Honey, I Think I Broke My Bag Seed - Grow Journal - 2014

If I buy anything from ebay then only if the postage is free.
I think I have one but it's not really close by and if I would take public transport back and forth it would cost me the same postage, if not more. Though I would like to check out what they are selling and prices so might as well sometime go and check what's up. I found it online when I was looking at Plant Magic nutrients, didn't even know there is hydro shop at that part of my city.
The grow shops in my city are out off the way from the centre. I like to go there as the guy in the shop gives me a bit of advice when needed and I also get a free weed newspaper out of it, can't remember the name off it but it's a really good read.

These past few days I have been experimenting with the distance between Lights and Canopy. On Monday, after adding exhaust fan to my tent, I put my lights at the max distance I could - 23'', everything seemed to be ok. but after 24h there was no progress in growth, not even stretching.
So yesterday I decided to move the a little closer and see what happens - 20'' from canopy, still no progress in new growth but newest fan leaves kinda grew bigger, but the old ones started displaying few brown spots. This is where I started extended reading up about pH issues and different nutrient deficiencies lockouts and other problems. And for a moment there I thought this distance is just fine and I can leave it like this. But then I quickly realised, after reading other LED journals, that a lot of growers keep more powerful panels a lot closer then 20''
Today I lowered lights even more - 17''from canopy, then suddenly after 3 hours I noticed new nodes growing and new leaves opening, soil getting drier deeper in, but then again new brown spots showing up not only on older fan leaves but on newer ones as well and some yellowing appearing. I'm almost sure I need to flush her with pH'ed or weak nutrient pH'ed water tomorrow morning when watering, most likely, will be due and see if situation changes. I know its not heat stress or hotspots because fan is blowing directly on her and my other seedling does not show any other issues besides slow growth and stretching, strain should be very fast growing.

Here's a pick with brown spots and yellowing.
I don't think it has fluctuated, it has been 7.something like it was from the begining. I got my pH control kit only on Monday so all future waterings will be with pH'ed water and my young one receives only proper water, besides initial spray when seed went in soil.
17'' from canopy is definitely better then 23'' from canopy.
It went from:
Morning - Looks like 2 more days till watering
Afternoon - Maybe tomorrow, not sure yet
Evening - Yup, tomorrow 1st thing in the morning when lights come on

It's bone dry, I could water now but I don't want to water so late 2h before lights off, I better let her explore a bit. I will prepare for her a very light feed for tomorrow with less then half of the suggested strength and just feed, no flush.
hi mate i prob would just flush with ph water (maybe add some flush i use canna), no nutes. At least then your sorting the ph problem out first and then you know where to go from there. I only start off with 1/4 strength and then build my way up to full strength over a bit off time, But that's what i find best for my auto's and iv'e not grown photo's (well i have got a free seed growing in the greenhouse) so maybe its different.
I will definitely flush with ph water tomorrow, don't know how I missed this when reading but all that I just read leads to ph fluctuation problem.
When flushing, always use a weak nutrient mix ( 10/20%)as it is more effective at removing salts etc. It sounds weird but it works better than clean water. Don't forget to check the ph of your run off
So I flushed this morning, I had prepared from yesterday 15% strength feed, from recommended, with 6.5 pH and runoff was just a little under 6.00 and when digging through internet found that it is a good indicator. But then again, it's internet :)
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