Awesome story, Weas'. Great photo.. That's a monster!
For us hot/humid-climate types (well, me, anyway... maybe Tead can back me up), that big jacket you've got on adds an extra element of awesomeness.. Or you're just a huge guy and the jacket is like a rain-slicker or whatever... That's hardcore, risking falling into that cold water during hours of fishy combat....

Sorry to hear about your loss.
It's easy to forget animals have such a short lifespan compared to us.. Suddenly, they leave..
But leaving in the embrace of someone who loves us is the most any of us can hope for. Your friend would've gone fulfilled and peacefully, knowing you were there.
That picture is awesome!...I did download it and will surely use it it someplace at some time...(I have a friend in Powell River, I'm sure will love this!!)...making sure you will get credit...would have loved to be there to witness the excitement and the battle!...cherz...h00k...:hookah:
That's awesome, well and crazy ;) quite the sight on the kayak. Yeah it totally reminded me of that book is why I mentioned it, even though that was back in Jr High....gawd that was over 40 years ago, now I'm depressed ;) :rofl::rofl:

Depressed because you're living a long and vibrant life Dwight? Rethink that mindset. :hug: :love:

Weaselcracker, I've been busy again and missed the drama and wonder of your catch and the sorrow of losing your canine companion.


Great story. Glad you had pictorial proof for the masses. Lol! Enjoy your time away from the siren call of :420: See you when you're ready to come back and be active again. If I lived in your world I'd do the same. Well.... I'd probably have satellite phone service and post from everywhere, wouldn't I? :laughtwo:
Crazy huge to tackle in a kayak that's big for on land that's nuts and yeah I have 5 dogs can't leave for longer than a few hours because I am still messed up about losing my best friend in the whole world his name was Vic a big blue pitbull that would let me ride him like he was a horse and I will never get over it bothered me more than any human that I know that has died so far .... But that being said I believe they know how we feel about them and they felt the same and even if there gone they still know that and I honestly believe they are as happy to have known us as we were to know them
I keep showin your photo around to all my fishin buddies. It seems to always drop a jaw.

Some random notes from Tead regarding Pineapple Chunk...
I love the smoke and the smell of it... but it's become problematic in my world.
I can't seem to keep the borg off of it. Spayed so much that everything else is clean except the PC's... but just can't get them off the PC. I sent my last PC in the veg room outside to finish it's life.
I have a seed left.. I may pop another hoping for a better pheno... but not holding my breath.
All in all, I'd rather devote the room to other strains.

Happy travels!!!
@Tead: If you can put the plants outside for a week+, mites will all die.
If not, use Floramite SC, then when mites are gone, simply clone the mothers & dispose of them once the cuts are rooted.
@Tead: Fun Fact: Spider mites can't live outdoors, they require indoor/greenhouse environments to survive. I've seen a 4' tall plant, shot fucking through with spider mites be completely clean & mite free after about 2 weeks outdoors on a patio where it was put to isolate it.
Because it attracts every other creature from nature to feast on mites. But you'll be mite free :rofl::rofl: I joke..
Hey friends. I've been trying to get on here and post something for the last week- combo of internet issues and life getting in the way. This will just be a quick post and dash but I'll make it back soon to reply to some of your earlier posts. It will probably be winter before I have the time to get back to regular posting here but this place is in my thoughts all the time. I don't want to get overly sappy but.. you guys are great. My journal has been graced with the presence of some extremely cool people, and I appreciate that
so much. I hope everyone's doing well and your gardens are all happy and healthy.

I harvested the grafted sativa on the 8th- three months after she went into flowering. She took a big hit from the nine day drought episode, but pulled through ok. The Thai section got pretty toasted and didn't produce that well, but the Malawi and Panama were still bountiful. I seeded some of the Thai and Malawi with a male Honduras I had around at the time. Also used it to pollinate the female Honduras (way too fucking much as it turned out - (as usual)) and a Golden Tiger.
I feel like I've pretty much proven to myself that the grafting doesn't give you any sort of crossover effect among the strains. The three strains just seemed like regular plants as they would have been if they were not grafted, and I couldn't detect any change other than that the overall feeding level for the three headed plant was different - based on the needs of the Panama rootstock.
However- I have the grafted four (five?) Ace strains vegging (Panama, GT, Malawi, and Honduras on a Peyote Purple rootstock) and I'll put that into flower soon. Also the other grafted sativa nightmare clusterfuck - which is a tangled mess of strains and confuses the hell out of me every time I look at it. I'll just toss it into flowering anyway- may be messy. Then I think I'll be done with the grafting adventure thing -except in times where it's actually practical and useful.
Anyway- here's the plant. All the best to you guys.





The Malawi section





Top to bottom- Thai (seeded) - Panama - Malawi
And for Kriaze - I did a little slug experiment last week. Set up some of the 12" wide copper sheeting that I have for making slug barriers in the garden. I put down two strips of it, with a clear space in the middle for the slugs to go if they wanted to avoid the copper. We had a short hot dry spell here and I didn't see any of the big banana slugs around at that time so I just grabbed some of the small gray ones from my garden. Actually, it's these little bastards that do the most damage in the garden because you're not so big and obvious to catch, and they are more nocturnal


I started them out in the wood strip- they could have easily avoided the copper if they wanted to.


Within a minute the slugs we're all happily trucking around on the copper- making good speed and showing zero sign of discomfort. No pained grimaces on their faces and no sign that the stuff hurt their little nonexistent feet. Nothing. Within a few minutes they'd all crossed the copper and run off towards the garden again, smiling


Zipping merrily along across the Great Copper Desert.
Glad you popped your head in Weaselcracker. Nice to know your still kickin it.

Got 77 days of flower in on my Mama Thai x Thai Stick. Grew right through the lights, is making a mess in my tent, but is going to produce huge in a few weeks.

Looking forward to a complete update when you have some time. Take care.
Then I think I'll be done with the grafting adventure thing -except in times where it's actually practical and useful.

But it's a nice arrow for your quiver of tricks. One never knows when knowledge/experience will come in handy.

I'm not surprised it turned out with very individual branches. That's what I've seen of other grafting exercises.

So much fun for us all to watch tho!
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