My 1st Attempt At AutoFlowers!

You think they look ok so far then mate ?

Heres my honest opinion from what I see. Picture perfect healthy seedlings. The color and shape of those girls is spot on sir. Im a tight node guy myself, but thats because Ive always had short boxes. But Id be more than happy with all those girls. ;)
+reps :)

Heres my take on the veg/stretch issue from my expeience growing autos. Ive only done Start to finish with CFL's so I cant really speak for HID's. Too much stretch with an auto can cause them to get 'stringy'. Especially with Autos because you cant really top. Ive had a Auto in full flower for several weeks and was still tying her cola down every few days. But i had height restrictions.
If you can keep them small under some CFL's until about 2 weeks after first dozen pre-flowers start, you can use this to make a kind of single denser 'cola' plant. It all depends on what you 'want' and have.
If I had an HID I would probably grow more traditional x-mas tree plants. I think its six of one, half dozens of another. :)

If you have 4 feet of height, grow 3 and a half footers. :)
Hi mate, the autos look good to me,

i got my timer from BnQ cost me 0.99p, just a 24 hour timer though, i tried 3 or 4 of them digital 7 day timers/28 day timers, all caused the same problem,

cfls will keep node spacing very tight, raising the lights wont cause them to stretch how ever as it just slows growth, so keep the lights as close as you can between 2 and 4 inches id say is the best distance, also make sure the cfls are above the plants and not to the sides to early on as this can cause the plants to slow upwards growth as it sort of confuses them, so keep the lights directly above them for now,

cfls keep the nodes very tight but some autos do have very tight node spacing, ive had autos start flowering at the 4th node with no side branches so id does depend on strain, this is why ive been working on my own autos and finally finished the pheno selected kc45 auto i just got seeds from, i will be running tests with it under cfls to see how it does under cfls, so ill set up a cfl room shortly and try and perfect a cfl grow and see what works and what dont.

so i wouldnt worry to much about the plants, their are a couple of things that can affect upwards growth or stunt it should i say, over watering badly stunts growth, its best to let the pots totaly dry out before watering, the roots need oxygen as much as they need water so letting the pots get really dry will help give rapid growth, also cold temps can cause slow upwards growth as well, it can pretty much stop growth, if the temps to high then the leaves will curl up at the edges or cup up and this can cause plants to stretch as they try to reach cooler air higher up which ourdoors is not a probiem, indoors they stretch and end up in hotter air as they get closer to the lights,

so i know from experience that high temps will cause stretch and will cause the buds to stretch and be real skinny in flower,

but cold temps drastically slows growth and plants will literally stop growing, so raising the lights wont help speed up growth it will just slow it down as its getting less light so cant grow quicker, cfls dont give off enough light to make the plants want to stretch, i guess if you had lots of cfls high up then the plants would stretch to reach it.

i know with my hid light that my seedlings stretch like crazy and fall over but its only because i cant get the light close enough to them as temps would cook the seedlings, but the hps is bright enough to give the plants enough energy to want to stretch and reach the light.

but its hard to tell with autos whats going on, some auto produce 3.5g dry and some produce 4 or more oz dry, so its diffucult to judge growth with autos unless someone has grown that batch of seeds under hids so you have something to compare it to, ive got an auto thats nearly ready for harvest now and ill be lucky to get 7g dry off it and thats grown under a 400 watt dual spec hps, so its all down to the strain, then ive got another auto again grown under hps and ill easily get 1.5oz to 2oz dry so its difficult to say if its the strain or not,

but check how often you water, the roots prefer to be dry more than they do wet so i water then let my pots go totally dry so the pot actually weights very little the next time i water,

if that dont speed up growth then you could add another bulb or 2 above the plants but you might find its just the strains your growing, some produce well and grow well and others dont, you would be better off trying some photo plants and then you will have something to compare them to and you will then know if its down to the lights or watering method,
my advice is stay away from autos if u want nice bushy plants that u can control growth and get nice yielding quality bud. the only auto i have ever seen produce is greenhouse seeds bigbang auto. Dont get me wrong if u like growing them that good for u but u couldnt pay me to grow them. 7g dry from a plant.....i would cry! it would be far cheaper and simpler to just by the bud for that. U want at least 2 dry oz per plant, which is super easy to achieve with short veg times. But i depends what u want out of growing. The only time i see a use for autos is outdoor growing if u are looking for a quick turn around to avoid a wet season and avoid bud rot.
my advice is stay away from autos if u want nice bushy plants that u can control growth and get nice yielding quality bud. the only auto i have ever seen produce is greenhouse seeds bigbang auto. Dont get me wrong if u like growing them that good for u but u couldnt pay me to grow them. 7g dry from a plant.....i would cry! it would be far cheaper and simpler to just by the bud for that. U want at least 2 dry oz per plant, which is super easy to achieve with short veg times. But i depends what u want out of growing. The only time i see a use for autos is outdoor growing if u are looking for a quick turn around to avoid a wet season and avoid bud rot.

