My First Grow Trainwreck Big Bud Lemon Shunk

Yay, I broke down I picked up a new camera, 1st one in about 8 years, so I'm going from a 2 megapixel to a 14 megapixel. I picked up a Olymus SZ-12 from Sam's Club, they didn't have this brand at costco's. It has a 24x optical zoom and all kinds of special effects crap. I thought it was stainless steel, turns out to be plastic, I'll try it out for a few days and see how I like it. Here's some comparison pics from new and old cameras. The cost was about $170.00, other brands with less zoom were in high 200's and up. Any comments or reviews of this camera? Thanks guys! Now I gotta teach myself how to use it, read everything and feel her out, I hope I like it, but afraid I may drop it and break it.:peace:
Damn Grace, sorry I didn't find your journal sooner. You definitely get reps from me, you are doing great for a first time grow. Your plants look just lovely and congrats on the harvest. Just wanted to add that I have a big bang in my grow too. Had a lemon skunk my last grow but it died from my move to the new apartment. I use to dumpster dive with a gay friend of mine back home but that was before I started growing. Use to find some nice stuff when it time for spring cleaning. I haven't done garage sales and haven't noticed too many around here since I live in the city.

Thanks Queen, hey I may be a 1st timer GROWER, but I've been gardening since I was in my teens/let's just say it's been a long time!!
picture taken with new camera of old camera
picture of new camera taken with old camera. Remember I need to learn how to use this thing, usually I just point and shoot, never did use all those little extras on old camera, now I have a reason to take it more seriously with this hobby I now have. Plus it'll be nice to take some decent pictures of other things!!
So Glad You are Getting To FINALLY, GET TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR!!!:goodjob: Now You can be Stoned as Much as You Want! Whose This Person You Guys are talking about leaving adds for Prescription Meds in Your Journal, I wonder if He Hit Mine??? What an A..HOLE!!!:hmmmm: We need to get HIM/IT BOOTED. As far as Playing Mom For Me Auntie, You Did A Great Job!!!:;): I feel well and Truly Chastised, Just Like Mom Would Of Done, of course it does NOT HURT so BAD 28yrs Later:blushsmile:, feel Free to Whip Me into Line, any time it looks like You need too!!!:winkyface: So Glad Your Getting SO STONED, I'll be joining You in a Couple of Weeks!!!:high-five: Gonna Go Post Pictures of the Garden, Week 4 of Photos, come by and take a PEEK!!! GOOD PLANT PORN!!!:thumb: SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
Thank you James, I got so stoned that I forgot to turn off my lights today, I am sending them into 48 hrs darkness as of 12 midnight tonight, the clones will be moved into the tent until harvest, just got to stay away from smoking until I'm done with business, I don't need to be screwing things up this late in the game, thank you, I will go over to your grow right now! You would of known if you got it, it listed all kinds of different opiate type drugs and mg, prices, location to send your money order to, a phone number, the name of member went under Dr. Leo, they took the post down as soon as they were notified. Idiots from overseas no doubt trying to take advantage of the ignorant or greedy. Off I go to your grow room right now, see you there.:thanks:
Yay, I broke down I picked up a new camera, 1st one in about 8 years, so I'm going from a 2 megapixel to a 14 megapixel. I picked up a Olymus SZ-12 from Sam's Club, they didn't have this brand at costco's. It has a 24x optical zoom and all kinds of special effects crap. I thought it was stainless steel, turns out to be plastic, I'll try it out for a few days and see how I like it. Here's some comparison pics from new and old cameras. The cost was about $170.00, other brands with less zoom were in high 200's and up. Any comments or reviews of this camera? Thanks guys! Now I gotta teach myself how to use it, read everything and feel her out, I hope I like it, but afraid I may drop it and break it.:peace:

Great Camera Grace. Of course we will expect excellent pictures from now on. No pressure! :love:
Great Camera Grace. Of course we will expect excellent pictures from now on. No pressure! :love:

