Auto Topping LED Grow

Atrain ur words just made me smile;) as if he only used 300w for that beast.well i hope i can beat tang quite a challenge but il try my best;) tangs led he uses are very good and hard to come by .grownorthern led,s thats what i want in my tent;) i tried searching loads but could not find any anywere. ha thanks alot mate

Lighting Looks UK based.
Thats the new holographic led grow light by grow northern i want the normal led panel grow northern.hard to find friend.all though i could save up alot and go holographic;) mmmm we shall see they are alot of pennies lol;)
Well the babies seem to be enjoying themselfes here is a pic of them today;)
Just put my mainlined lady in the dark.she is a photo.a bagseed sure she is sativa dominant still budding like crazy not a bad size buds for a tiny plant;) topped 4 times so 8 colas supercropped the 8 branches and removed all other growth.cnt be bad ha ha;)
What exactly is the definition for mainline?? My current girl is now exactly a main line but not sure how to describe her other then her name trippy (LSD, Barney's farm)
What a sweet looking girl .
Those holographic led sure do look good , Iv'e got my eye on three in the long term but that's a long way off , only time will tell .
What I like is they produce that light yet only 75w , and near silent fan .
But for the time being I am looking forward to seeing how your led's perform , they look great for the money and if anyone can make them sing , you can .
Be safe .
Spart search on here mainlining it will come up . i saw mono .nutty proffesor and medfarmer doing this.thats why i gave it a go;) but the basic term mainlining is u top 2 or 4 or more times let them branches grow and remove all other growth of plant. So ur left with just the branches u created from topping;)
Them buds sure look good:drool:
When is the best time to top an auto, I got 2 growing and there 14 days above soil today and would like to try something with one of them. Thanks in advance, pure

Hi friend and thanks. Im glad u care u challenge topping an auto if she 14 days old id say give another half a week to a her on the 3rd or 4th node and then love her and let her grow;) best of luck;)
Mainlining i dont think u train mate just top and let grow.i might be wrong?? But ur plant sure looks good.a pat on the back for u sir good job;)
Thanks man I actually started her outdoors but then went out and bought the kit I'm currently using (to many street lights and she wasn't flowering). Might change everything around after a bit but we shall see.
:rofl: i change my avatar a lot was about to now actually might keep it for a bit now that you said you like it LOL:laugh:
:thanks: for the compliment man this grow has had a few headaches mostly caused by money LMFAO. I'm really looking forward to seeing your toppings man never topped myself on autos. On this photo I topped third node trimmed off the first node when i thought it had enough growth on top. Then i remembered seeing a picture with a single mainlined two branches only and some nice buds with a stick of bamboo holding it all in place. So I kinda copied it's basic structure and here she is. ^_^ Personally I think when I start to so some autos indoors I'll stick to LSTing em. But we shall see how it goes I got lots of seeds both autos and photos.
Spart good work.i first learnd and started growing in mylar tents at only 5 and a half foot tall.i did a few grows good and bad ha ha.but as i got better and plants got bigger i struggled with the plants growing to tall to the hps.not good ha ha. And my mission from the begining was to try as many diffrent autos and grow them i started toping my autos hoping to keep them shorter.tried topping at lots of diffrent stages and here i am today;) i learned along the way that its strain dependend on the auto to how big she will grow topped or not.i have had topped autos grow to tall.had had to bend the main cola down and shit. And i really enjoy to watch the plants branch out and make there own structure with no training.the power of topping .well thats enough for now peace;):thumb::volcano-smiley::cheer:
Nice job canna .some great buds nice work.and u should have girly name so ppl dont mistake u for been a bloke ha ha.keep up the good work;)
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