SweetSue's Perpetual 2.0 - The Transition To Doc Bud's HBB Kit

Hi Sue! I have been watching your journal for quite some time now, sitting in the back row...shy, as always. I just wanted to let you know that your passion and excitement for growing top-notch meds for yourself and others is an inspiration for a young grower like myself. I love reading and learning from you and all of the other amazing growers that constantly chime in on your journal. Kudos to you and the amazing circle of people that your experience brings! I'll be tagging along to continue learning and just enjoying the good vibe. Thank you for all you do for this community!
Hi Sue! I have been watching your journal for quite some time now, sitting in the back row...shy, as always. I just wanted to let you know that your passion and excitement for growing top-notch meds for yourself and others is an inspiration for a young grower like myself. I love reading and learning from you and all of the other amazing growers that constantly chime in on your journal. Kudos to you and the amazing circle of people that your experience brings! I'll be tagging along to continue learning and just enjoying the good vibe. Thank you for all you do for this community!

ETPhoneHome - to get a little more traffic on your journal .

Go to the first page and copy the URL (https:// ... in the browser window)
Click on <Settings>. (near the top)
Click on <Edit Signature> (in the list on the left hand side)
Paste the URL in the <signature> box

ET's Perpetual Nug Shack - Skywalker OG & Super Lemon Haze

You need to do a touch more advertising to help people find you :)

And BTW - for a first indoor grow, you really seem to be doing a good job :)
Hi Sue! I have been watching your journal for quite some time now, sitting in the back row...shy, as always. I just wanted to let you know that your passion and excitement for growing top-notch meds for yourself and others is an inspiration for a young grower like myself. I love reading and learning from you and all of the other amazing growers that constantly chime in on your journal. Kudos to you and the amazing circle of people that your experience brings! I'll be tagging along to continue learning and just enjoying the good vibe. Thank you for all you do for this community!

Awwww...... That was really sweet ET. :hug: :love: Welcome to SweetSue's joyful universe. I see you've been quiet during the early stages of community acclimation. Are you thinking of starting a journal so members can peer over your shoulder and share the thrill of growing? There's no better way to cement your place in the neighborhood, but I can understand not wanting to commit to one. I can't live without one, and believe me, I've tried a time or two. :laughtwo:

Make yourself comfy and get to know the crew. Don't be intimidated by us, we're learning on the fly just like you. :cheesygrinsmiley:

This amazing group that surrounds me can grow rings around me. :laughtwo: They hang around here because I love them all with a passion and that feels really good for all of us. We love meeting new friends. :battingeyelashes: :love:
I have a journal but it is on Grasscity.com. I use 420 app and follow 420 Magazine. A while back I started a journal with the plans for being part of this community bc it is so ACTIVE and KNOWLEDGEABLE! But on 420 it kinda just all runs together if you're not paying close attention so I never really followed up and continued my journal. I will add a link of my journal and maybe @Radogast can give me instructions to merge to 2 journals somehow?? Lol, I'm a little lost tho, and stoned. I'll figure it out...maybe. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out and commenting from time to time. Check out my ladies and let me know what you think about my Little Slice of Heaven! I'm stoked to be a part of what y'all got going on!
I have a journal but it is on Grasscity.com. I use 420 app and follow 420 Magazine. A while back I started a journal with the plans for being part of this community bc it is so ACTIVE and KNOWLEDGEABLE! But on 420 it kinda just all runs together if you're not paying close attention so I never really followed up and continued my journal. I will add a link of my journal and maybe @Radogast can give me instructions to merge to 2 journals somehow?? Lol, I'm a little lost tho, and stoned. I'll figure it out...maybe. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out and commenting from time to time. Check out my ladies and let me know what you think about my Little Slice of Heaven! I'm stoked to be a part of what y'all got going on!