Just when i was considering an auto you go and say that! Lol
Well, i guess that idea is down the drain! 7 gs aint woth the time and money :)
Is 7g all that can be expected from auto's. Never thought they would be so popular if that's all they yield.

Depends. I only grown in Soil and under CFL's. Ive had harvests of 28,15, an 14 so far. But I have a sick girl that will yield round 5. Other Soil growers have yielded 2-3oz's and John705 said he has yielded 6+ozs from autos.

For Growers like Cultivator, experienced grower with nice setups, I will 100% agree autos are a pain. He can grow a pounder photo plant in the same space so he should not waste the time trying to squeeze out 2-3 oz's in the same space.
If you are a Gardener with a smaller space and setup, Autos are quite fun. Also, an auto here and there while your vegging a photo is fun cause you get buds while in 18-6 veg for the photo.

If you are looking for a big yield crop, for profit or personal use, Autos arent the way. Cultivator is right. But if you are learning or want a guarenteed to flower while other stuff is vegging plant, Autos are cool. :)
Thats a fair point spimp. But i only ever veg 2-3 weeks so still useless to me. Jons autos were outdoor so i would expect it to yield considerably more than indoor. in my current journal im being forced to veg a little longer as i am using seeds, which i hate doing as it wastes time. but its a must if u are looking for new strains to use and create mothers from. Even in a small space u can generate decent yielding plants with a bit of practice. u just cant train an auto the way u can train a regular plant.
WOW ! ...

Thanks for ALL the great advice ...

Just to let you know I have 2 photo plants on the go at the same time as the 3x Auto's I have ...

Woke up today and shocked that the AK 47 has started showing her sex !?

Must be me being a noob or something but the description says it can start vigorously flowering in 2-3 weeks from seed !?

I have plenty of head room 6ft+, my watering routine is how you said, I water when its like 80% dry and the pots weigh very light.

I have constantly kept the lights about 2-3 inches away from the canopies directly above them.

It's pretty cool on the canopies of the plants as they dance in the breeze of the oscillating fan.

The Auto Critical has now started new growth after beginning her 4th node so hopefully they will all start to bush out a bit more.

But never the less this IS an experiment. Hence the reason why I also have 2x photo plants for my big yielders. They will be vegged for 8 weeks + ...

Probably going to start feeding them soon, within the next 7 days. I'll start them off with about 1-2ml per 1ltr water of Alga Grow considering the Plagron soil will still have traces of its original nutrients.

The little ladies have started to fatten up their stems which tells me they are ready to start mass producing atleast some more foliage or maybe even pre-flowering.

I shall be using different techniques throughout my future Auto experiments. And if one of these give me a decent yield I shall continue to use the same strain but as I said before it will be done under different conditions.

I shall upload some pictures later tonight. I have just got to wait for Mrs Pepper to get back from work as I use her phone for the camera. (It's better than mine :))

Anyway, I hope you are all well. Nice to see you all have my back with these little ladies :)

Many thanks to ALL of you !

Just to add to that ...

I've grown an Autoflower that was called Pakistan Ryder under normal photo conditions along with 9 other photo plants at the same time.

She was flowered on 12/12 like all the rest and I got about 29 grams dry from her.

She was about 4ft tall with a massive main colas.

So I'm hoping these will do alot better considering they are under the correct conditions for Autoflowers.

But as you said alot of it is based down the the actual genes of the plant. If they have more ruderalis genes then I shall expect them to be VERY small yielders !

Never the less I'm having GREAT FUN experimenting with these little ladies and to share it all with you guys is the thing I want most.

I'm a giver not a taker. (Feel free to hop in here OZ LOL)

I like competition but fun is my main goal in life. Life is too short to be competing entirely throughout it!

So once again I'd like to give a BIG thankyou for all your support guys.

This wouldn't be possible without you :)

Hey guys, I'm trying my best to keep up with all of your threads but shit kinda hit the fan over here but all is well, no need to panic :)

I don't get a great deal of time to come on the internet due to household issues.

Never the less, it may seem like I have disappeared but I am STILL reading and loving all of your threads. Don't be bummed if I fail to comment it's just I'm SUPER busy at the moment.

Many apologies !
My auto's showed sex at 13 days and began proper pre-flowering at around day 18. Basically the same as 12/12 from seed.

I also have some photo plants being veg'd (8) :). So will be keeping an eye here for some tips :)

Ohhh that's good to hear ! ... So maybe I'm not just pretending to see genitalia on her LOL
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