SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Found my nicotine gum, and really at a good time, too. Now if I can just remember not to chew the stuff (seems to turn to glue and stick to my upper plate - as opposed to original Bazooka Joe, which turns to the most hard to remove substance in the universe, and forms a molecular bond <SIGH>) except with the very tips of my front teeth. Now I remember why I tried one piece and lost the box :rolleyes3 .

HtH am I supposed to not swallow my spit while it's parked against my cheek/gum or under my tongue? Says if I swallow my spit, the nicotine is not effective.

Needs menthol. Lots of menthol.

Where are my cough drops?

@#$%@^Y it!!!
Found my nicotine gum, and really at a good time, too. Now if I can just remember not to chew the stuff (seems to turn to glue and stick to my upper plate - as opposed to original Bazooka Joe, which turns to the most hard to remove substance in the universe, and forms a molecular bond <SIGH>) except with the very tips of my front teeth. Now I remember why I tried one piece and lost the box :rolleyes3 .

HtH am I supposed to not swallow my spit while it's parked against my cheek/gum or under my tongue? Says if I swallow my spit, the nicotine is not effective.

Needs menthol. Lots of menthol.

Where are my cough drops?

@#$%@^Y it!!!

Good morning TS. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
It's so good to see you giving your girls more trimming.


You should see the smile on my face Jimmy. :battingeyelashes: :love:

:oops: forgot to leave the hugs. :laughtwo:

You should see the smile on my face Jimmy. :battingeyelashes: :love:

:oops: forgot to leave the hugs. :laughtwo:


Felt the hugs through the ether. Here's what Devil's Carnival looks like today - Day 65.



Many of you will know that this cross was inspired by SweetSue and bred by Nismo12. Sometimes the auto gene shows up. She does show off those beautiful colors. This one not so frosty but truely skanky this morning.
6 plants in flower, 11 in veg.

My space is way smaller than yours and only one tent each for veg and flower (and small, a 2'x2' and 3'x3'), but that's a number fairly close to mine. So if you've always got more plants in veg than flower and limited flowering space, what do you do with all the veg plants? Unless there's magic involved 11 plants cannot all go into 6 flowering spots, so what do you do with them all? Give some out to friends, bin/mulch some, great cycle where they don't veg too long, hack and slash them way back so they don't get too big in veg, or something else? I'm sure with time and getting to know my grow area I'll figure it out but currently the math does not compute.
Dam sue u are rocking those girls in the flower areas great job. And it looks like the girls are loving the growant light. U got some amazing skills great job keep up the green work an namaste.

Thank you Jones. They do love those lights. The pair over the Jamaican will save the day, I think.

Hey Sweetsue awesome update. I completely understand how your method of training works and why you would cut back plants in veg! How many watts does that Timber quantum board use? I've been looking to replace my hps in my 3x3 and 4x4 tent and every time I visit I am surprised at how bright and how little heat it produces.

I knew you would. I have pain cream. Call me. :battingeyelashes:

I honestly don't know the wattage of the quantum boards J. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that, but I have such faith in Dan's intentions to watch over my lighting needs that I trusted him to send something I could get good use out of. At the time they weren't carrying them as part of the Timber line. I'll ask him and get back to you. How would I determine the wattage? You've only seen them dimmed down. When I first fired them up I fried an entire class of plants. :laughtwo:

Great morning Ms Sue :)
All your girls look wonderful Sue but, you know that Malawi is like the Red Woods of the National Forest :rofl:

:rofl: I think of comments like this every time I look at her and think she might be moving in the direction of harvest. Lol!

Felt the hugs through the ether. Here's what Devil's Carnival looks like today - Day 65.



Many of you will know that this cross was inspired by SweetSue and bred by Nismo12. Sometimes the auto gene shows up. She does show off those beautiful colors. This one not so frosty but truely skanky this morning.

Oh Jim....:thedoubletake: You made me gasp right out loud, and then start scanning the photos more closely for the fine detail. :laughtwo: Look at those beautifully colored, shiny, brixy leaves! Not much longer with this one. Another week or two Jim? If she's pumping out that skanky smell you're getting close.

