Hortishorti Runs A Clone - 10Gal Fabric Pot - Roots Organic & TLC


As promised earlier, here are some pics of Chloe on her special 35F!
We're ending week 5, I think, very nicely - leading into week 6 with a nice start. Some leaves are beginning to lighten just a tad and pistils are beginning to yellow and redden all over the plant.

I think December 9th should be comfortable, despite being on the early side ;) Any ideas when I should start feeding plain water? plan to let the container practically dry out before harvesting her with lights off when it comes.
Wow! Thats a very beautiful plant Horti. Now i cant wait to catch a glimpse of the next set of pics!


Thank you Big Sparks!! Welcome to my journal :)
alright cool, I fed plain water today. Since I've been using nothing but organics, with the heaviest being Buddha Bloom(Roots Organics) after I realized the MGO wouldn't be here in time, I'm wondering if a full on "flush" is necessary? 30 gallons of water would be insanity in that closet xD
I just stop feeding nutrients, she will start use what she needs from the fan leaves

sweet. So much conflicting info on flushing so I appreciate your advice on it, I hope she really starts fading. Would like to see some color.
Well, plain water it is until chop date hehe. and yeah that'd be quite the flood. If I was confident in dragging her outside I'd do it, but I think I've been really gentle on the roots and soil so plain water and a shop vac shall have to suffice. I want to let her dry out pretty well before chop so I'm setting my last watering date for a week from tomorrow.

Really hoping she gives me some harvest colors.


Feels like just yesterday I chopped her mom on day 42
Chloe will be chopped on day 44
Was really hoping to let her mature a FEW weeks more, but it will have to do until next time :cheer:

I'm a bit sad that it feels like it's coming so quickly. It'll be heartbreaking to not wake up to Chloe every day :'( I might cry.
What day are you at now? 35? Mmm looks like she will be a tastey little treat for when you get back from polandia. Say hi to my ancestors
I do plan on running some very tasty new plants as soon as I get back, NS hehe

It definitely is like a separation anxiety though, I've been waking up to her for a while so it'll be sad when I'm overseas without a plant to tend to.

and Toast, I would try to flush in a bathtub but she won't fit xD her 10gal pot was maybe a bit unnecessarily oversized for what I ended up doing with her but oh well, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to reuse the soil anyways. Nothing synthetic was ever put in, I'm very proud to say. My biggest concern with moving her, is that she is wider than my doorways - I'd hate to snap off a few branches.

and yep, we're on Day 35 Dabber ;) I'm hoping I can get her to be as tasty as she is potent!! Can't wait to see what kind of terps I can preserve by drying her in the fridge while I'm gone hahaha

Anyways, my hydro buckets arrived today! Still waiting on z7 but I'm really happy to have my new equipment ;) can't wait to try them out!!

I'm gonna call it a night everyone, big day at work tomorrow.
Goodnight 420magazine!

Good evening everyone :cheer: Chloe surprised me when I get home from work... with some FINE COLORED ORANGE PISTILS showing more prominently everywhere over the buds!!!

I'm seeing LOTS of milky Trich's at day 36 of flowering and it has me excited. The majority are still clear - but I'm thinking in a week, the percentage of cloudy may be quite higher!

I gave her plain ol' tap water and vacuumed the runoff. So happy to say I've never once had to PH this grow :circle-of-love:

Hope everyone is having an awesome night!!
Re: Hortishorti Runs A Clone - 10Gal Fabric Pot - Roots Organic & TLC

Looking great miss horti! Some mighty fine gerbil wangs she is going to yield for ya! Wishing you a wondeful rest of your evening and many cloudy trics to come
Looking great miss horti! Some mighty fine gerbil wangs she is going to yield for ya! Wishing you a wondeful rest of your evening and many cloudy trics to come
Thank you Dabber, I hope she yields the best gerbil wangs I've had yet :cheer:
I'll be over to check on Gloria soon ;) I bet she's looking super fabulous
have an awesome night

It’s nice not having to ph your nutes.
hell yeah it is, definitely freakin awesome :thumb:

plus I'm getting the best growth I've seen yet, seems like a win-win
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