CA215's Second Indoor Session

I was just looking at her and seems like she will make it, although she looking ragged today, almost looks as if she needs water, but i'm thinking its from that major hit. She is definitely hating me right now LOL! As I have some extra time and some light at the moment, why wait till this weekend, im getting my ass outdoor to take some pictures! Ill be back shortly :Namaste:
My damn camera died literally two minutes into snapping pictures, its on the charger now, but I have these to upload, finally! :laugh:

I only was able to cover the blue dream that is getting attacked, and the boggle who is also now being attacked.. I also have micros of bud I have been smoking on the past couple weeks :thumb: Hope everyone is doing well, I will have more pictures here in abit as well :Namaste:

Blue Dream front side

Back side of the blue dream with the boggle to the back right corner


Transition :laugh:

And the Sour Boggle, weird nubby looking pistils LOL makes me laugh

And some buds, this is TOP SHELF bud from a vallejo dispensary.. Disgusting right? if you knew how much I paid for an eighth you would crap yourself

YUCK^ Ok, now some danky jack flash

Platnum, something.. lol

And some cherry, again, something..?

Now that is up, I am going to take some more pictures, :peace: CA
Are those dead spider mites in the buds in the first pic? The little red and black dots?
other than that the bud did look top shelf but, you don't want to see dead bugs in the stuff your smoking. :(
Are those dead spider mites in the buds in the first pic? The little red and black dots?
other than that the bud did look top shelf but, you don't want to see dead bugs in the stuff your smoking. :(

Sorry for the laggy update;

Yea, nasty huh? Im seeing a mix of what looks to be possibly spier mite, but definitely gnat and maybe gnat babies? Almost look like freakin' ticks!! Some freaky s***! Noticed that after I smoked a few grams of it.. It was some super dankydank but after seeing that, I was pretty livid.. Spending top dollar for something like that set me off haha.. But it was all made up for pretty well from the collective I had gotten it from so all's well now (except the bud they game me I micro scoped it and thought I was seeing some stuff but couldn't definitely put a finger on what they were (if they were anything)), but after really thinking about it, all the outdoor bud ive smoked throughout the days, man oh man, i've probably smoked my fair share of dead bugs :cough:

I picked up 3 clean 5 gal buckets for my indoor harvest, going to attempt this bud cleaning gig everyone is raving about, wanted to do it last grow but didnt have all the supplies, this time im ready! I've learned plenty this outdoor/indoor grow and one thing is that you need to prepare and plan before you proceed.. I have thrown myself into both grows without too much direction in what I was going to end up with, thus, ending up with a cluster f*** of headaches.. Next indoor grow = scrog, next outdoor grow = in ground growing (if housing allows). Here are some pictures;


These things are irritating as hell.


Back to ganj, this tree is also letting off a weird ass sap that is caking my fan leaves..... Add's too my annoyed temper


Intermission veggage

And now, pretty much my favorite at this point, free of my brutal hand, free of ph'd water, free of nutrients. This stump is keeping this girl going and is turning her into some killer smelly tricky goodness. Very SAD, and interesting seeing that the plant I have done near nothing with is doing the best.. Next grow im going with the approach that less is better.. My plants are going to starve to in return be stronger, if the strains cant hold up with what im not going to be throwing at them, they will be replaced by a sturdy plant that can :thumb:

Branch growing into the fence HAHA!


Planning on getting out to the garden and tending to everything, I have been so busy starting classes I have neglected my plants.. I feel like a horrible caretaker :straightface: Hopefully they will be tied up, re arranged and free to stetch in all directions without being all bunched up to eachother.. Peace all, hope you are all doing well, respect :peace: CA
Damn CA starting to make me jealous over there! Big Betsy, my god...she has a little cubby hole in the middle, like a little doghouse. You will be pulling in some buds come October, that's for sure. Everything looks very very good, I love your garden!

Still blown away at big betsy... and yeah sometimes less is more!!! BTW Just noticed the dead bugs in the top shelf buds.... HA that's why we do it our selves right? But damn, paying that price and to find NOT ONE, but multiple dead bugs in the bud.... Wow.. talk about quality control. I mean there are sick patients looking to medicate properly, not looking to get a cold/virus with rotting bugs in the bud. Even outdoors can be more clean than that!!

I have to say BEAUTIFUL MELON and PEPPERS, that will make for a delightful breakfast with some eggs. Your gonna need it if you are to maintain this epic backyard jungle. Next thing to worry about is MOTHS...Be prepared for daily inspections, and cracking open the colas to look for poop/rot/worms... That will be the most work when the colas take dense shape.

