Trala's Tent: The Wedding Album

Oh yes please Boobird!

And hi :)

My last 5 seeds have all been too tall. Waaaaay too tall. I want to grow more compact plants with an even canopy, basically exactly how you grow. Your plants are just amazing. If Carcass is my king, you are my queen when it comes to growing. I appreciate the work you put in. Hopefully one day I’ll get there.
I would like to apply for the Jester position if I may?

I would like to apply for the Jester position if I may?

Consider the position yours ✔️
Good Morning Miss T.

Hows your bendy, devil may care, self this morning?

Im well. Thanks for asking. Having a great day. Wish you the same.
Well I’m twenty something days in and Cleo won’t play the game!

My Confidence: I’m gonna outCarcass Carcass! Im gonna fucking canopy slayyyyyyyyyyy.

This fucking plant simply will not let me make it beautiful!

Stupid fucking Bridezilla!





Side by side same gallon pot. Lanky bitch.


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I just don’t even know where to start with carcasses directions.

It’s like trying to turn a dog turd into a chocolate muffin!

@Carcass should I keep trying or is all lost?
No, keep going- she's just a little taller than mine, but the training should have the same results- she's still going to end up wide and short, but you've got to stay at it.
As I've said many times- they have to get ugly before they get pretty...
Don't give up!
No, keep going- she's just a little taller than mine, but the training should have the same results- she's still going to end up wide and short, but you've got to stay at it.
As I've said many times- they have to get ugly before they get pretty...
Don't give up!
Oh hello C Legend

Thank you! I won’t. I’m playing the long game :)

She has good growth, I’ll give her that.

Fuck me, I got bigger problems! My flower room might have the clap, and I don’t me applause lolllll

This fucking plant simply will not let me make it beautiful!

Stupid fucking Bridezilla!





Side by side same gallon pot. Lanky bitch.


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I just don’t even know where to start with carcasses directions.

It’s like trying to turn a dog turd into a chocolate muffin!

@Carcass should I keep trying or is all lost?
Lol she just decided heck I'm going to be different! Really beautiful and healthy!
Hey, Trala-
I thought about Cleo last night, and I do see a downside to training a taller plant- I think you may see the main stem start bending from the force of the branches being held down, so we may need to figure how to support the stem when/if that starts to happen.
Probably just a bamboo stake next to the stem, tied to it in 3 or 4 places, or something similar...
So, let me know if that stem starts bending....

Sorry about the aphids :straightface: - they (literally) suck...fortunately, they're fairly easy to kill with insecticidal soap, but you'll have to keep after them...and do your best to keep them out of the buds...
Hi there.

You’ve popped in at the WORST time. My grows are usually thought provoking science based horticultural feasts, and when I say thought provoking science based horticultural feasts I mean frustrating mistake ridden green horror fests lollllllllll.
Hey, Trala-
I thought about Cleo last night, and I do see a downside to training a taller plant- I think you may see the main stem start bending from the force of the branches being held down, so we may need to figure how to support the stem when/if that starts to happen.
Probably just a bamboo stake next to the stem, tied to it in 3 or 4 places, or something similar...
So, let me know if that stem starts bending....

Sorry about the aphids :straightface: - they (literally) suck...fortunately, they're fairly easy to kill with insecticidal soap, but you'll have to keep after them...and do your best to keep them out of the buds...
Good morning C Star

I’ll be all over it like an aphid on plant!

I’m gonna choot em today!

In fact I’m half hour off diving in


Good morning C Spider-Man!

I have an idea and I think you’ll say no, but I’m gonna try and sell it. I’ll get some video when I get up.

So Cleo has these 4 HUGE leaves they are the, fuck I forget. Sun leaves. Fan! Fan leaves. They are blocking light to sooooo many grow sights. They are huge, droopy, and I hate them. I want to cut them off.

Now before you say no, let me say this, I hate them lol, no let me say this. I think the plant has enough growth points not to be hindered by losing them. The other thing is a good haircut can change a persons whole being!

I’ll get video and you can have the final say. Look you prolly won’t. But I’ll get a video so you’re picking up what I’m putting down. Lollllllllllll
I'd cut 'em off- I think the plant will benefit from it, more light to the branches...and she'll look a helluva lot better too :)
Won't hurt her a bit.
I'd cut 'em off- I think the plant will benefit from it, more light to the branches...and she'll look a helluva lot better too :)
Won't hurt her a bit.
O. M. G!

I totally thought you were gonna say no!

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