Lucky's First Home Grown Bag Seed

Lord Indica said:
This forum is the first place that I have ever heard of it. I am going to get some and mix it with worm castings and perilite. What do you think? I just started using worm castings and the results are stuff of legend so I will be using it from now on. I here you talk about the coco and I can't help but wonder how it would be mixed with what has worked so well for me. I am betting it would work fantastic. Any thoughts?:thanks:

Yea you can mix coco with anything. Ppl mix coco with soil, and THAT I really don't understand.. But perlite and nute sources, of course! Because it's hard to drown the roots, you can water very often. Your growth rates will be very similar if not the same as growing in hydro.
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

So I guess my petco isn't a very good one. I went there last night to get some coco bedding, no luck though. Any other ideas where I can find some?

Really frustrated. I sold my car bc I had another used one set up to buy but the guy backed out. So now I'm stuck here with no car. Bidding on some on ebay though so hopefully that changes.
luckiestman13 said:
So I guess my petco isn't a very good one. I went there last night to get some coco bedding, no luck though. Any other ideas where I can find some?

Really frustrated. I sold my car bc I had another used one set up to buy but the guy backed out. So now I'm stuck here with no car. Bidding on some on ebay though so hopefully that changes.

Lol lucky.. You don't get coco bedding. Coco coir is specifically for growing plants. It is only found online, or in your local hydroponics store. Google coco coir to learn about it.
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

Lucky, get ANTHING with some bulk that doesn't absorb water. If you're desperate, but some aquarium sand and mix it in with the MiracleGro. The mixture should not feel squishy or compressible. I haven't done this, but I think at least 50% sand would work.

When I planted my clones, I was almost out of my old soil and the stuff on the bottom was a bit like pulverized slate mixed with soil. I didn't know if anything would even grow in it, but low and behold, it was fine.

If you decide to do this, get the coarsest sand you can find, hopefully with some pebbles in it.

Run, don't walk (I know you don't have a car) to your nearest pet shop or aquarium store! Take the bus or steal your niece's tricycle and ride there.
A little better today. I'm hoping she holds on till Monday when I can get to the store.

Oh, WoW! She's turning green again on the top. If you haven't been doing the foliar feeding I mentioned earlier, do it now. Go to your Mom's room, empty out one if her perfume vials and use the atomizer to spray your baby with a 1/4 strength nutrient solution.

Remember not to put the atomizer back in your Mom's room unless you want her to smell like your crop! That would be a different take than her smelling like apple pie.
Is the soil pre fertilized? If so than I would recommend not feeding for at least 10-14 days.
If the container doesnt have any holes for air and for excess water to leave, you'd better drill some. about 4 at least at bottom level, better 8, about 1.5cm ( + 1/2 inch )/ Multiple smaller ones also ok.
If pot gets lighter you can drill some from below, a view small ones in bottom should be enough.

Plant looks to be having troubles with nutrients in soil. 20-20-20 balance should be perfect for germination. But important for some plants specially is low starting nutrients.
Check soil EC or parts per something dissolved in the soil. Sometimes there is directly available stuff which determines saltiness or EC level the most. The other part could be slow releasing stuff, biological, manure, guano, or some other stuff slow releasing substance.

Could recommend few things for starters:
- get nice starting seeds from seed company or friends or from around. Most Indica type strains often do it better for starting. Most hybrids leaning not too much to sativa do well.
- Experiencing with nutrient feeding, starting in smaller container pre grow somewhere else besides flower room, which can be very small, for 4 plants, turning them regularly in small spaces can still get them quite big.
Feeding in smaller container for couple of runs will help you learning nutrients strengths levels. And very important also experiment between N, P and K balancing later on.

Switching to bigger light 250W+ could safe this bugger quicker, but it might not be worth it, getting few good new seeds would be better.
phdtje has made some good points! You definitely need to replace that pot. At first I though it was clay, but now it looks like a plastic pot with a built-in overflow tray. If that's the case, definitely do something about it.

If you can remove the attached tray, do so. Otherwise, drill some holes like phdtje said. You need to have a clear path for drainage. If there are already holes in the bottom and they're accessible, poke a chopstick or wooden spoon handle through it to remove any blockage.

Then go buy either a 3 gallon or 5 gallon plastic pot. It will cost about a buck and already has some holes built in it. It weighs next to nothing and is easy to clean and reuse.

I just came back from the market and had a zany thought. If you can't find anything to cut the MG dirt with and you can't get a replacement soil, you might use "Kitty Litter" as a filler. It might have some deodorizer in it, but there can't be anything too nasty in it, otherwise it would be Goodbye Kitty! (not affiliated with Hello Kitty)
Ok so I thought those pots had drainage holes in them but after taking one apart they don't. Definitely why I had a lot of problems. Here are some pictures from today, she's looking much better but I haven't done much except foliar feed and just a little water, fert and molasses. Still planning on switching pots and growing mediums.


Oh, WoW! She's turning green again on the top. If you haven't been doing the foliar feeding I mentioned earlier, do it now. Go to your Mom's room, empty out one if her perfume vials and use the atomizer to spray your baby with a 1/4 strength nutrient solution.

Hey Grant I don't live with my mom!
Yeah, she's coming around, Lucky.

I had a long rant prepared against your pot. Just a quick summary. I had a ceramic pot that I used for a house plant. It didn't do well. I kept watering it, but it got worse and eventually died. This was years ago and I knew nothing about plants.

Then someone told me: there's no drainage in the pot (no evaporation from the sides either, like a clay pot) and so the roots get waterlogged, wilt and eventually die. The only way to use a pot non-porous pot is to put stones or pebbles in the bottom and to water sparingly. The stones keep the roots from reaching the bottom of the pot and the water pools below the level of the stones, allowing the roots to dry out a bit and get some oxygen.

Anyway, what would you rather have:

An ordinary plant in a pretty pot


Pretty pot in an ordinary planter?
Back from being away for a week. Surprisingly she is still doing alright. Adding more holes in the bottom and I also put about 50 holes around the outside of the pot. Kind of like an air pot if that makes sense.



this is the worst of the leaves
Hey, I've been away for about a week, too, Lucky.

I can't believe how well she is doing! I think she's finally out of the woods. You said you put a bunch of holes in the pot? Better drainage is absolutely required.

By the way, just so that you know, there actually is something called an "air pot." It's a pot that has weird extrusions on all the sides and is supposed to keep the roots from wrapping around themselves in circles and getting rootbound.

Anyway, I admire your fortitude in trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear! Is there a reason why you don't go out and buy a decent pot for your plant? Is it a family heirloom? You're going to have to transplant it sometime anyway. There's no reason not to do it now.

Just make sure you first either get some better soil or add perlite to the soil you're using now. You need something to keep the soil from getting compacted.

I ran out of my soil and bought what was the best available at a mega- home and hardware store. It might be a tad better than "Miracle Grow," but it still sucks. It packs like mud. If I ever use it again, I'm cutting it with something like perlite.

Keep the photos coming
I should have been more clear. I put all the holes in that pot before I left. Yes I do actually know what an air pot is.

I think my main problem from the beginning was this damn pot. I'm a total newb and assumed (yes dumb I know) that the pot had holes in the bottom and then a small tray that held a little overflow. Anyway I put a bunch of holes in the bottom watered it and left the pot sitting in some water that was in a container for about a week. It was watered again on the 5th day of my trip.
Yesterday I morning I transplanted her to a bigger pot and added more soil and about 6 cups of perlite. She's looking pretty good!



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