Both Canna's Aloe Girl DC and TheRedDragon's DC had grape tones, much more pronounced in the latter. I didn't find the darker purple phenos to be as potent as the dirty-brown purple ones I'm growing though. They're still potent, but mine has a different kick to it. I'm really thinking about starting a new seed, but I want to keep this line going in the meantime, until I get bold and make my own seeds.

Nis has grown a couple that turned out to be autos. I don't remember any smoke reports on them. Now I'm curious. Lol!

Good morning everyone :love:

The weather's warmed a touch, enough to get out and take a decent walk without doing all of it on ice. :laughtwo:

I was pleased to glance into the newly-closed up veg shelf and discover the temperatures hovering closer to 80 degrees. I'm once again considering the value of a low tent like keltic uses for soil vegging.

I'm cutting this short and getting my butt outside before I miss this opportunity. The rain isn't due until around 4, but you and I know how easy it is to have the day slip away when we start playing with the plants or on the site. :battingeyelashes: I'll catch up later when it's too wet to be outside. Let me leave you with the beautiful sight of stretch in action.

Lady G..... Glasses please :cheesygrinsmiley:


Later, my friends.
I come here as much for the ambiance as the knowledge. Thanks lady.

Why thank you B.C. That brought a sweet sparkle to the baby blues. :kisstwo: You have a wonderful day now. :hug:

Woohoo glasses approved! .. ❤️

I used to have a DJ mixer the same blue as your Timber QB that I'm in love with.

Beautiful ladies for a beautiful lady of growing leisure and medicine.

Your rotation is rockin' SweetSue!

Daily hugs .

Thanks for the gift of inSIGHT. Hahahahaha .

I couldn't be happier to have been part of making it easier and less painful for you to cruise our yards. BIG HUG!!!

I just ordered three seeds to go for a swim (lol). White Widow Auto, Dark Devil Auto, and Auto Purple Skunk Mass. Anyone have an extra six weeks of Spring weather they can donate? And if one of you happens to be a traveling veterinarian who only accepts payment in well-wishes and kind thoughts, then stop on by.

Sue, have you grown the selfed DDA? I probably already asked this, but my brain is a bit over-done (it's crispy on the edges ;) ) . I'm wondering if the S₁ generation is close enough to its parent that I can assume it'll be - for practical purposes - the same as the plants I've seen in the big community DDA thread in terms of growth habits, flowering ti-- err... life expectancy, et cetera. Not really concerned with effect of the end result at this point, just everything having to do with the actual plant.

I just cannot stand not growing cannabis any more. I may have to sleep on the cramped floor of the grow space to keep them warm, but... I suppose I could just bypass the timer and run the lights 24 hours/day, but I never liked the thought of that, even with autos. I really don't want to go >20 hours/day, and I seem to have lost the directions to my cheap but needlessly complicated electronic timer, so it'll probably be 18/6 :rolleyes3 .

I have more seeds <DUH! ;) > but am not sure what else to try growing right now. Still haven't tried the whatchamacallit, the other one that I have more seeds of than most, "SSDC" I think it's called? And... Hmm. Where's that list gotten to, now? I thought it was a big list until a day or two ago when I saw a picture of someone's seed collection that covered their entire dining room table. Ah, here it is. Apparently, I have one Northern Light Auto, another Northern Light Auto (by different companies, so probably different breeders), one Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia, and a Trainwreck Auto left. Thought I had more auto choices. I guess that's what happens when you let people pick things out from your stock without paying attention to what they choose, lol. I'd kind of like to go ahead and start some Spring photoperiodic strains, too, maybe Blueberry, (Serious) Bubble Gum, and something for the head (can't neglect the head). But it's still pretty early for that. And it seems like whenever I plant one, it just sits there, sits there, sits there - and then, when I look away for five minutes, it pulls a Jack's Beanstalk on me and tries lifting a light off its chains. So I had better wait until I'm either starting to harvest some of the auto-flowering plants out or can at least move them to a different location.

My, I seem to be assuming that they'll do fine here in das kooler. Someone must be sending me positive energy again without my permission :trance:.