Anyway, always love stopping by, Good Day!:cheer:
Regret to inform, Just went outdoor to water my girls, my makeshift wall had been blown over AGAIN and was resting on top of the already effed up white widow.. This girl does not look too bright.. Might get chopped down, will decide later tonight, pictures to follow on the weekend :peace:

Well fack. :straightface: That a shady situation sir. I know you will make the best descion for her. Girls are looking good sir. :bravo:
Beautiful stuff there CA, plants are getting tall, would have loved to have one of mine just grow and see what happens, but I can't do that just quite yet. Killer grow grab some friends it is going to be a nice harvest at CA'S, Peace OG,
Damn CA starting to make me jealous over there! Big Betsy, my god...she has a little cubby hole in the middle, like a little doghouse. You will be pulling in some buds come October, that's for sure. Everything looks very very good, I love your garden!

Still blown away at big betsy... and yeah sometimes less is more!!! BTW Just noticed the dead bugs in the top shelf buds.... HA that's why we do it our selves right? But damn, paying that price and to find NOT ONE, but multiple dead bugs in the bud.... Wow.. talk about quality control. I mean there are sick patients looking to medicate properly, not looking to get a cold/virus with rotting bugs in the bud. Even outdoors can be more clean than that!!

I have to say BEAUTIFUL MELON and PEPPERS, that will make for a delightful breakfast with some eggs. Your gonna need it if you are to maintain this epic backyard jungle. Next thing to worry about is MOTHS...Be prepared for daily inspections, and cracking open the colas to look for poop/rot/worms... That will be the most work when the colas take dense shape.

Anyway, always love stopping by, Good Day!:cheer:

The one lab will lay underneath Big betsy as a source of shade.. she will see me tending to my plants and she knows that they are mine and she need to protect them.. It is pretty funny. Ill leave for school, come back. and my lab is still laying around my outdoor grow waiting for me to return :) And for the club bud, man, 60 an eighth for that crap, but I was lucky enough to be given another eighth to make up for it. Last night I went and added 3 tbsp of that Earth grow high P bat guano to the top soil of big betsy.. Seems like that would help her finish her flowering stage out strong! Hopefully plumpen these buds up.. This is by far probably one of the biggest plants i've ever grown, well no I take that back, one of the biggest plants I've let grow for the sole purpose of letting a pot plant grow, I cant kill my plants! The white widow that got smashed.. I cant cut it down it would be just silly to cut down 4 months of dedication! These damned garden peppers are spicy little things I tell ya..been eating them too much.. Too many and you are going to be hating life ill hint that right now LOL :laugh: Moths moths moths.. I have been seeing ALOT lately and when I do I freak out and start swatting and smashing.. Im getting alot of them by the melon plant to the right of big betsy, melon plant will be coming down soon enough. Im sure they are these euro corn borers, are these suckers very quick while flying? And when they land do they tend to wrap their wings over their back to form almost a tube, or do their wings stay out prepped to fly.. I am seeing some of these in my damn greenhouse and don't know how the hell they could have sneaked in.. Maybe through the screen..

Just went and pulled a picture... what I am seeing looks identical to these, but when the suckers land their wings wrap over their "back" area behind their eyes and what not.. Hoping they arent these dreaded bugs.. Going to do a good hour investigation this morning once I get some light, see if I can sot any patches of eggs or what not! Left is a female and the right is a male (from what im told)

I've been scared to spray my plants with this BT spray.. Wondering, what granular form do you use at your site Les? I've been adding diomatious earth (spelling?) as a top soil additive weekly combating anything down low.. Thinking I might be looking into some of our sponsor, SNS, for their soil drenches here soon.. Might be spraying neem here as well, just haven't wanted to cover them in that waxy crap either ahhhh the fun of battelling damned bugs! Thanks for stoppin in Les, much much appreciated! :peace: CA

Well fack. :straightface: That a shady situation sir. I know you will make the best descion for her. Girls are looking good sir. :bravo:
Hey Spimp! I did, she is still standing strong, although maybe a little damaged and yellow, and possibly in a world of hate revolving around me and crap planning :rofl:, she is still alive and kickin'! Thanks for droppin my spimpster, will have to make a cruise by your thread here in abit :thumb: CA

Plants are looking great. :thumb:
My man stealthy! Thanks for the kind words there buddy, much appreciated:) Will make a trip through your journal this morning and get caught up :Namaste: CA215

Beautiful stuff there CA, plants are getting tall, would have loved to have one of mine just grow and see what happens, but I can't do that just quite yet. Killer grow grab some friends it is going to be a nice harvest at CA'S, Peace OG,
Im convinced it is the stump that is decaying and in return helping my plant reach its potential.. I think it was mcloadie who informed me that planting Big Betsy at that site was actually probably quite a good idea.. Pretty much pictured it in my head as so; with all the bark and root zone underneath the ground decaying over time and it being turned into rich soil, all those micro organisms acting to get this done are probably in return helping Betsy through her time in need to finish out her time on this earth, some kind of symbios, plant helping the stump to decay while stump helps plant to become some killer ganj! I will really look into this again.. If I ever have a stump on the property you can be sure I am either planting close to that, or digging up that damn KILLER soil! :thumb: Thanks for droppin in OG! I just noticed I haven't replied to the PM from weeks ago, i'll get on that asap! :Namaste:

