Wheelo's 3rd run - Attack of the Holy Shoots

well the lights are about to come on but i thought i'd give you some extra pics today.

my boy Father Baker keeps me smokin when ever I run out, so I gotta give him props and a nice shout out. He never asks for money or anything, just wants me to have smoke. I do the same for him when he's out. it's good to have good friends.

I got my HS clones from him, so this is the same strain, and should show what kind of genes I'm working with and whats in store for christmas. these are just some small leftover buds, I already smoked all the big buds. . . should have got some shots of those before i smoked them, he might not like these little guys I'm gonna show you, but trust me. they're top notch.






and here is some bubble hash he hooked me up with, this is just a chunk, he gave me a lot more.


Thanks B, thanks jimmy, and most of all thanks Father Baker.

i got some garden pics coming also. man B, these GWS sure are showing their stretch, these girls a vigorous as hell. I'm uploading in a minute.

WheeloFortune thanks for the input!
np game, anymore questions you can PM me.

and now. . . i took a bunch of shots for ya'll to finish out the first week of flower. tomorrow is a res change and start of week 2 in flower.
fuck. ugh. did it again, accidentally deleted half of my pics. and i tucked, so i can't get the untucked back. tried to rename them so they would upload in post order and poof. gone.

I'll take some more, but not right now.
once again, bull shit, but here are the pics i didn't delete.

they are mostly wheel shots, as i was reorganizing the scrog.

some of the wheel:




this is mostly one big plant, with one small one plugged in on top

here is what a more traditional row would look like, I have a few like this

feeding time

my ph is drifting up a bit because i have been topping off with RO. i let it drift intentionally.

i took this one for gamer to show what the motor looks like

here is one of the the GWS, man is she stretching quickly.

here are the two remaining scrog pics. fortunately their pre tuck, but the dont do them justice as they are high up.

can you spot
that little dot
I call my friend
until the end
that little bug
deserves a hug
for eating up
unfriendly stuff.

There's a wheel, a scrog - RotoScroG! Sweet...

Thanks for the pic update.

Are you having fun with the ScrOG?

yeah, the scrog is going nicely, so I like that aspect a lot. I like the ease of the Super Soil too, how about you? you liking the SS? if I wanted to set someone else up to grow, or if i wanted to do a huge soil grow this would be the way to do it. . . i hope this soil will bud out as promised. we'll just have to wait and see.

wow, those are some of the most sparkly buds I've ever seen!


and that bubble hash looks yummy too :yummy:

It is nice to have good friends.

thanks SS, it smokes really nice too! bit on the heavy side for my tastes, but mega strong. if you sprinkle some hash on top of a fresh bowl, one bowl will satisfy 4 heads. or last me a few sessions.

it is very nice to have god friends . . . especially when they grow fantastic bud!
np game, anymore questions you can PM me.

Yeah thanks man.... But I can't PM you until I get 25 fourm posts.... So that's why I'm posting all my questions on here.... :p

And thanks for the motor pix man.... But what type of motor is that and what's the HP on it? I'm searching on the net thinking I could get away with using a rotisserie motor. You know the ones that rotates your pig or chicken? Then using some bike chains connected to it.... What do you think?
My SuperSoil is still 'cookin'. I want to let it go a full two months then run it in the 7-Gallon containers as recommended by Sub. :grinjoint:

Do you have some SuperSoil leftover, to use as a top dress, in case you need a lil' extra nutes at any point?

i hope you'll post some pics when the time comes. . . nah I use it all unfortunately, and I've been a bit nervous about it because I used atami hydro mix as my top 1/2, which has no nutes at all. In that article, Sub says that they might not like the plain RO if using (he used the example of sunshine mix) a hydro mix w/o any nutes in it. when they were younger i gave them a shot of voodoo juice, some sweet, and some CNS17 grow. my thinking was to help them grow till they get some roots into the SS. . . but unless I see some deficiencies, i wont supplement. if I do I will just give them some hydro nutes on the top. . . oh yeah, I did add a touch of FF open sesame to the RO last feed as it was the start of flower. I do want to see if this does a good job w/o any help though so I want to try to stick with RO.

From my experience with GWS I have found they love 5.5 pH with occasional up drift to 5.9. I never let it sit up that high for more than a day. usually sits 5.5 - 5.7

All is looking great wof. nice work. Sorry about the pics

thanks McB, i only lost a couple hours of my life taking and editing the pics i lost. lol.

Yeah, 5.9 is as high as it got and tonight is a res change, so i didnt mess with it. The PH is stable at 5.6 after i change it, but when I top off with the RO, it drifts up a bit because the RO is like 6.4 or 6.5.

Thanks for the info on the GWS, i usually go to 5.6 as per AN calculator, maybe I'll push it to 5.5 tonight and see what they do for me. Last night was the only feeding @ 5.9, I only feed once a day ya know, so they don't get much opportunity to see a spread of pH's.
Yeah thanks man.... But I can't PM you until I get 25 fourm posts.... So that's why I'm posting all my questions on here.... :p

And thanks for the motor pix man.... But what type of motor is that and what's the HP on it? I'm searching on the net thinking I could get away with using a rotisserie motor. You know the ones that rotates your pig or chicken? Then using some bike chains connected to it.... What do you think?

lol, yeah man you toke this mornin?? jk, jk, but if you remember It was I who suggested the rotisserie motor. I don't know the specs on the volks motor, and it doesn't say anywhere on it either, but like i said before it's kinda cheap and loud. i bet a rotisserie motor is stronger than the one that come with the volks. so yeah, i think it'll work.
lol, yeah man you toke this mornin?? jk, jk, but if you remember It was I who suggested the rotisserie motor. I don't know the specs on the volks motor, and it doesn't say anywhere on it either, but like i said before it's kinda cheap and loud. i bet a rotisserie motor is stronger than the one that come with the volks. so yeah, i think it'll work.

Awww man that's right your the one who told me that! lol Yeah I did toked up this morning.... For a second I thought I came up with a genius idea but I was just high and forgot you told me that. lol :grinjoint:
here are a couple post-tuck shots from this morning right after lights off.

you can see some fan leaves under the canopy, normally i'd trim them, but they get good side lighting from the 600 next door so i'll leave them.

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