DobeWan's Perpetual Adventure 2.0: The Reboot

RQS in tha house! The Chem family is so, so special and unique and potent and beautiful and aromatic and inspiring and medicinal and...Anyways. :circle-of-love:Dobewan, you've inspired me to not only pop two Gorilla Bombs but grow them conventionally(I'm usually organic). Thank you. Oh, and they will be starting life under my new PS Mini which arrived this morning! Sometimes life can feel soooo good. Growing often brings me a child-like giddiness that's priceless. I'll tag along this grow for the duration bro, great job.
RQS in tha house! The Chem family is so, so special and unique and potent and beautiful and aromatic and inspiring and medicinal and...Anyways. :circle-of-love:Dobewan, you've inspired me to not only pop two Gorilla Bombs but grow them conventionally(I'm usually organic). Thank you. Oh, and they will be starting life under my new PS Mini which arrived this morning! Sometimes life can feel soooo good. Growing often brings me a child-like giddiness that's priceless. I'll tag along this grow for the duration bro, great job.
Thanks Mj! Glad to have you on board for the big finish. Congrats on the new light. This grow most definitely has me feeling giddy.

I’ll be getting a lot of Chem genetics with Royal Gorilla and Liberty Haze, and Chemdawg in the veg tent. Should be an awesome summer!
Week 5 is now underway! Big photo update!


She stretched into week 4 and got some additional defol after I took these pics.




Damn dobe. Looks amazing in there. Stunning plants and photos
Straight killin it. These all look amazing. Plants couldn't look any better. They still have a nice healthy shine to them and are perky. I'm going to call it now and say that Violator Kush is what gets you your first award. That looks exactly like my Chemdawg did and it almost won POTY. It's the picture I use for my avatar. Thank you for doing my methods justice. Incredible.
Thanks guys! I do expect VK will be the nicest looking plant of the bunch and make for my first POTM entry. If VK wins any award it'll be because I managed to enter it in April's contest... because Ase's lock out expires for May's but is still in effect for April's if I understand correctly! :D
Thanks guys! I do expect VK will be the nicest looking plant of the bunch and make for my first POTM entry. If VK wins any award it'll be because I managed to enter it in April's contest... because Ase's lock out expires for May's but is still in effect for April's if I understand correctly! :D
That is quite tactical...... :thumb:
Thanks guys! I do expect VK will be the nicest looking plant of the bunch and make for my first POTM entry. If VK wins any award it'll be because I managed to enter it in April's contest... because Ase's lock out expires for May's but is still in effect for April's if I understand correctly! :D

You understand correctly. Although, I think that Violator Kush will look better than any of the plants I just harvested and I don't have anything else worth submitting from my other journals. In my tent that coincides with this grow with you, that might be a different story ;).

If you do post it up in April, wait until the last day (the 15th) to put it up to get it all plumped up. It'll pretty much be done by then.
I’ve all but decided that my next set in flower (Pink Kush / Tuna Kush / Green Crack / Chemdawg) will be my last until the summer heat passes. But I’m not going to stop growing - I decided I’d try my hand at an outdoor grow this summer.

My tentative plan, that I’m hoping you guys can poke holes in: run autos, start them early June, put them in the sunniest spot in my yard but planted in pots rather than in the soil, and use soil rather than coco so I’m not watering every couple of hours once it gets hot and the plant gets big.

I don’t have good soil in my yard so planting directly isn’t really an option. I don’t know the first thing about getting a quality soil together, or feeding in it. Does anyone have tips or links to point me to? A journal of someone who grew autoflowers in pots outside and documented it? I’m most worried about pests - what are the best natural pest control options? Unleashing a praying mantis army perhaps?!?

Because of this approach, I’m not taking care to select strains that might be mold resistant and do well in the Canadian climate - because they won’t have to be out in the cooler fall weather. Tentative plan is to run Bubba Kush, Diesel, Critical Ogre and The White Train. All freebies and if it’s a disaster I won’t feel like I wasted anything.

I know some soil growers check in from time to time, any tips for a newbie would be appreciated.
I’ve all but decided that my next set in flower (Pink Kush / Tuna Kush / Green Crack / Chemdawg) will be my last until the summer heat passes. But I’m not going to stop growing - I decided I’d try my hand at an outdoor grow this summer.

My tentative plan, that I’m hoping you guys can poke holes in: run autos, start them early June, put them in the sunniest spot in my yard but planted in pots rather than in the soil, and use soil rather than coco so I’m not watering every couple of hours once it gets hot and the plant gets big.

I don’t have good soil in my yard so planting directly isn’t really an option. I don’t know the first thing about getting a quality soil together, or feeding in it. Does anyone have tips or links to point me to? A journal of someone who grew autoflowers in pots outside and documented it? I’m most worried about pests - what are the best natural pest control options? Unleashing a praying mantis army perhaps?!?