Today I am going to get soime pictures of the indoor grow for you all to see. I "accidentally" knocked a small sample nug off of the pineapple plant, It has been sitting on my ballast since yesterday around 1ish doing a little quick dry, I will pull some scopes off that aswell to keep this journal interesting, right? :)

Thank you all for checking out my journal, all you members are freakin' awesome, everyone is so nice and willing to teach, be taught, and to take criticism and run with to return share this newly found knowledge with others! Although I am not on the front lines of this MMJ war, I feel like this community here are all soldiers in what is a war for our own humanity, please tell me why the hell this plant should be illegal?! And thank you 420Magazine for hosting such a killer place to share all this info, probably one of the best sites I have come across on the internet.. I really hope soon when money shows its face I will be able to make some small donations to such a wonderful site.. Donations? wha? Just found this post earlier today, think it would be good to mention here :)

With that said, The sun is rising.. I am headed to check my heard :)

:peace: CA215 :joint:
Everything looks great CA. Can't believe how nasty those buds looked like from the dispensary. Kind of ironic because whenever you read about selling to dispensaries you always hear about how picky they are lol. Really makes me wonder what I've been smoking all these years yuck! Ill def be doing a wash with all my harvests. Who would grow strawberries and not wash them first? Lol

How are you taking those amazing micro shots? I try to rig up my iPhone camera with a jeweler's loupe but its not very powerful. I do have a Nikon Coolpix L110 but my iPhone seems to take waaay better pics.
Hey mr bubbles! :)

Yeah man very disgusting, i'm sure i've smoked a few grams of solely bugs in my life... NASTY!!!!!! If I do buy buds from dispensaries again, i'm bringing my laptop, and my usb microscope, and i'll reviewing my purchase in the dang parking lot. Currently i'm using an Aven USB microscope, its about 20x-200x, picked it up off amaz0n ( i almost picked up the loupe for the iPhone too, but at an extra 30 bucks I went with the plug in Aven. It was around 70 bucks and seems to work pretty damn well, the pictures come out a little less quality than if you were just using it to view your nugs, the clarity on this thing is gorgeous. The stand it came with sucks though, so all my micros are taken from me holding the microscope extra still, which is a little difficult! Definitely a cool gadget to have for future grows, Lets me view trichs like no other!

here are some micros of the sample nug wet, and with a 12 hour quick ballast dry





:peace: CA215
Im sure they are these euro corn borers, are these suckers very quick while flying? And when they land do they tend to wrap their wings over their back to form almost a tube, or do their wings stay out prepped to fly.. I am seeing some of these in my damn greenhouse and don't know how the hell they could have sneaked in.. Maybe through the screen..

Just went and pulled a picture... what I am seeing looks identical to these, but when the suckers land their wings wrap over their "back" area behind their eyes and what not.. Hoping they arent these dreaded bugs.. Going to do a good hour investigation this morning once I get some light, see if I can sot any patches of eggs or what not! Left is a female and the right is a male (from what im told)

I've been scared to spray my plants with this BT spray.. Wondering, what granular form do you use at your site Les? I've been adding diomatious earth (spelling?) as a top soil additive weekly combating anything down low.. Thinking I might be looking into some of our sponsor, SNS, for their soil drenches here soon.. Might be spraying neem here as well, just haven't wanted to cover them in that waxy crap either ahhhh the fun of battelling damned bugs! Thanks for stoppin in Les, much much appreciated! :peace: CA

Well, there many different species of moth, and they each will have a larvae with different attributes. But yeah, from the picture you posted, the moth on the left (the female) is the female European-High flyer (ostrina nubilalis). She will be the one laying eggs primarily at dusk and dawn, and even though it may not be peak flight time #2 yet, they're still out there. Recently I've found another set of pristine egg deposits on the black netting (white, and the ones that are about to hatch being black), they deposit their eggs in uniform fashion. I'm beginning to wonder whether they shine under UV light, since fish eggs tend to. Will have to go outside at night and see if I can find any.

If you saw ANY moth in your tent, that is a scary sight, I never ACTUALLY see them, but when my buds are beautiful and dense, I will magically find the worms inside already rotting away, I think the trick is acting early, and not letting them establish a population. I hope you did not see a high flyer.