Can't link to forums on other (competing) websites - not allowed by :420:
Pretty awesome isn't it? I always admired Cannabis plants but I never thought that they could do so much, it's a medicine, a recreational wonder, it can even be a building block for houses and fibers for some other stuff. But the most beautiful thing about it, it also creates friends and a massive community right here! And I do love you guys!
I have a journal but it is on Grasscity.com. I use 420 app and follow 420 Magazine. A while back I started a journal with the plans for being part of this community bc it is so ACTIVE and KNOWLEDGEABLE! But on 420 it kinda just all runs together if you're not paying close attention so I never really followed up and continued my journal. I will add a link of my journal and maybe @Radogast can give me instructions to merge to 2 journals somehow?? Lol, I'm a little lost tho, and stoned. I'll figure it out...maybe. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out and commenting from time to time. Check out my ladies and let me know what you think about my Little Slice of Heaven! I'm stoked to be a part of what y'all got going on!

Skywalker OG Kush (CFL & HPS) HELP! | Grasscity Forums

I snuck over before the link disappeared and left you a note. :hug: I don't get to the other sites too often. Something about maintaining over 25 threads keeps me busy here. :laughtwo:

I just received a little birthday gift thingy from one hell of a good person from the US. . I'm so happy!
Good morning everyone :love:

The Deed Is Done





Time to get to it. Jackson Browne is filling the room with lyrical music I can sing along to. The buckets are ready and it's time to start stripping her down and get her washed. But first, a bit of Carnival I just found lying on the workbench. I'll take that as a sign that it's time to catch a good buzz before I get going here. :laughtwo:


Joy my friends. We celebrate it in our our special way, don't we? A little hit of bliss to get the ECS fired up at the start of a beloved chore. What a way to start a day. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Be nice to yourself and increase your personal stores of joy by actively sharing it whenever opportunity presents itself. I'll be doing the same over here in the rainstorm that is The Burgh. Right now I have this plant to get washed. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Washing your buds is such a loving thing to do. I can't be the only one who bonds with the plant while I wash off all the detritus of her life and prep her for the oil pot. :laughtwo: :green_heart: I speak a soft "thank you" to each and every branch and gently swirl them through the buckets, so appreciative of the gift they offer me.


Yeah....... no signs of cultivation addiction here. Lol!
What do u mean "get washed" Sue

BUDWASHING: a SweetSue primer

Oh Good! :yahoo: An opportunity to go into teacher mode. :laughtwo:

Well Scorpio, much in the way we wash our produce before we eat the fresh fruit or vegetables Doc Bud went on a mission to teach us to wash our branches of buds and let them hang to dry before we ingested this delicious bounty of our cultivation efforts. Anytime you come across Doc on site you'll notice a link to the Budwashing process in his signature.

Those of us who wash our buds can't even let ourselves smoke bud offered unless we're certain the bud we'll be smoking was also washed. I've heard stories of gifted bud passed on to someone else rather than risk smoking God only knows what. :laughtwo: You ever stop to think how many skin cells you've dropped on your plants, or how much dust collects while they grow? We have, and we choose to wash all that and the foliar residues off.

You start with three buckets or basins, depending on the size of the branches. This girl was good sized, with lengthy stacks of buds along her branches, so she got the five gallon buckets.


The one on the left is a food-grade bucket with a cup of lemon juice and a cup of baking soda mixed in. This is the wash that gets all the gunk off your buds. This comes in real handy if you had something special like gnats. If you have powdery mildew you want a fourth bucket with hydrogen peroxide and water, and you start with that bucket.

I'm a little old school. I fill this bucket with the hottest water I can get out of the faucet. You can fill all the buckets with tepid water and get the same results. My woman's brain says "that can't possibly be the case, fill it with hot." :laughtwo:

The second bucket is as cold as I can get, and the third is tepid.

The idea is to gently dip and swirl for between 15-30 seconds in each bucket, being careful to avoid the bottom and sides of the bucket to limit the number of crushed trichomes. With a branch this small that's an easy chore.


Branches this size require a bit more care.




Then they get hung to drip dry. I'll be processing mine into oil today, so they'll get cut off as soon as I finish breakfast. No reason to leave them any longer. I'll be boiling off the water anyway. Look at that, I've already begun streamlining the process. :slide:

Doc recommends a week hanging in a controlled environment before you jar.


