Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Your doc sounds almost up to date. Good for you.
It certainly puts me more at ease. At one point her said "Man, I haven't smoked since......" And he just trailed off mid sentence. Lol.
Yes - noseblind is a thing hey! I have to rely on the lovely other to let me know if the smell is strong, adn if it smells Ike weed. It just smells good to me :D
Mr. Ground tells me excessively if they smell too much. They smell their strongest just after lights go out. I can tell when it happens from two rooms away. They smell really green with a hint of bottled oxygen.
No one here knows what a giant weirdo I am.....
You're pretty confident about that huh?
I'm looking forward to hearing what you found in your filter. It would be extra special if you were able to get a couple of pics while investigating.
You're pretty confident about that huh?
I'm looking forward to hearing what you found in your filter. It would be extra special if you were able to get a couple of pics while investigating.
I have prepared two answers.
1. I stand by my earlier statement.
2. It takes one to know one.

I will get some pics tonight. It should be super fun!!!!
I'm sure I can find something to do!

But realistically, I'll be in bed!

OMG, it's not a toucan... I see a woman laying down with beautiful universal blue hair and Kreskin looking over her. I get it now I think.
You finally find your glasses? Lol. Seriously, I just can't see the toucan.
You finally find your glasses? Lol. Seriously, I just can't see the toucan.
Ooooh, good one!!

I read the note on the door ;)

I guess it's like that thing about the women in the blue dress, or red dress or whatever color it was.
The girls hit puberty. They got their puffballs.
Now to take apart my filter. Mine has screws so that's cool.

I did PM rifleman about his filter. He said it was a PITA and dirty as hell, but it was very effective. Thanks again for showing me that journal @Heavenly Hybrid. :hug::love:
I removed the flange, it was easy because of had screws.

Then I saw the hidden rivets....damn.

I wasn't too shocked,things seldom work according to my plans.
It's too late to pull the drill out, the kiddos are in bed. I'm not sure if I have sheet metal screws that would work to put it back together either. I'm going to have to run out tomorrow and get supplies.
Good Morning,VG -just checked out your journal (well,not all 101 pages of it,but alot)

Your plants look super happy in their little space (apx same size as mine)-seeing what they did after flipping to flower,all I could think was "uh-oh"!
It's funny how much larger the space looks before the plants start taking over.
I'll be watching to see how you cope-I'm gonna be in the same boat in a week or 2.
I can only hope that I can do as well as you've done with yours.:goodjob:
@Heavenly Hybrid

I'm going to take my filter apart tonight and have a look at the carbon, maybe I can figure out why it clogged in the first place. It's getting stinky in here and if I don't address this soon, I will have to terminate my grow......that would be a heartbreaker.

Carbon filter can be cleaned and re-activated with a good rinse in the tub with HOT water and then you can bake it for 20 minutes or so in your grill or oven 300F is plenty.

Sorry was a little late for this but I think you got this. lol

It certainly puts me more at ease. At one point her said "Man, I haven't smoked since......" And he just trailed off mid sentence. Lol.

Thats when I say Its a new world out there. I'd have offered him a taster sack!
Good Morning,VG -just checked out your journal (well,not all 101 pages of it,but alot)

Your plants look super happy in their little space (apx same size as mine)-seeing what they did after flipping to flower,all I could think was "uh-oh"!
It's funny how much larger the space looks before the plants start taking over.
I'll be watching to see how you cope-I'm gonna be in the same boat in a week or 2.
I can only hope that I can do as well as you've done with yours.:goodjob:
Good morning! Glad you stopped by.

Yeah, it's getting cozy. I grew 3 in the 2x4 last time and am super glad I stuck with just two. I may try smaller plants next time.

I'm really digging the grow you have. Cheap as sin and the plants look great.
Thanks,VG-for the compliment !
I looked at mine this am ,and I'd swear they're saying "flower me now,or you'll be sorry later"
They've seriously grown 4 inches in the last 2 days.
With enough packing tape and cardboard,I can get another 11 inches of height in there-probably gonna need it when they do "the stretch"....but we'll see....
Carbon filter can be cleaned and re-activated with a good rinse in the tub with HOT water and then you can bake it for 20 minutes or so in your grill or oven 300F is plenty.

Sorry was a little late for this but I think you got this. lol

Thats when I say Its a new world out there. I'd have offered him a taster sack!
Good day Mr.Bobrown.
My Dr. was accompanied by his nurse AND a student. I think that's why he trailed off. Lol.

I would do the same steps to recharge but change maybe one thing. I would add h2o2 to the water . I would choose the grill option for heating, thanks for suggesting that cuz I kinda want burgers too. I could get two birds stoned....I think that's how the saying goes.;):D
Thanks,VG-for the compliment !
I looked at mine this am ,and I'd swear they're saying "flower me now,or you'll be sorry later"
They've seriously grown 4 inches in the last 2 days.
With enough packing tape and cardboard,I can get another 11 inches of height in there-probably gonna need it when they do "the stretch"....but we'll see....
[/QUOTE yeah, I had that feeling too. I put it off and now I'm worried. Listen to yourself, your girls are ready.
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