Because of this approach, I’m not taking care to select strains that might be mold resistant and do well in the Canadian climate - because they won’t have to be out in the cooler fall weather. Tentative plan is to run Bubba Kush, Diesel, Critical Ogre and The White Train. All freebies and if it’s a disaster I won’t feel like I wasted anything.

I know some soil growers check in from time to time, any tips for a newbie would be appreciated.
Van could help you out with his soil but doesn't do allot of autos. Hop over to the Stanks journals. I'm on my phone or I'd drop the link. Great ex military guy would bet he would love to help ya
Van could help you out with his soil but doesn't do allot of autos. Hop over to the Stanks journals. I'm on my phone or I'd drop the link. Great ex military guy would bet he would love to help ya
He's been a stand up guy ever since I joined. I see him around a lot, although with him in soil and me in coco it makes sense our journals wouldn't overlap. I'll go sub up and start asking some questions, I'm good at that! :D
Van could help you out with his soil but doesn't do allot of autos. Hop over to the Stanks journals. I'm on my phone or I'd drop the link. Great ex military guy would bet he would love to help ya
I didn't know Van was former military. No wonder I like his posts.....

Yahoooo! I’ve got some outdoor plans this summer as well Dobe :surf:
Great questions, I’ll be all ears!

You had me laughing when I imagined trying to keep up with watering plants outdoors in coco :rofl: I have a hard enough time trying to keep my soil wet outdoors in summer never mind using Coco:rofl:

I’ve heard that fox farms is good stuff? I will probably pop by a local greenhouse and see what I can sniff out. I’m planning to put one out there this year, perfect spot for 1 nice sized plant against the back of my fence and gets all day light! Using an auto is a great idea. I was originally thinking of putting my mama Debb out there but now I’m thinking I’ll drop these RQS Diesel auto beans I got for free;)
Wow DW, you are killin' it, that VK is the star of the show. She looks just as good as she tastes. I'm so impressed by your output here, it's classic Ase feeding schedule so you can't go wrong, but your execution is top notch. Excited for your 420 harvest, you really deserve a huge reward. :goodjob:

Thanks G2HM! I’m so excited about this one as well, I figure my little IRL circle of confidants that know I grow is sick of hearing about it by now! :D

I’m so happy VK has been the star - you know how much I was pulling for this particular strain to work out for me!

Yahoooo! I’ve got some outdoor plans this summer as well Dobe :surf:
Great questions, I’ll be all ears!

You had me laughing when I imagined trying to keep up with watering plants outdoors in coco :rofl: I have a hard enough time trying to keep my soil wet outdoors in summer never mind using Coco:rofl:

I’ve heard that fox farms is good stuff? I will probably pop by a local greenhouse and see what I can sniff out. I’m planning to put one out there this year, perfect spot for 1 nice sized plant against the back of my fence and gets all day light! Using an auto is a great idea. I was originally thinking of putting my mama Debb out there but now I’m thinking I’ll drop these RQS Diesel auto beans I got for free;)
Fox Farms Ocean Forest seems to be the default recommendation for soil noobs, but I’m going to ask around and see what people have to say. I know some of the soil folks here use the Doc Bud blend, some mix their own, and some buy from stores. Some do some really cool stuff with feeding and protecting the plants too. A lot to learn but we have a few months. I figure autos are the safest bet for a first timer since we can hit the nicest weather window, and I don’t “waste” the good genetics on a grow that might not end all that successfully! That said - if I enjoy Royal Gorilla and Liberty Haze as expected it’ll be awfully tempting to take some cuttings from my mama plants and see what happens with photos outside...
Thanks G2HM! I’m so excited about this one as well, I figure my little IRL circle of confidants that know I grow is sick of hearing about it by now! :D

I’m so happy VK has been the star - you know how much I was pulling for this particular strain to work out for me!

Fox Farms Ocean Forest seems to be the default recommendation for soil noobs, but I’m going to ask around and see what people have to say. I know some of the soil folks here use the Doc Bud blend, some mix their own, and some buy from stores. Some do some really cool stuff with feeding and protecting the plants too. A lot to learn but we have a few months. I figure autos are the safest bet for a first timer since we can hit the nicest weather window, and I don’t “waste” the good genetics on a grow that might not end all that successfully! That said - if I enjoy Royal Gorilla and Liberty Haze as expected it’ll be awfully tempting to take some cuttings from my mama plants and see what happens with photos outside...
I agree about the soil, I’ll let you know what I uncover as well. I’m following a few greats who use soil now so let’s find some outdoor journals to read, any suggestions on past outdoor grow journals, I’m all ears.

I hear ya on the cuttings and I’m very jealous you will have that liberty haze real soon! I might put a lil baby WW monster out there just to see what happens if I leave it alone (kinda) but I’ll have to transplant into a pot with soil.

How’s pinky? Mine is so deformed lol but she’s coming along alright and just got her 2nd node. I’m working on a big update right now so my journal should be updated by the weekend! Have a great day Dobe
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