Still thinking about guerrilla-planting a couple of autos outside somewhere when it warms up. If so, those would definitely be S₁ DDAs and SSDCs, since they are the only ones I have plenty of. Got a couple places I've been considering. Not exactly inner-city (place this small doesn't have such a thing, not in the usual sense of the term - besides, hillbillies don't put up with gangs (a .30-06 beats a Glock 9mm any day of the week and twice on Sunday)) but it's IN the city. And... err... paved, LMAO. But it has been ignored for several years by everything on two legs, is inconvenient to actually get to even though it can be seen from all directions, and I've made sure to not remove the gradual buildup of road litter that has accumulated, so maybe no one will notice a couple of buckets full of dirt with weeds growing in them? Just not sure about how to provide water, and they'd have to be in some kind of container unless I want to take a chance (translation: near 100% certainty) of being observed trying to bust up concrete with a sledgehammer. So, container-grow it is, lol. If I manage to inflate the ol' pair to a large enough degree between now and Spring.

'Twas another night that I couldn't sleep. Guess that's obvious, huh?
I just ordered three seeds to go for a swim (lol). White Widow Auto, Dark Devil Auto, and Auto Purple Skunk Mass. Anyone have an extra six weeks of Spring weather they can donate? And if one of you happens to be a traveling veterinarian who only accepts payment in well-wishes and kind thoughts, then stop on by.

Sue, have you grown the selfed DDA? I probably already asked this, but my brain is a bit over-done (it's crispy on the edges ;) ) . I'm wondering if the S₁ generation is close enough to its parent that I can assume it'll be - for practical purposes - the same as the plants I've seen in the big community DDA thread in terms of growth habits, flowering ti-- err... life expectancy, et cetera. Not really concerned with effect of the end result at this point, just everything having to do with the actual plant.

I just cannot stand not growing cannabis any more. I may have to sleep on the cramped floor of the grow space to keep them warm, but... I suppose I could just bypass the timer and run the lights 24 hours/day, but I never liked the thought of that, even with autos. I really don't want to go >20 hours/day, and I seem to have lost the directions to my cheap but needlessly complicated electronic timer, so it'll probably be 18/6 :rolleyes3 .

I have more seeds <DUH! ;) > but am not sure what else to try growing right now. Still haven't tried the whatchamacallit, the other one that I have more seeds of than most, "SSDC" I think it's called? And... Hmm. Where's that list gotten to, now? I thought it was a big list until a day or two ago when I saw a picture of someone's seed collection that covered their entire dining room table. Ah, here it is. Apparently, I have one Northern Light Auto, another Northern Light Auto (by different companies, so probably different breeders), one Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia, and a Trainwreck Auto left. Thought I had more auto choices. I guess that's what happens when you let people pick things out from your stock without paying attention to what they choose, lol. I'd kind of like to go ahead and start some Spring photoperiodic strains, too, maybe Blueberry, (Serious) Bubble Gum, and something for the head (can't neglect the head). But it's still pretty early for that. And it seems like whenever I plant one, it just sits there, sits there, sits there - and then, when I look away for five minutes, it pulls a Jack's Beanstalk on me and tries lifting a light off its chains. So I had better wait until I'm either starting to harvest some of the auto-flowering plants out or can at least move them to a different location.

My, I seem to be assuming that they'll do fine here in das kooler. Someone must be sending me positive energy again without my permission :trance:.

Still thinking about guerrilla-planting a couple of autos outside somewhere when it warms up. If so, those would definitely be S₁ DDAs and SSDCs, since they are the only ones I have plenty of. Got a couple places I've been considering. Not exactly inner-city (place this small doesn't have such a thing, not in the usual sense of the term - besides, hillbillies don't put up with gangs (a .30-06 beats a Glock 9mm any day of the week and twice on Sunday)) but it's IN the city. And... err... paved, LMAO. But it has been ignored for several years by everything on two legs, is inconvenient to actually get to even though it can be seen from all directions, and I've made sure to not remove the gradual buildup of road litter that has accumulated, so maybe no one will notice a couple of buckets full of dirt with weeds growing in them? Just not sure about how to provide water, and they'd have to be in some kind of container unless I want to take a chance (translation: near 100% certainty) of being observed trying to bust up concrete with a sledgehammer. So, container-grow it is, lol. If I manage to inflate the ol' pair to a large enough degree between now and Spring.

