GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

Ha! "Thinking" often gets me into trouble Stone. I could use a solid thought! :Rasta:
My wife tells me I weaken the nation thinking! Yeah, she's a stooge's fan!
Hello yet again grow gang! I'm on a posting binge today!

I just had to pop back on to say that this grow has just gotten a bit more interesting (at least for me anyway).

It came out of the blue about 1/2 hour ago:
Phlizon by door.JPG

Christmas morning on a March afternoon!
Phlizon open box.JPG

She's big. She's impressive. She's the Phlizon 1000w, FD-8000 full spectrum grow light!
Phlizon unpacked 3-4-24.JPG

The chances of me NOT sticking this in my 5x5 tent for this grow are .000000000000000001, or thereabouts. 🙂

This is one of my prizes for GJOTY. I'll provide more info about it later.

For now, immense thanks to 420 Magazine, Phlizon and the 420 members who have supported me so givingly!

Woo Hoo!

What a light! Have many pounds come from it Brother!
@StoneOtter might be able to provide some insight, but I read today that his computer is busted and he'll be offline for a minute.
Never used coco.
Yeah, it's big and probably bright enough to grow an oak tree! 🙂
Or a redwood!
I coming up with 43 days from now. What do you get? 😆
The same...-on the BG41, I started the Rx Blend on day 55, so 60 days is really just an apx.
The bases on the other 3 plants say they're about 1/2 empty.
Hmmm...I always pictured you as a "base half full" kinda guy...... 🤔

It's odd that one isn't wicking--was the soil already pretty wet in that one? (so it doesn't need any water right now)
did I remember to add calmag to the feed?
No biggie, the plants will forgive you...
they do look happy & healthy hopefully the CL catchs up & you can get your cuttings
Thanks so much con.
Hello all.

It's Day 20 for the New Trick babies and they look pretty much the same as the other day.

New Trick babies 3-12-24 D20 labels.jpg

All of the swick bases are working. The other day when I thought the one under the Lemon Bubble was not, I was wrong. There's an issue with the water level indicator on that base (and I suspect maybe all of them). It got stuck showing full. But when I plucked it with my finger the indicator sunk, meaning that some water had been sucked away. I don't consider the faulty water indicators a big deal. You can merely look into the base to see if there's water in there, and I don't "plan" on letting mine run out; I'll just keep topping them off.

I coco in the front two (see tiny labels) got dry on the top so they were given a liter each of plain water. Oddly, the back two plants remained moist up top so I didn't water them.

The HL has jumped out to an early lead growth-wise.


The CL is sorta', kinda' making a half-hearted attempt to stop being the party pooper.

CL 3-12-24 D20.jpg


No biggie, the plants will forgive you...
Maybe this time! :oops:
The neatest and the order!
The effective pic cropping! :Rasta:


Thanks for stopping by!

Highya GDB,

They all look lovely! Cosmic Light is getting better looking. Great to see that! They all have great color and look like they want to perform for you (and us)! Great looking brood!! Happy Smokin'
Hello all.

It's Day 20 for the New Trick babies and they look pretty much the same as the other day.

New Trick babies 3-12-24 D20 labels.jpg

All of the swick bases are working. The other day when I thought the one under the Lemon Bubble was not, I was wrong. There's an issue with the water level indicator on that base (and I suspect maybe all of them). It got stuck showing full. But when I plucked it with my finger the indicator sunk, meaning that some water had been sucked away. I don't consider the faulty water indicators a big deal. You can merely look into the base to see if there's water in there, and I don't "plan" on letting mine run out; I'll just keep topping them off.

I coco in the front two (see tiny labels) got dry on the top so they were given a liter each of plain water. Oddly, the back two plants remained moist up top so I didn't water them.

The HL has jumped out to an early lead growth-wise.


The CL is sorta', kinda' making a half-hearted attempt to stop being the party pooper.

CL 3-12-24 D20.jpg


Maybe this time! :oops:

The effective pic cropping! :Rasta:


Thanks for stopping by!

Another week and their will be no stopping them! They are definitely happy 👍
Hello all.

It's Day 22 for the New Trick babies and I'm dealing with a heat issue.

