Duggan Does ACE's Neville's Haze X Panama & Their Zamedelica X Panama

Hey misfits...remember i said how i was getting afraid to open the GR door these days, especially the day after a drink. Well last night each pot got their customary five gallon drink. It was 1/4 Trans with a splash of Tea. This is wat i found when i just opened the GR door. Who did this to me...i need to know ,..right now....ha.....

Damn I went back and look at yesterday's pics if you look at the plug next to the door the growth is undeniably really nice great job
Its a sunny day here in Ohio land. My ass didn't wake up till 11:30 this morning. Not sure why I slept in other then depression but now that I am up and its a Nice day out and I finally took a shower, which was much needed, things are looking up.
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