'Twas another night that I couldn't sleep. Guess that's obvious, huh?

Good morning TS. :hug::hug::hug:

The last two or three DDAs I grew were Rifleman's creation. I got my first sativa-dominant DDA from that stock. The leaves may come out with a touch of veriagation, but not enough to be problematic. They were a very close expression to the parent plant.

Hang in there TS, warmer weather is on the way. :hug: Feel free to check out the seed bank again if you're getting low on seeds. I wanted to send you another Carboniferous fossil for your collection this month. :battingeyelashes:

There are Harlequin seeds that aren't on that list.
Good afternoon everyone :love:

I thought I'd share a little Dinachem joy this morning. I got tired of looking at her falling over, and since she's still in the process of turning the trichomes cloudy, and it looks like a few more days, I stuck a pole into the pot and wired her more upright.



Then I was simply admiring her dense buds and the strong chemical smell she's emitting today that's now my perfume. :laughtwo: It freaks out shoppers sometimes when I walk by. Lol!






She's looking like another week. Hope I can hold off that long. :laughtwo: CBD Cc 2.8 is starting to complain about needing more space. I may need to clear the veg shelf and rearrange to accomodate her bigger pot. More fun for the day. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I'm much happier with the way she's standing now. She feels happier. Now I'm off to the store to procure some coconut oil for all those brownies I'll be baking. :cheesygrinsmiley: catch you later, my friends. :ciao:
Hey sue nice looking buds .
She got a little burnt I see ?

Sorry you said your flushing now currently ? Mind if I ask what your temps and Rh are at ?

Also you said you stuck a pole in the pot would t that hurt roots?

Sorry I ask because I too am having serious leaning tower issues going in my colas are about easy two feet long I posted in web gallery since app isn't working her son my end .

I am thinking about taking a few coat hangers and then getting this green wire flexible string single wrap around an open on the main as close to top as I can and then to hanger ? I see why scrogg is a benefit to this plant .

Oh ps I can't wait to try a brownie that hits my needs. Still yet to get there .

Brownies are my weakness take my house car have it all for a slice of heaven ..
Hey sue nice looking buds .
She got a little burnt I see ?

Sorry you said your flushing now currently ? Mind if I ask what your temps and Rh are at ?

Also you said you stuck a pole in the pot would t that hurt roots?

Sorry I ask because I too am having serious leaning tower issues going in my colas are about easy two feet long I posted in web gallery since app isn’t working her son my end .

I am thinking about taking a few coat hangers and then getting this green wire flexible string single wrap around an open on the main as close to top as I can and then to hanger ? I see why scrogg is a benefit to this plant .

Oh ps I can’t wait to try a brownie that hits my needs. Still yet to get there .

Brownies are my weakness take my house car have it all for a slice of heaven ..

I start off wiring branches to the main stem, if possible, but a bamboo pole shoved into the medium makes such a firm anchor it's a no-brainier for me. Have you looked at roots lately Joe? :laughtwo: All those rootlets get out of the way when you shove a pole into their space. I'm careful not to damage the main roots, but they slip out of the way too, if you're careful. I've used this method in both soil and perlite. Perlite is easier, but neither medium has given me any grief about it.

Yes, I did overfeed her in the worst way. Next round I'll know better and progress more slowly, keeping an eye for the chemovar's comfort zone with these nutrients. And yes, I am flushing her. In my world that means I pour a quart of water over her every day to wash nutrients through. Every day there's a little less left for her to pull from.

Temps in the apartment stay around 73 during the heating season. Today's a freak weather day, and it feels like springtime. I have the furnace off and the windows and doors open with outside humidity probably about 90%. It just rained. Normally I'm lucky to get humidity up to around 40% in the open spaces.

Brownies are my weakness too Joe. :cheesygrinsmiley: I constantly remind myself that these are medicine and not food. I can't eat more than one at a time. Lol!
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