We are having a little heatwave here. Yesterday's high was 78F (avg. high for this time of year is 54F). Today's forecast is for a high of 80F.

Making matters worse, the heat in my house is still on, set to low. I can't turn it off because it's still chilly at night (plus, the heatwave is supposed to end after tomorrow).


I have 2 hygrometers in play in my 5x5 tent. One is a stand-alone where temps and humidity are read directly from the unit. The other is a sensor, which relays the info. to a display unit in my man cave.

The stand-alone data (88.1F, 38%):

The remote sensor data:

This is nuts! I don't know which to believe. One thing's for certain, it's hot in my tent.

The Phlizon FD8000 runs hot, much hotter than the light it replaced. I'm leaving the tent doors open during the period when the lights are on. But I'm also running the light at 100%, hung high. I'm considering reducing the power and lowering the light. That should help a little bit.

I positioned the lights up high at full blast because it gave me the proper intensity for the moment. I want the plants to grow up into the light while adjusting the light's intensity as needed. Why? Because the way my tent is designed (it narrows at the top) makes raising and lowering that "big" light a PITA.

vivosun 5x5.jpg

The tent is 6 feet tall but space is at a premium where it narrows near the top. It barely gives me enough room to get in there and adjust the light. It doesn't help that I'm 6 feet four inches tall and have a larger than average head!

Anyhow, that's what I'm dealing with at the moment. I'll try to figure something out.


My wife tells me I weaken the nation thinking! Yeah, she's a stooge's fan!
That's funny! 😁
What a light! Have many pounds come from it Brother!
Thanks Stone! The light is more suited to a grow room than a tent, IMO, but I'm going to try and make the most of it!
They're looking well and the Cosmic Lights seems to be picking up nicely.
Thanks Stunger.

CL is a diva. There's always at least one!
I don't see any issues with them, well developing girls, soon to be tall and buddy!
Thank you GNY. And thanks for visiting my spot! Please don't forget to sign the guest registry. :)
They all look lovely! Cosmic Light is getting better looking. Great to see that! They all have great color and look like they want to perform for you (and us)! Great looking brood!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. I remain hopeful that the CL will come around!
I'm glad you chose to SWICK! They look great today!
Thanks Stone. I hope I didn't make a mistake doing so. I didn't realize that the Ph of water is not constant. So I have to Ph everytime I water, not just when the big bucket of water is first created. The Lazy-Meter is starting to chirp a little!
hope ur writing this down i am already confused on witch gets what 😵 Still looking good !
Thanks Smoke.

I write down nearly everything, but I need to make better use of my notes. Doesn't do any good to document what you do if you never take advantage of the info.
Another week and their will be no stopping them! They are definitely happy 👍
Thanks GV. I hope your prediction proves accurate!
Congratulations on the transplants and the move to the grownup table! Any chance that enormous fan is on, or just intimidating the CL by its mere presence? ;)
Thanks Shed.

Yes, that big fan is on, aimed at the wall and circulating all of the air in the tent.
She's finally ready to get serious..
Great looking bunch, GDB!
Thanks Carcass. I like serious! :)
Ducky style!😂😂
Quack! 😁
He needs a pitch fork i bet that'll scare them into submission 😂😂😂
Don't know if I want to scare them that much SOG.

Maybe I'll put a dinner fork in there. No, a salad fork. That might shake 'em up a bit!
I have 2 hygrometers in play in my 5x5 tent. One is a stand-alone where temps and humidity are read directly from the unit. The other is a sensor, which relays the info. to a display unit in my man cave.
Is the sensor at the same height as the standalone unit? Is it in the light?
Is the sensor at the same height as the standalone unit? Is it in the light?
The stand-alone is about at the height of the canopy. The sensor is positioned about 5 inches below the stand-alone unit.
Damn, I thought it was hot enough to take off the knickers here, it's damn near Aruba there!

I love these journals for the laughs and that vibrant hunter green shade your plants always have.

Love the selection and thanks for the giggles, as per usual! Looking fine, heat wave is ending for you Saturday also? We have the same thing, heat on in the house cause night temps are in the low 40s. Ugh...
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