JadeLotus First Stealth Grow!

One month after breaking ground.
Hey Jade. She's looking really good! :goodjob: I wish I could give you some ideas on training but I just haven't done it so I really don't know. Stop by SweetLeef's journal. If he can't answer your questions he can point you in the right direction! He's a really good guy. He is usually on late at night so if he doesn't get to you immediately, no worries, he will! :thumb: :Namaste:
Sub'd and caught up.

Every thing is looking great.

How big will your cabinet be? I wouldn't do too much pruning, because that will keep her lower and bushier. You are trying to keep her tall and skinny, I'd probably top her once and then consider lollipopping to keep her skinny and make her cola fat.

Lollipopping is removal of all of the lower growth so the plant can focus all of it's energy on the top growth. I have never done it, but if I was worried about width, that's probably what I'd do.

I have little experience as I am in my second grow, but I think something in that direction would serve you well.

Watch for pistols. The plant should start showing sex in the next few weeks!

In the meantime, keep doing what you are doing. The baby looks great! +Reps
OH! One more thing before I forget again... if you would like to check out an amazing plant -- grown from a bad seed -- go and check out Insanerooster. His MONSTER is nothing short of amazing!!! Seriously jaw-dropping, and he's a great guy to boot!!
Thanks for the help Sweetleaf! I have a small cabinet with about 4ft usable space. I haven't switched to 12/12 yet but I was considering doing so soon. Since it is a bag seed I don't know what I'll end up with. :) I actually started another seed I found in the bottom of my one hitter. I know when I switch I can plan on the plant to double or triple in growth, that's why I was thinking of switching soon. She has been in veg for about a month now.
Thanks for the help Sweetleaf! I have a small cabinet with about 4ft usable space. I haven't switched to 12/12 yet but I was considering doing so soon. Since it is a bag seed I don't know what I'll end up with. :) I actually started another seed I found in the bottom of my one hitter. I know when I switch I can plan on the plant to double or triple in growth, that's why I was thinking of switching soon. She has been in veg for about a month now.

So I am guessing the cabinet is around 2x2? I would flip soon too then, I think. Don't want to make the plant too big for the area. Don't want it to be too small wither :laughtwo: Just follow your gut this time Jade, if you're wrong, your plant will be smaller than you want or it will be too big, either way you'll know if you need flip sooner or later next time. and you've already dropped another seed :)

From what I have read, you don't have to do anything special to flip. Just wait for lights out and then add the time to the dark period. Those last 6 hours the plant will really stretch to find the light.


I haven't had the pleasure of flipping a plant yet. In my first grow, the bagseed I dropped turned out to be a boy, and a buddy gave me some clones that were infested with russet mites. So I lost all of my photo plants. I've only successfully grown autos at this point, so no need to change light cycles. I've got probably 3 more months and then I will be able to flip my Obama Kush and watch out, I think she'll be a monster.

Hope that's helpful.
At this stage just light is important, so a short power outage is ok. If its during the day set them by a window hidden from view.

Do you know the frequency range of your new light. Some lights (Bluer) are good for veg and lights in the redder range for bloom.

I'm sub'd. Welcome to :420:

I'll keep checking with you. You might want to follow my second journal, it is similar to what you are trying.
At this stage just light is important, so a short power outage is ok. If its during the day set them by a window hidden from view.

Do you know the frequency range of your new light. Some lights (Bluer) are good for veg and lights in the redder range for bloom.

I'm sub'd. Welcome to :420:

I'll keep checking with you. You might want to follow my second journal, it is similar to what you are trying.

Thanks! I had also read that about the lights. The one I have now is 6500k photography lightbulb. The new one is 2700k. I'm moving my veg setup to a smaller cabinet. Can't wait to get the lights changed later tonight. I have to get the hubby to fix some electrical stuff :)
yeah apparently they like the daylight bulbs in veg and warm white in flowering because it simulates the seasons, from what i read anyway. i plan to blast mine with both types at both times though i might swap out the daylights for all warm whites come flowering.

yours are looking very nice indeed.
Caught up :) Subbed if you dont mind a little one!
Your spot may be small but this does not mean you cant get good yields. Training is my thing! Wish Id found you sooner :(
My little solo girl grow spot is only 2.5x2.5x3ft and I do quite well :)
Next time definitely top your girl earlier, with a light like your going to use, you want a level canopy to get max out of your space.
Anyway best of buds! :)

Can't get better advise than that! I just got my tent installed today and have set it up. I have posted pictures, and I'm doing some training on her.
Thanks Guys! I kinda panicked this morning. When I woke up and checked on her she was droopy. Broke my heart, thought I had killed her. I thought she was pretty moist yesterday so I didn't water her. I had been giving her 1 cup of water or 1 cup of nutes every other day. I've come to realize I had planted her in a non soil mixture that I thought was soil. So I guess she needs watered every day? Just threw me for a loop when she was wilty. A great learning experience for sure!! I haven't switched to 12/12 yet. Got distracted with work. She grows so much every day! (When I'm not starving her! :) ) Thought I would wait another week to flip. I noticed she has her first set of 7 leaves!im thinking about trying to clone the bottom shoots but I don't have any rooting solutions. :( anyone know any home concoctions that might work? On to the good part..... Pictures!

Oh ya if you look in the second picture, the stems of the fan leaves are all kinda yellowy with purple streaks. I have no idea what kind of seed she was, but it's kinda pretty! ( or is this a bad thing....?):yikes::oops:
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