I find craft pipe cleaners to be the easiest tool for hanging the branches. They mold to the branch and grip without any fear of slippage.


When I'm done with them I straighten them out and put them back in the bag all ready to go next harvest. I've been using the same ones now for well over a year. Duggan turned me into to these. Thank you Duggan. :hug: :love:


I have some smaller basins I use with a smaller plant. You saw me use them with the DDA I harvested the other day.


Some growers don't bother with the big buckets, or only use a two-step process. I feel more comfortable with the whole process, as laid out by Doc.

We find the wash brings out the flavors in some inexplicable but undeniable way. It also helps the drying process progress in a more uniform manner. We find our cure goes smoother and the final product is improved enough that we never look back.

Thank you for asking Scorpio. It's a good idea to revisit the issue every now and then.
BUDWASHING: a SweetSue primer

Oh Good! :yahoo: An opportunity to go into teacher mode. :laughtwo:

Well Scorpio, much in the way we wash our produce before we eat the fresh fruit or vegetables Doc Bud went on a mission to teach us to wash our branches of buds and let them hang to dry before we ingested this delicious bounty of our cultivation efforts. Anytime you come across Doc on site you'll notice a link to the Budwashing process in his signature.

Those of us who wash our buds can't even let ourselves smoke bud offered unless we're certain the bud we'll be smoking was also washed. I've heard stories of gifted bud passed on to someone else rather than risk smoking God only knows what. :laughtwo: You ever stop to think how many skin cells you've dropped on your plants, or how much dust collects while they grow? We have, and we choose to wash all that and the foliar residues off.

You start with three buckets or basins, depending on the size of the branches. This girl was good sized, with lengthy stacks of buds along her branches, so she got the five gallon buckets.


The one on the left is a food-grade bucket with a cup of lemon juice and a cup of baking soda mixed in. This is the wash that gets all the gunk off your buds. This comes in real handy if you had something special like gnats. If you have powdery mildew you want a fourth bucket with hydrogen peroxide and water, and you start with that bucket.

I'm a little old school. I fill this bucket with the hottest water I can get out of the faucet. You can fill all the buckets with tepid water and get the same results. My woman's brain says "that can't possibly be the case, fill it with hot." :laughtwo:

The second bucket is as cold as I can get, and the third is tepid.

The idea is to gently dip and swirl for between 15-30 seconds in each bucket, being careful to avoid the bottom and sides of the bucket to limit the number of crushed trichomes. With a branch this small that's an easy chore.


Branches this size require a bit more care.




Then they get hung to drip dry. I'll be processing mine into oil today, so they'll get cut off as soon as I finish breakfast. No reason to leave them any longer. I'll be boiling off the water anyway. Look at that, I've already begun streamlining the process. :slide:

Doc recommends a week hanging in a controlled environment before you jar.


I find craft pipe cleaners to be the easiest tool for hanging the branches. They mold to the branch and grip without any fear of slippage.


When I'm done with them I straighten them out and put them back in the bag all ready to go next harvest. I've been using the same ones now for well over a year. Duggan turned me into to these. Thank you Duggan. :hug: :love:


I have some smaller basins I use with a smaller plant. You saw me use them with the DDA I harvested the other day.


Some growers don't bother with the big buckets, or only use a two-step process. I feel more comfortable with the whole process, as laid out by Doc.

We find the wash brings out the flavors in some inexplicable but undeniable way. It also helps the drying process progress in a more uniform manner. We find our cure goes smoother and the final product is improved enough that we never look back.

Thank you for asking Scorpio. It's a good idea to revisit the issue every now and then.

Sue, quick question....what sequence do you go in as far as dipping. Please use the H2O2 in the sequence as well. My logic tells me the cold water should be last, but I want to ensure I have the full sequence correct please.
Just popping in to say good morning everyone and I hope you all have a blessed day

Good morning Cannoisseuras. Didn't want you to think I'd overlooked you. :hug: :love:
I f'n LOVE growing cannabis!!!! :yahoo:

She's gonna give me more than 18 grams. :battingeyelashes: :love:


Alright girl, back to work. :slide:
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