Tryan2grow1 Second Time Grow - Autos In DWC With Mars-Hydro LED

Following the recommendations of the plant diagnosis chart these ladies have slowly received a bit more ppm. And that thresh hold has been obtained. Today's stats reflect lower water level, higher ppm, and static ph. The plants are drinking but there is a tad too much food now. Following along with these stats is enlightening on the plants needs. Going to lower the ppm a bit and continue to monitor. Thanks to all for following along.
Tryan2grow1 Second Time Grow - Autos In DWC

Here are the ladies in all their glory tonight.
At the start of this adventure with these ladies it was stated that the 207 watts from the led was the only light to be used. Well the adventure has taken yet another rabbit trail. Looking at 160 watts of cfls collecting dust was like looking at the motorcycle you want to use but can't find the time. Well it's time for these cfls. At 207 watts from the led this gives me 37.5w/sqft. Adding the 160 watts total from the 4 cfls brings the total to 367 watts and 67w/sqft. So this is what the shot looks like now from above.

Res change practice with the new layout was performed today. It takes a bit longer to get the buckets empty with the new hand pump. Refill is automatic with gravity doing all the work. Going bloom stage nutes next change.
A lesson learned tonight. Calimagic will bring down ph. Bloom nute from GH also drops the ph. This test was performed in RO water with a starting ph of 6.5. None of the other nutrients or supplements in use at this time change the water's ph level.
A lesson learned tonight. Calimagic will bring down ph. Bloom nute from GH also drops the ph. This test was performed in RO water with a starting ph of 6.5. None of the other nutrients or supplements in use at this time change the water's ph level.
I use my tap water for that reason, all the dissolved solids in it act like a buffer to stabilise the PH somewhat. Because RO water is so pure the tiniest changes can make for a big swing in PH. Also any chlorine in a dwc res wont't do any harm, it just keeps my res clean. I let the chlorine evaporate off if I'm watering my soil girls though.

Edit: Oh and its waaay cheaper
2nd Edit: Never have to buy Cal-Mag either.
I use my tap water for that reason, all the dissolved solids in it act like a buffer to stabilise the PH somewhat. Because RO water is so pure the tiniest changes can make for a big swing in PH. Also any chlorine in a dwc res wont't do any harm, it just keeps my res clean. I let the chlorine evaporate off if I'm watering my soil girls though.

Oh and its waaay cheaper

My tap water is crap to say the least. The starting ppm is over 700. That leaves little room for nutes. So this grow RO water has been the new toy. Those buffers you speak of in tap water are on steroids here. The res water would be ph'd upon change with ph down. Then over the next 3 days or so more ph down would be needed before stabilization would occur. Those buffers worked well to bring the ph back up. What has been learned with the RO and lack of buffers is a single ml per gal at res change is all that is needed all week. The ph on this grow has been most stable. The addition of Z7 may have also led to my buckets ph being stable on this grow. Thank you for participating and following along.
My tap water is crap to say the least. The starting ppm is over 700. That leaves little room for nutes. So this grow RO water has been the new toy. Those buffers you speak of in tap water are on steroids here. The res water would be ph'd upon change with ph down. Then over the next 3 days or so more ph down would be needed before stabilization would occur. Those buffers worked well to bring the ph back up. The addition of Z7 may have also led to my buckets ph being stable. What has been learned with the RO and lack of buffers is a single ml per gal at res change is all that is needed all week. The ph on this grow has been most stable. Thank you for participating and following along.

Yep enough said, if I had tap water like that I'd use RO too. 700PPM outta the tap is nuts dude! Mine is 150ish so I guess that why it works out so nice.

Loving the grow dude! Keep it up.
Note to self...remember what you did. It pleases me greatly to report that both reservoirs have a status of falling water level, static ppm and static ph level. Who snuck into my grow and took over when I wasn't looking? By the plant diagnosis chart, these are perfect conditions. Say what? Thanks to all for following along. Now off to celebrate these early morning stats....

PS. These girls are a thirsty couple of plants. Each are now consuming a third of a gallon or 1.26 liters of water daily.
They grow fast! :thumb:

Sure doesn't seem that way when one checks on his girls every hour on the hour during lights on for all of This is why so many photos are taken so I can make my own stop motion video of their growth. This proves to me over and over that it was I that brought these ladies to life. Thank you for taking a chance to check out these beauties.
Your girls are looking fabulous :thumb::goodjob: scrog will look AWSOME once it's filled in.... Maybe have a quick look at this pic might help you next time.... I attached my scrog screan to the lid and drilled a 2" hole in the lid for access,I can drop a shot glass thi the hole and pull water to check ph and ppm ...each bucket has its own screen, just in case I need to check the root action....:thumb: Might even make pumping your water out easier
Here is an update on the latest statistics for the ladies. The Northern Light is loving the mixture in the res at this time. The water level is falling, and the ppm and ph are static. The Blue Mystic is asking for a res change. She was assured that new bloom nutrient rich water is made for a res change tomorrow. Her water level fell, her ppm went up and the ph remained static. This correlates to the plant drinking more than eating and to lower the ppm. Tomorrow's water is with a ppm of 842. This will be down less than 10ppm for the NL and 70ppm for the BM. For now, these girls are happy leading to a happy farmer. Thank you for following along.
Looking good so far brother. I do gotta ask why the cfl lights? The mars is good for two plants easy. Those Lil lights don't really do anything they gotta be like an inch away or some kinda crap. Seems like a waste of energy . if I was you I would grab another 96 and rock 4 of those if u had room
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