Another thing, the moths can sneak into very small spaces by tucking their wings up to the side, I've noticed butterflies squeezing through my black netting during the day, luckily the butterflies aren't our biggest worry. I'd say we need to run a thorough and proper application of the BT garden dust, and hopefully that'll take care of things to some degree. Another reason they call them high flyers is because they'll go after the tallest plants with aromatic flowers. Now, if they got into the tent and began reproducing without you knowing, you may risk losing 30% (give or take!) of that crop, you'll need to squeeze in there and look around at some point.

I think one of your largest risks would be Big Betsy to be honest, she's the biggest plant you got, very LUSH, and inviting. Especially since it's next to the fruit tree, for some reason I noticed the moth's like to sleep in those trees during the day.

If the BT can be applied correctly, I think it will save us a lot of heartbreak... 'Till next time!
Have a Good Day!:Namaste:
Well, there many different species of moth, and they each will have a larvae with different attributes. But yeah, from the picture you posted, the moth on the left (the female) is the female European-High flyer (ostrina nubilalis). She will be the one laying eggs primarily at dusk and dawn, and even though it may not be peak flight time #2 yet, they're still out there. Recently I've found another set of pristine egg deposits on the black netting (white, and the ones that are about to hatch being black), they deposit their eggs in uniform fashion. I'm beginning to wonder whether they shine under UV light, since fish eggs tend to. Will have to go outside at night and see if I can find any.

If you saw ANY moth in your tent, that is a scary sight, I never ACTUALLY see them, but when my buds are beautiful and dense, I will magically find the worms inside already rotting away, I think the trick is acting early, and not letting them establish a population. I hope you did not see a high flyer.

Another thing, the moths can sneak into very small spaces by tucking their wings up to the side, I've noticed butterflies squeezing through my black netting during the day, luckily the butterflies aren't our biggest worry. I'd say we need to run a thorough and proper application of the BT garden dust, and hopefully that'll take care of things to some degree. Another reason they call them high flyers is because they'll go after the tallest plants with aromatic flowers. Now, if they got into the tent and began reproducing without you knowing, you may risk losing 30% (give or take!) of that crop, you'll need to squeeze in there and look around at some point.

I think one of your largest risks would be Big Betsy to be honest, she's the biggest plant you got, very LUSH, and inviting. Especially since it's next to the fruit tree, for some reason I noticed the moth's like to sleep in those trees during the day.

If the BT can be applied correctly, I think it will save us a lot of heartbreak... 'Till next time!
Have a Good Day!:Namaste:

Great information +reps
Im convinced it is the stump that is decaying and in return helping my plant reach its potential.. I think it was mcloadie who informed me that planting Big Betsy at that site was actually probably quite a good idea.. Pretty much pictured it in my head as so; with all the bark and root zone underneath the ground decaying over time and it being turned into rich soil, all those micro organisms acting to get this done are probably in return helping Betsy through her time in need to finish out her time on this earth, some kind of symbios, plant helping the stump to decay while stump helps plant to become some killer ganj!

Its the circle of life. Que the lion king, Elton John music.......:)
Fighting off moths left and right this is getting ridiculous, hunting through all my buds and checking (&finding) for these damn eggs, only found 3 eggs so far and it seems they are spreading them out on the top sites of the entire plant, these things are no joke! I was in an intense battle last night with some diluted neem oil and one of those moths on big betsy, it kept wanting to land and come back, had to drown him for a good 2 minute battle until he flew over the fence, (probably to wait for me to leave and come back, prick :laugh:). These white flies are savage as well, they are coming through thick!!! Been irritating me they seem to want to fly in my face constantly man, bugs seem to enjoy messing with me. Indoor is looking alright, the pineapple received 15 gal flush yesterday of which might not have went as well as I wanted.. I have never removed the pine apple from the tent during flower and really didnt want to as I didnt have the girl propped up to well with stakes, straight to the point I ended up snapping a couple top nugs but they are still hanging.. Thinking those two nugs are going to be a little rough on the throat due to possibly not getting a good thorough flush like everything else did. Everything else has been getting plain phd water for the past week and a half, I plan on flushing the remaining gsc and airy unk today as soon as I can, thinking about closing off the tent here in a couple days to give these girls 24 hours darkness once their medium has dried up a tad. But then again they are still very very green, so another 2-3 weeks of flushing couldnt hurt, that is also being contemplated.. Ideas? I've ordered some more nutrients and what not for future grows and will upload/documents next upload when I have them :thumb: here's some pictures, hope everyones gardens and family are doing great, one love :peace: CA

Pineapple in the sink getting her flush on! Sorry for alot of blurry pictures, I cannot seem to keep a steady hand! plus my camera is no bueno :rollingeyes:

GSC, in the tub getting her first flush on!! (dates will tell you when I did what, because my brain sure as heck doesn't remember)
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