Trippy gorilla is finally showing some roots.. and they are thick.. not like the ones I had on the ammi haze..

The octopot has started getting moist 3/4 fingers off its base.

And the leaves seem to still be turning more green.

I've adjusted the lights and brought the seeds to height so allt he plants can share now.


Theres some packing seeds out there in the field too.


Trippy gorilla is finally showing some roots.. and they are thick.. not like the ones I had on the ammi haze..

The octopot has started getting moist 3/4 fingers off its base.

And the leaves seem to still be turning more green.

I've adjusted the lights and brought the seeds to height so allt he plants can share now.


Theres some packing seeds out there in the field too.



Looking good!!
Well in the 2 days it's been since the last update... well the trippy gorilla is finally starting to boom again.. I think she'll be ready for a full strength feed soon.. But she green and vibrant and all her heads are up and the leaves have even recovered too. They were wrinkled up and wilting and even looked deformed close up.. I think the spray solution we made up has been a major contributing factor..

Formulex + calmag at full strength, then 30% taken and mixed with water.. I used 300ml of my solution to 700ml of clean water and then p.h is at 6.2..

I've given 3 times daily foliar sprays, I think this is what has turned the trippy gorilla around so well and recovered her leaves as they have been fed directly.


The seedlings are bounding out aswell... even the ones that were struggling seem to be moving up top side now so who know what we can expect from them lmao....

They are healthy and just sprouting thier 3rd nodes. You can't see but they are there, hella tiny little fellas lmao.

And the we have the PIE'S... blackcherry and bluejaffa.

Who I really need to get uppotted.. They will be root bound in a day or 2.


And that it for now pretty much..

I'm going bed been a long ass day
So guys I've got some pretty crazy updates.. some normal ones as well..

Well start with the trippy gorilla.

Looking fine as hell she was...

So I stripped her ... hard

She bounced back like a dream and then I got some news. Which has change the future of everything in the tent bar the gorilla zkittles...

Well she started forming lots of lovely nodes too be fair but I've chopped them all off.

I've left 2 arms and put her into the fluxed position.

Well i dont think shes turned out too bad.

I have tried to leave 1 square clean inbetween each outward branch..

Leaving space into for plenty of colas... when the time comes.. because shes not going to be used for cuttings now.

Shes getting flipped when shes big enough.

We have the time shes going to fill out the tent for me before i do flip her.

Here's various photos of the last week our so.


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So the zkittles are smashing it.

And they are the only ones in the tent that are being kept. An executive decision was made.. a flight to Amsterdam was booked.. 48 hours in the shops of the strain breeders out there for 1st hand, eye picked seeds...

I will run down the list at a later date..

There are 60 seed multiple variety and all 8-10 week flower times...

There a couple of zkittles in here though that are absolutely going boom boom.

Well I've been handed over another four strains to pop...

And another story begins.

Triple g

Cookies gelato

Glueberry O.G

Sweet valley kush

This takes the strains in my humble garden to 10 lmao...


Weve labelled up some jars and added straight 6.2ph water.. no additives although I have ordered plantstart vitalink. For when we pop them in the peat pellets..

I've took some tops and thinned out the seedlings, set them into flux mode...

I cant wait for this journey of fluxing..

My friend and I are at an impass because of time. He agrees the time will develop a healthier more potent and mature plant with better buds.. he just cant seem to take the time factor out his head..

And the hps/led argument we could go st it for days.. lmao...

Hps grows quicker but led packs the plant tighter.

Hps is cheaper one off

Led cheaper for longevity

We could talk and talk on this one.

On some of the girls I've set them for mainlining 2 flux branches.. on others I've took just fan leaves and left all the branches.

And I've also thinned out the gorilla more. Her nodal spacing has tightened up. You can tell she was under a hps before...

We are fully on the way here..

We have a 2x2 tent on it's way and will be ordering everything to hunt out our mother inside.

When weve found her we can go perpetual with a 1.2x1.2 and a 2x2

And I'll be buying octopots soon. Plenty of then lmao.



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Update time...

We've been shopping.. there's a 2x2x2m tent on the way, there's a 3000w cree phlizon cob/led light on its way.

The lumen rating of the 3000w cree at 24" slams a 1000w hps at 18" whilst using only 600w from the wall.

This should all be arriving by the 25th..

Meanwhile the gorilla skittlez are smashing out the back.. we have a few trained for fluxing and a few left as bushes and a few with a few bottom fan leave a pulled off.

Some of these pictures are a day or so old though..

But now the bigger news..

We have another 2 strains in the tent.. we have a feminized wedding cake and another zkittlez but not gorilla... I'll find out later...


