Mars Hydro New Year’s Gift: FC8000


Melon Fizz, grown with @Mars Hydro tsw2000.
I was thinking of an overhaul to my veg tent...maybe make it a special place with a split tent!!!

@Gabby987 thinking of you this holiday wishing you could come visit me and my growing auto girls and friends!

Thanks Jacques! Welcome to :420:!!

This is an active and current giveaway thread for the @Mars Hydro FC8000. If you don't have room for the light and you win, Mars is courteously allowing the winner to use the equivalent price of the light in other Mars products that will suit your needs!! There are weekly giveaways each week on top of the main prize for New Year's! Join in on the fun and tag a 420 member (you can use @Renaissance Man he would like a new friend and a tag here), use the hashtag #marshydrofc8000 and post a pic of your current or past grow! That's it!

Come back here daily to check in on the activities, meet friends and look at awesome pics! Check out @Mars Hydro's sponsor page here for all of their fantastic products!

If you want to learn more on Mars Hydro and their products from current users, jump on the Mars Hydro LED light discussion thread, too!

Do you have anything growing now?! Would love to see your girls!
My Sour Livers strain from Mephisto Genetics is loving life under her new @Mars Hydro FC-3000! As @Krissi1982 says, “Go Team Mars!” #marshydrofc8000

Team Mars makes the ladies say, Heeeeey!!!:cheer: Liv!!!! I knew she would shoot within 48 hours of being under that light! Can I say I told you so (again lol) now?! Can't wait to see her next week! You're gonna be blown away!
Nice one @Virgin Ground Green Crack is one of my favorite strains and grew it a lot over the last couple year.

I used a similar images before but don't label it properly. So, @Mars Hydro TSW - 2000 strain is Green Crack in DWC. One plant scrog.

This is an older image. Date: 10/2020 #marshydrofc8000

Where have you been hiding @Shellback
Have you checked out what Mars-Hydro has been up to.

1 Mars Hydro  Green Crack.jpg

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,

edit: My spell check doesn't understand me.
I'll be starting another grow in my 4x4 tent with the FC3000 in the next couple days.
I'll finally have some new pictures to show off and a chance to make up for my failures while growing outdoors in the summer. Regardless, here's how it turned out last time... :love:


Congrats on the win @Tokin Roll. Maybe @DonkeyDick wants to pimp his stable.
Maybe @DonkeyDick wants to pimp his stable

:thanks: Reggie for the tag and Mars for another great giveaway.
I already won one of these and have the fc3000 rocking my flower room.

Good luck to everyone! Some great prizes coming your way.
Thanks Jacques! Welcome to :420:!!

This is an active and current giveaway thread for the @Mars Hydro FC8000. If you don't have room for the light and you win, Mars is courteously allowing the winner to use the equivalent price of the light in other Mars products that will suit your needs!! There are weekly giveaways each week on top of the main prize for New Year's! Join in on the fun and tag a 420 member (you can use @Renaissance Man he would like a new friend and a tag here), use the hashtag #marshydrofc8000 and post a pic of your current or past grow! That's it!

Come back here daily to check in on the activities, meet friends and look at awesome pics! Check out @Mars Hydro's sponsor page here for all of their fantastic products!

If you want to learn more on Mars Hydro and their products from current users, jump on the Mars Hydro LED light discussion thread, too!

Do you have anything growing now?! Would love to see your girls!
Thanks for the tag, @Krissi1982! Since I do not have Mars lights, I will wait for the next round of questions and think long and hard which one of my friends (they don't know they're my friends yet) I will tag!

But I'll still give a shout out to #marshydrofc8000!
GSC BB and GG under a marshydro tsw2000 in a mars 4x4 tent could definitely get a bigger light for the space! Maybe @Trala might need some marshydro products?

Hi there :)

Thanks for the tag, but I already have a Mars Hydro light. It is the 1000 one, and it hasn’t missed a single beat.

I bought a Mars Hydro tent too. They are great products :)
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