Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

I continue to marvel at the water management and hillside grow tactics you have going on. So many other things to salute you for... This journal delivers like few others. :thumb:
I went up the hill after lunch to hang some more noise makers on the wires. The sun was hitting the Pure Kush that I used to replace the SLH in the plot, and they looked so healthy and pretty I just had to get some pictures:
They sure are doing well as you can tell. TOAST
PeeJay is so right - your journal is extraordinary Toast. I just wanted to say thank you so very much for writing it. You are an inspiration.
PeeJay, It gets so hot here if you dont make some kind of water resivor to consintrate where the water goes, the surrounding high desert ground will suck the moisture right out of the plot and the plants will be wilting by 1:00pm-2:00pm in the after noon. Thats another reason I sunk the 21/2in PVC pipes to get moisture thru the entire plot. In the past I have put smaller pipes in the individual holes,but there not big enough for it to make any difference so I dont do that any more. Soon I will be putting mulch in the bermed out area, so the sun has a harder time evaperating the moisture.I hope that helps you in your grow. Right now I have to drive next door and give my neighbor a hand.Shouldnt take longer than an hour.When I get back im going to make my meds. So Ill be posting the next steps in a few hours. So stayed tuned. TOAST
Im Back,My neighbor got him self one of those Sun Setter Power Awnings and it takes two people to set it up. Last time he had a project he got his wife to help him and she ended up at the Hospital getting stiches in her head. LOL Needless to say he came to me for help this time. Unrelated to any of this ( Katie Perry is Fucking HOT!!!). And now for the Super High Tech Industrial Cheap Ass Bastards Find What You Can Around The House way to make meds.Alright making Meds takes a while so Im going to post as I go along.Disclamer: Dont try this at home.LOL Seriously you got to do this out side and be very carefull you can blow your self up.Now because I had to buy the motion censor camera and stuff. I couldnt afford $25.00 bottles of Ever Clear witch is what I use normally.I went with Dollar Store Isoproply Alcohol. What I did was go on the Internet and watch video and read as much as I could find on the subject.I took that information and came up with my own way, witch is a little of this and a little of that.But the main influence was The Rick Simpson video and the Absolute Shatter video on You Tube.Ok here we go---You need a Rice Cooker with marked tempature settings
a clean empty bucket
a fan to circulate the air so fumes dont build up and explode
and a small fan that will blow directly on the Alcohol
then I use the drill and paint stir to mix the solution that has been setting for 24 hours
then I use the largest mesh screen, that I use to make Bubble Hash, to screen out the leaf matter
Heres a Bubble Hash tip - You have all seen the Bubble Bags they sell in magazines and on line for $700.00 if you go to your local Silk Screeners you can purchase 3ft x 3ft peaces of any size screen you want and make your own for cheap, as a matter of fact with the 3ft x 3ft peaces you can make set ups for all your friends too. Now back to the meds--after I strain the liquid off the material , with gloves on I squeez the remaining liquid out of the material and throw the material a way.
then I pour the liquid back through the same screen into a clean bucket to get out any thing that sliped by in the first pour
then I put the lid on the bucket so nothing get in it.More High Tech solutions - what was handy this time was a Nestles Chocolate Powder container,so I took a resterant size coffee filter and rubber banded it to the container as my next filter
I then use a pyrex measuring cup to transfer the liquid from the bucket to the Nestles container and put the lids on both.
Then you wait for the liquid to drain,witch takes a while. While its draining I did this and Im still waiting.So I will get the next part up as soon as I can.TOAST
Toast, I have worked casually with a long time friend who has a permaculture and water harvesting/landscaping business in Northern New Mexico when I can for a couple of decades. That's why I get excited about your hillside grow.

Great tutorial. Looking forward to part two.
No worries, have a great evening. What I said in the post before this... I've been hooked since I saw the pictures on day 1. Then there are the other things that make this journal a great read. :thumb:
Well the lil Bastard just tryed to get in. The light, camera,and horn worked like a charm. By the time I realized the horn went off and got from my computer to my back yard he was just going back over the fence and scrambling.I know as fast as he went over the fence his hands are bleeding from the tack strip.I down loaded the camera but all I got was one picture of an arm.LOL That'll teach the lil FUCKER. I had my shot gun in hand should of fired off the rock salt in the air for effect. But you know Hindsight.Well this is either going to make it a challenge to get in or he will never try again.Hopefully the latter.Well at least I know my home made security system works.I had the camera pointed in the direction he came in last and this time he came from the other side thats why I only got a picture of his arm. Such excitement. This is actually quite fun. TOAST
I had my shot gun in hand should of fired off the rock salt in the air for effect. But you know Hindsight.Well this is either going to make it a challenge to get in or he will never try again.Hopefully the latter.Well at least I know my home made security system works.I had the camera pointed in the direction he came in last and this time he came from the other side thats why I only got a picture of his arm. Such excitement. This is actually quite fun. TOAST

So last night I hit the rack early. Got up at 5:00 am and started filtering the alcohol again.I had time to kill so I went up the hill to see wheather the lil Asshole got any thing,now that I could see better.And No he didnt. Came back down , poured some more liquid in to the filter.Still had time to kill, so I went up the hill and butchered my plants for 53 clones
Now my friends I need HELP!!! The F-n PLanter is out of control.After I posted the last one, I went out to pour more liquid in the filter and when I was done, I went to look at the planter. I dont know what happend, but its like they had a growth spert over night. To the point that the taller ones in this next picture grew so much they pulled the wires I had holding them down, right out of the ground.
I realize that I should have only used three plants where I used five. Now it way over crowded and I dont know what to do.HELP!!!! Please. TOAST
Now my friends I need HELP!!! The F-n PLanter is out of control.After I posted the last one, I went out to pour more liquid in the filter and when I was done, I went to look at the planter. I dont know what happend, but its like they had a growth spert over night. To the point that the taller ones in this next picture grew so much they pulled the wires I had holding them down, right out of the ground.

] I realize that I should have only used three plants where I used five. Now it way over crowded and I dont know what to do.HELP!!!! Please. TOAST

You have a solid canopy.
You have the height to grow without hitting lights :rofl:

Where is the problem with just letting them stretch ?
Ya-all aint gona believe this: I dont have a bad Back I have a Trick back.The last time this happend I reached down to pick up an empty sandwitch baggie that was blowing (I said Blowing HeHe)down the street and was in bed for three days.Needless to say you see the tray table in this pic:
I just poured the last of the liquid into the rice cooker and steped back while it started boiling again, and then leaned over to see how much it was boiling my back froze up and I couldnt stop the lien and fell into the tray table knocked every thing every where and there goes that batch. Luck-a-lee, lol,I only ran Two Ozs to see how the Isopropoly worked. Well SHIT HAPPENDS im going to go soak in the Tub now. I havent had a chance to see if any one tryed to Help me with the planter yet but I will after I get out of the tub. TOAST
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