And we have them in a propagator...

The numbers on the new seeds are...

Wedding cake 8.
Skittlez 8.
Triple g 9
Cookies gelato 10
Sweet valley kush 4 (still waiting on another 5)
Glueberry O.G 6

Taking the total of strains in the tent too somthing completely stupid lmao..

On another note.. I'm trying to get hold of 6 octopots but they don't deliver to the u.k

Other options are places like that give you a us postal address and then ship on.. but I need 6 that I can setup on a res... then they can auto fill..

I've have £1000 worth of lights = to 1200 actual watts but face value of 4000w lmao...

I still need more lightsfor when we get the mother's after all this..

Fun times
Also we have started on a new line... mills, apparently it pays the Bill's so will just have to find out...

A pic of the whole tent now


Lovly peat pellets.



Last but not least my new rhino fan. Which is quite quiet not going to lie



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Well my new light has arrived and so the new girls arrive too.. man it's just the tent too come lmao

This new 3000w cree light is a beast..

600w actual.
Equal too 1000w hps.

It's a beast. It'll be too much for this smaller tent I think so need to get the bigger tent asap

This is just veg/bloom switch on


This is with both veg=bloom and stronger lights turned on.

These are a couple of the gorilla zkittlez

And the baby girls. Lmao
Well I guess it's been a while since my last update...

Well my 2x2x2 arrived and the weeks been busy...

I've set the extractor for my smaller tent going into the bigger tent.. then that is filtering out thru a newly developed hole in the ceiling and in to the loft space.. which dramatically decreased our room temps.

Oh the 1st night was a sweaty one with the air just circulating within the room.. no matter now we have super good air flow.

Boy this 3000w cree is an animal I've had to put it like 45" high.. cause the heat is just a stinker off it and the intensity is crazy.

Enough of that though.

Here's the photos I have for now

I have 45 plants in total...

I'm just about at the limit for the 1st stage of finding our mother lmao
Modest it's a shame my journal is so quiet right now.. theres a ton of good stuff happening lmao...

Yh There was a trip to the dam for stupid amount of seeds.. I have 42 in my 2x2 and 3 in my 1.2 ...

All set up ready to take clones and find our mothers.... theres gunna be a few, I'm going to find it hard throwing the girls away.

This journey is about to get absolutely silly lmao...

The watering mate its driving me nuts. I've gotta get a dropper system..

It took me 4 hours to get them all potted up and p.hd .. that fucker had to go in at 3.4 to bring the run off out at 6.5 fuming at that lmao took me ages to feed them and drop p.h range...

It's done now though...

I only have to up pot like 34 at a later date lmao

Few weeks yay.. I cant ssit to start flowering and seeing some money back. This is about 5k so far in seed, mediums, feeds, and equipment

I was only going to pop a few bag seed of wedding cake..
Oh yes I've considered, was going to buy a 6ton last year but was out my price range, by summer be sure theres going to be a press set up somewhere lmao. even if I have to build a shed and carbon filter it out for pressing days lmao...

They way grandpa toking presses them capsules is they way I want to go.. I need to stop smoking but I cant stop medicating.. my lungs are fucked
Not a lot of action lately here; anyone still interested in seeing some DIY SIP/Octopot designs, that I've apparently been working on in a vacuum....?
Well to start I have these two lovely ladies:

On the left is a "Green Crack" that started out as a mother in a 1 gallon plastic pale fashioned into a Hempy pot. 2 inches of reservoir in a 1 gallon pale means having to water too frequently, so I chopped off the bottom of the pale and plopped it on top of one of these diy SIP/Octopot's I made from a 2 gallon bucket with the same 1 gallon pale nested in through a cut lid.

Design is simple: I have a 2 gallon bucket as the reservoir, with lid. I cut the lid to the diameter of the bottom of the 1 gallon plastic pale, so that it could be pushed down into the bucket about half way. I then used some 3 inch flexible plastic tree trunk wrap to fashion a wick, wrapped it in a fabric pot to serve as a net then used a hole saw on the bottom of the 1 gallon pale and pushed it through to the depth of the bucket. The pvc pipe is the fill tube, and there's a 3/4" hole drilled in the side of the 2gallon bucket to create the air gap as well as an overflow. I don't have a good picture of them, but there's also small holes punched all around the sides and bottom of 1 gallon pale to supply more air.

The kicker I think is, that I'm using 50/50 buffered coco/perlite as my growing medium with nothing but GH micro+bloom at 8mL and 16mL per gallon in the reservoir (LUCAS/K.I.S.S), with seemingly no issues - yet - with salt buildup and lockout.
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