Now I have to learn how to use it, I'll be working on that today with pics from the clones from the tent and pics of harvest before and after, can't wait, tomorrow night is definitely harvest night, will be up late.:thanks:
hey you leave us ingnorant greedy guys out of this:)
Thank you James, I got so stoned that I forgot to turn off my lights today, I am sending them into 48 hrs darkness as of 12 midnight tonight, the clones will be moved into the tent until harvest, just got to stay away from smoking until I'm done with business, I don't need to be screwing things up this late in the game, thank you, I will go over to your grow right now! You would of known if you got it, it listed all kinds of different opiate type drugs and mg, prices, location to send your money order to, a phone number, the name of member went under Dr. Leo, they took the post down as soon as they were notified. Idiots from overseas no doubt trying to take advantage of the ignorant or greedy. Off I go to your grow room right now, see you there.:thanks:
So Glad You are Getting To FINALLY, GET TO ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR!!!:goodjob: Now You can be Stoned as Much as You Want! Whose This Person You Guys are talking about leaving adds for Prescription Meds in Your Journal, I wonder if He Hit Mine??? What an A..HOLE!!!:hmmmm: We need to get HIM/IT BOOTED. As far as Playing Mom For Me Auntie, You Did A Great Job!!!:;): I feel well and Truly Chastised, Just Like Mom Would Of Done, of course it does NOT HURT so BAD 28yrs Later:blushsmile:, feel Free to Whip Me into Line, any time it looks like You need too!!!:winkyface: So Glad Your Getting SO STONED, I'll be joining You in a Couple of Weeks!!!:high-five: Gonna Go Post Pictures of the Garden, Week 4 of Photos, come by and take a PEEK!!! GOOD PLANT PORN!!!:thumb: SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.

:adore:WOW WOW WOW, those are some hugh plants, you guys gotta visit Jamesthegreen's journal, it will knock you on your ass, he lives in Green Heaven with his beautiful wife:adore:
Guys, Guys, Guys, lookie lookie, this is the top cola from what I believe is the Big Bang, this was the only cola cut, I'll cut the rest of them tomorrow night, this one was begging to be cut down. Now remember I'm still getting use to this new camera, the pics are better then old camera, but will need practice to get it right, I just had to shoot these for you guys, I'm so Happy:hug:

Oh, and here's some pics of my outside grow, Big Boy tomatoes in a recycled stainless steel cage from agriculture supply, my neighbor gave me this.
Auntie!!! Tia!!! Did You get my message on where the 420 Contests are located at? If not, go to the TOP Of The Page, Place Your Cursor on 420 Lounge, a bunch of things will pop up, One being the 420 Contests, click on this, and it will take You to all the contests for the Month of July 2012, Plant of the Month, Member of the Month ETC, ETC.:circle-of-love: Then it will let You Vote!!! I also PM'd this to You, but maybe You have not checked that Yet:hmmmm:! So get Busy Auntie, the World Awaits!!!:goof:Take Care. SINCERELY, YOUR ADOPTED NEPHEW JAMESTHEGREEN.
Auntie!!! Tia!!! Did You get my message on where the 420 Contests are located at? If not, go to the TOP Of The Page, Place Your Cursor on 420 Lounge, a bunch of things will pop up, One being the 420 Contests, click on this, and it will take You to all the contests for the Month of July 2012, Plant of the Month, Member of the Month ETC, ETC.:circle-of-love: Then it will let You Vote!!! I also PM'd this to You, but maybe You have not checked that Yet:hmmmm:! So get Busy Auntie, the World Awaits!!!:goof:Take Care. SINCERELY, YOUR ADOPTED NEPHEW JAMESTHEGREEN.

Just voted James, looks like you're way in the lead, very proud to call you nephew, proud of your service to our country, proud of your sense of duty, JUST PROUD TO GET TO KNOW YOU.
you know Grace my feelins is kinda hurt, how come you haven't been over to my thread?
I would like very much if you get the chance to tell me what another buckeye thinks:circle-of-love:
you know Grace my feelins is kinda hurt, how come you haven't been over to my thread?
I would like very much if you get the chance to tell me what another buckeye thinks:circle-of-love:

I'm a very proud chica I wait to be invited. Be right there. Just kidding, I meant to do it last night but was so tired. Went to the beach with honey and his mom she loves the lake, we watched the sun go down, I took my new camera to get some good pics, well I took ten and then camera said that it was full, I opened it up and forgot to put the SD card in it. Will take new pics of sunset tonight. Fishcake, I'm on my way!!
Wow, your orange and white cat reminds me of a cat use to have, they could be twins. His name was Lucifer, he also had 6 toes. But I had to find him a new home when I moved out of state to where I am now. He could open doors and everything. I miss him. Do you watch animal planet? You should check out the show called My cat from hell. I don't have a problem with my current cat but it sure taught me some things I didn't know. Sorry about the ramble about the cat.
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