Mainline/Manifold method, and I want two main branches, so I top between the third and fourth nodes.

You top your plants as soon as you can safely make the cut. For some folks this is as soon as the stem clears the last node. Others, like me, want 1/2" or more of clear stem before we make the cut.

Some folks let the plant grow 4-6 more nodes above where they want to cut. These tops are then used as clones.
I think he's growing Auto's though so the topping is usually done around day 21. By the 4th week they say it's too late because you're going into flower. This was what I read in an article "How to grow a perfect Auto Flower Start to Finish".
If my plants grow fast enough I try to top them twice .... against everyone's advice. I did that with 2 or 3 of my Auto's this time also.
Your too kind brother! I hope everyone has a great holiday with family! I'm actually working right now but I did so for Friday off and a long weekend with my beautiful girlfriend hiking and fishing the beach!
So if you look closely at the one main tiny plant it looks like I might have burned her with the nutes, i know I got some feed on the first set of leaves to cause the initial problem but now she's starting an upside claw effect and some brown on newer growth.. so I'm gonna be giving her just cal mag, armor si, and rapid start with some pH water. The other ladies are taking in the nutes well so maybe it's just too strong for the runt :/
But nonetheless Im going outta town till Saturday/Sunday so my brother will water them daily to runoff with no feed.
Whoa, I thought you should never give Coco plain water ? That it was feed every time ? You guys are doing some crazy ass shit here. I have to stick around to see how this turns out.
The burnt looking tips & clawing could be caused by your pH being off & locking out nutes. It could be too strong of nutes; but I doubt that. I say it's all problems caused by your pH swings. My feed goes in at 5.8 & run off is 5.7 every time. I'm not having those issues so that should tell you something. But I still consider myself a beginner with just a little knowledge on the subject so maybe my advice isn't the greatest. But it's working for me so far & all I can tell you is what I'm doing different.
My plain water isn't plain man, I just posted they are getting cal mag, armor si and rapid start just no grow or bloom nutes due to the smaller one being burnt and me not there this weekend to mix up week 2 nutes.
There is nothing crazy goin on at all lol.. the plants look healthy and happy, they grow atleast a node a day, the one burnt plant I explained it could be due to lazy watering and new growth is coming out green and good.
My pH always goes in at the acceptable ranges with my grow medium..
I pretty much did things the way you are my 1st 4 grows. Never worried about being as close to possible to perfect & always got 2 - 4 oz. per plant. Last grow I tried a little harder & got 5.5 oz. So I'm thinking if I try really hard to get as close as I can to perfect in every aspect then I might get even more. I truly don't know if I will or not but gotta give it a shot to see. I know are plants aren't exactly the same so there's no scientific way to compare them. But I'm sure we'll both know if being exact makes any real difference or not.
Anyways, you said you got nutes on a leaf & the burnt tips were from that. The clawing is not. That's usually too much water (in Coco so doubt that), pH off & I'm not sure but I think lights being too close can cause it also. If the top leaves are looking like taco shells they are too close. That's how I know when to raise my lights about 5 clicks.
Well gotta get busy mixing nutes again. I mix 3 - 4 days worth at a time so it feels like it takes forever since it's like 16 - 1 gallon jugs. I'm using 1 gallon for every 3 plants each feeding so far. I expect that to increase about week 7 or 8.
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