Wheelo's 3rd run - Attack of the Holy Shoots

yeah mine do too, and with the height of the wheel flood tray, it would be really easy for my to remote locate my res. . . it's on my to do list.

EnF buckets are amazing for big plants. not quite as nice if you wanted to sog or go smaller.
hey Wheelo,
I dont comment much , but you can def catch me peeking at your journal.
Your always supplyin info on how your taking on the Wheel, obviously its a complicated system and your bound to make changes and make em often. Your soil grow is just like icing on the cake bro!

keep your pimphand strong bro! def 5star thread
hey Wheelo,
I dont comment much , but you can def catch me peeking at your journal.
Your always supplyin info on how your taking on the Wheel, obviously its a complicated system and your bound to make changes and make em often. Your soil grow is just like icing on the cake bro!

keep your pimphand strong bro! def 5star thread

glad to know your stoppin by.

it's my nature to change stuff around. . . I can't help it sometimes. lol. hopefully it will spark some ideas for other people as well. or even if it's a failure, it would show people what to be careful of. so as long as the info is accurate and out there, it can only do people good.

the soil is at least a testimony that I don't totally suck as a grower. lol.

thanks for the support bro.
my lights came on from my first 12 dark period and i finished out my nute change. (i had problems last night) My light schedule is going to be on at 10:30 pm, off at 10:30 am. That way it will heat my house at night, resist the cold of my APT, be on long enough for me to check it before i leave in the morning and on early enough for me to mess with it at night.

as the res sits (with no pH adjustment just nutes) its:
pH = 5.6
EC = 1.14
Temp = 64

so i'm sittin pretty for my first bloom feed.
nice wheel thing
and the scrog looks cool
also diggin the pet ladybug

lol, thnks b,

i have 4 ladybugs in here right now. I had some thrips on the scrog, but my ladies ate them all up.

stick around, and catch the flower. . . It's about to get poppin up in here.

just hooked up the CO2.

I'm leaving the tent closed to see what the temp gets to with everything on. hopefully it will stay cool enough for me to keep it closed so i dont have to worry about light poison from forgetting to close it.

right now it gets to 66* when the lights are off.
loving the climate and conditions man them plants are really gonna take care of you great job cant wait for pics

thanks bro, just checked on them and it's 90* in the tent. . . a bit too high for me, but not bad considering I'm injecting CO2. I turned the dehumidifier down and we'll see if it comes down any. I'll check it when I wake up to see the max temp.

wait what went into flower?
the wheel or the scrog lol

well, they're both in the same tent, so it allll went into flower MUAhahahaha!!!!

the wheel is looking like a real hodge podge, got many different rooting setups, a few different stages of veg from over a month to a couple weeks to a couple days. It will be interesting to see what does what, it's gonna give me a ton of info for the future.

the scrog is my insurance plan. . .
soo how many plants do you have in the wheel? and did you take cuttings from your scrog project you have to fill the gaps..?
oh snap , then we better get comfty!
imma start flowering tomorrow so we are expecting parents lol

Thats whats good with so many variations going on, you'll find the right combo soon

i hope so. . . we can compare speed if you change over today. ;)

soo how many plants do you have in the wheel? and did you take cuttings from your scrog project you have to fill the gaps..?

I did take cuttings and tossed them in, so some parts of the wheel will grow w/o any lst. I am thinking of maybe doing one more cloning session because the scrog has some under growth that needs to be cleared that could support some more clonage. I'll have to wait for the lights to come back on before I can count them to see exactly how many I have in there.

90 degrees i thought Co2 was suppose to lower the temp or are you talking about humidity

nah, global warming bro, CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps heat, but thats not why my tent gets to 90. it gets to 90 because my 400W has no cooling method and the dehumidifier thats in there also makes a lot of heat. . . I should have bought a portable AC that has a dehumidify only setting. . . then I could have added cooling as needed. I may just stop by home depot and get some more duct assist fans for air exchange out of the tent. Roght now its all passive intake, maybe getting a small DA fan for intake would do the trick.

at any rate, warmer conditions will increase metabolism in plants and they will grow faster so I'd want to be in the mid 80's anyways with CO2 injection. so they can process all the extra light/co2/water.

man that scrog looks great!!! and nice job on replacing the damaged goods o the wheel. How the hardening off going?

Thaks butch, I'll get some new pics tonight when the lights flip. I kinda skipped the hardening of the last few plants and just tossed them into the tumbler as is. . . if one or two don't make it so be it, but I threw them in a coulle days ago and they looked good as of last night so i think they'll be fine.

The two plants I had to ditch really sucked after a month of veg, but what can you do? just keep on keeping on i guess. the 30 or so other plants I got going really make the loss a lot easier. lol.

Tonight my boy is gonna hook me up with enough bud from his harvest to last me at least a few weeks, so thats a huge help. . . It's Hole Shit, so I'll take some nug shots so you can see how beautiful these girls should look after finish. Big Thanks to Father Baker. I hate buying weed, so it's nice to have a good friend growing too so you can hook each other up. Plus I taught him well, so this shit of course is the bomb.

I'll be back on tonight with some fresh pics boys.
well, i pulled the ballast out of the tent to try to lower the tmps, its getting up to 93-94 tops with the tent closed. the bulb cord I have is long as hell, maybe 12 feet long. I'll let you guys know what temp it gets to now.

pics coming soon, but i have work to do first and its getting late.
yeah, I have a 400 switchable over the scrog. . . i forgot to change it to HPS, i've been so busy. Still have it as MH.

thanks for reminding me bro, im gonna switch bulbs right now.
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