Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains - FFOF Soil - Indoor Tent

Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

all good stuff here no doubdt about it. i like side branch clones and even better flower clones from side branches. but top clones are really special if side by side nodes, really pretty strong plants.
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

Not much to report... Started the BPN regiment 3 days ago and the plants are taking it well. The Think Diff Auto took it well. No signs of stress. Looking forward to topping a few of them. Not sure if Ill do any defoil this early. Their way to small.
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

Here are a few pics. Not all of the plants are shown. Damn Camera sucks...The pics came out bad. The Think Diff Auto is showing sex at 21 days. I was going to LST this girl but I think not. I did LST the last grow and did not really care for it. If I was a production man then I may consider this. Call me crazy but I actually want this girl to grow normal ( as can be ). The Critical fem is looking good and I will Probably Top her once in a week. The Kandy Kush fem is a bit slow but still looks healthy. The Auto Mazar is in a pot with old shitty soil from wally world. My wife picked up a bag that was there from a year ago. I should have dried it out first. I think the soil may be too compacted and is suffocating the plants roots. The rest are the 4 sleestacx Xs. Two look good and are showing 6 nodes. I'm gonna top them both next week.

Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

Spring I think we're on the same page with autos :). I tried w/ and w/out LST, and I prefer the leave them alone technique. Just personal preference I guess, both ways were good to me. Autos just give me the "leave me alone vibe". My lucy, however, was supercropped in 3 different spots yesterday LOL.
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

Looking real good spring. :)
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

This link is really informative. I went ahead and added returns to all 3 of the bedrooms in my house. I placed them above the doors instead of the attic. Works wonderful...OK WTF does this have to do with MJ growing? Not sure!!! I was wondering how my inline outtake fan works against this or possibly for this. Obviously my fan is pulling air form the tent and room. I still get some serious pressure built up in my tent. I can see the walls suck in when I close it up. I leave the tent open until lights out. The inline fan is on the timer as well. Get a bit nervous having the fan running in the attic at night. Gets real quiet here at night. Only for 6 hours until I flip for my new regs. I have been wrestling some issues with temps in the tent when she is fully closed ( high 80's ). I'm really at the point where I'm gonna run a tap from my AC main duct into the tent. The run will be less than 15' total. Right through the closet ceiling. I'm gonna use an empty recessed light can with trim ring to run the tap through. Keeps it clean looking and easily filled with a light later if needed. The can also allows for smoother feeding of the duct if necessary for moves.

Installing Jumper Ducts to Make Bedrooms More Comfortable - YouTube
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

Here a few pics of before and after a defoil.. I'm using Bassman's method and posting on his thread. Im only trying it on two plants. The Sleestack X reg and Critical fem reg.

Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

Hey guys need some help. I have to transplant my auto mazar. I was short on soil and used a bag my wife picked. Some ass sold her a bag over a year old. The soil is so compact she is stunted and shows little growth. Anyway The girl is only 3 inches tall. Can I transplant this with minimal soil transfer? I would imagine this would shock the hell out of a plant??
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

It probably will a little, but if you're going to do it anyway, then I'm glad you caught on early. Roots shouldn't be that big?

I've never had to do this so I can't really give my opinion on this. Common sense never failed me tho, you'll be alright. Maybe someone will chime in with some experience, I just think the sooner the better. I'd rather stress a 3 inch auto than a flowering one ;)
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

It probably will a little, but if you're going to do it anyway, then I'm glad you caught on early. Roots shouldn't be that big?

I've never had to do this so I can't really give my opinion on this. Common sense never failed me tho, you'll be alright. Maybe someone will chime in with some experience, I just think the sooner the better. I'd rather stress a 3 inch auto than a flowering one ;)

You are always the voice of reason my friend! What the hell right?!!! I do have another bean if all else fails. Fed last night with BPN. Man the growth in 24hrs is amazing. This was my first feed at full strength. The Think Different did not even blink!!! The regs soaked up and appear to looking at me for more!
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

This link is really informative. I went ahead and added returns to all 3 of the bedrooms in my house. I placed them above the doors instead of the attic. Works wonderful...OK WTF does this have to do with MJ growing? Not sure!!! I was wondering how my inline outtake fan works against this or possibly for this. Obviously my fan is pulling air form the tent and room. I still get some serious pressure built up in my tent. I can see the walls suck in when I close it up. I leave the tent open until lights out. The inline fan is on the timer as well. Get a bit nervous having the fan running in the attic at night. Gets real quiet here at night. Only for 6 hours until I flip for my new regs. I have been wrestling some issues with temps in the tent when she is fully closed ( high 80's ). I'm really at the point where I'm gonna run a tap from my AC main duct into the tent. The run will be less than 15' total. Right through the closet ceiling. I'm gonna use an empty recessed light can with trim ring to run the tap through. Keeps it clean looking and easily filled with a light later if needed. The can also allows for smoother feeding of the duct if necessary for moves.

Installing Jumper Ducts to Make Bedrooms More Comfortable - YouTube

To be honest I'm not sure I fully understand your problem. I did just smoke a joint so it could be that.. lol. Is it the noise and too much negative pressure? A simple speed adjuster solved that problem for me :thumb:
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

You are always the voice of reason my friend! What the hell right?!!! I do have another bean if all else fails. Fed last night with BPN. Man the growth in 24hrs is amazing. This was my first feed at full strength. The Think Different did not even blink!!! The regs soaked up and appear to looking at me for more!

Great stuff man, you seem excited about this eh :)? Awesome! BPN is my new favorite thing about growing. I'm starting my hempies and was dreading pH adjustments. I mixed BPN, and guess what? It agrees with my tap and mixes to a perfect 5.9'sh LOL! I don't even use pH down with hydro sooo THUMBS :thumb:

Yeh man I'd dig out a good ball of soil keeping a good chunk of roots intact and place the thing in a fresh good soil mix ;).

Cheers bro, thanks for the kind words. New journal just started btw, I'm sure you'd like to hop on for the ride.
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

I'm so glad I can be of assistance man :yahoo: !!

You were the first to help me out get started and invited your friends to help me, it feels good that my opinions are helping :).
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