The Beginning Has Begun

Separating the twins is the right decision when you consider the big picture including available space and future needs. No need to second guess that one.

So what d'you guys think about my water ph?
When I done the transplant I didn't have too much soil fall away from the roots.I was surprised at how much the roots had grown in just over a week! All my babies had healthy looking roots around the bottom of the soil. I think I have moved them at the right time. Cheers for the pointers guys.
I am on the side who feels pH is important to monitor. pH can be the root cause of nutrient deficiencies, lockout, poor growth and other things that you simply cannot fix if it is too far out of range.

There are nutrients that your plant can't absorb above pH 6.5 which may cause two problems:
  1. Deficiency. The plant will begin to slowly deform and die as it lacks proper food to continue growth.
  2. Burn. You may get a build up of nutrients in your soil that have not been used causing an abundance to be available should the pH level be corrected.

Happy Growing,
My apologies. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm a little OCD perhaps and was just lending a point of view to consider. Your grow is doing fine :) Make note of your water and run off pH from time to time. If a problem begins to develop you will have some info ready to help narrow down possible causes.

You are going to find there are a lot of ways to do things right. You've already made it further than many before you. Keep it up!


I've done Something a bit silly but did not realise.when re-potting I only had enough soil for 2 pots,I bought what I thought was the same soil but a different manufacturer.the 2 that aren't in the same soil seem to be struggling
I still have the little one that looked nute burnt in the small cup and it seems to be doing better that the poorly looking one in the big pots. I'm gona buy more soil tomorrow and try n save who I can but I'm not looking forward to the transplant.I'm defo going to loose one I think
When I re-potted my lust "cupling" her roots looked much bettet than the one pictured above. I will know in a day or two if she's gona take,fingers crossed.
All going well,I should end up with the 4 that I planned for,losing just 3. I'm taking mental notes in my head ready for my next grow,which I'm already thinking about!
Slowly saturate all of the soil until you see run off emerging from the bottom of the container. The leaves look a little cooked. Give them a good deep watering and work on the heat issue.

Hey obi,again many thanks for your advice! I've just gave each of my babies roughly 1.5 litres,5.7 gallons,roughly. They sure soaked it up! My smallest seemed to have more run off,thinking maybe because there isn't as much roots? Anyways I checked the ph of the run off,it read 6.9. I'm very pleased with this as the water going in was about 7.6-8.6. I will get some pics up tomorrow.
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