My First Grow Trainwreck Big Bud Lemon Shunk

Okay, by now you guys know I'm a dumpster diver, and a cheap grower. I figured out about 7 years ago that in order to stay above water and not worry about bills that instead of working harder and making more money, I would cut back on all my expenses. No car loans, no unnecessary purchases, unless I really wanted something, I would save up for it. I decided to do the same with my grow.

I go to estate sales, garage sales, I use to clean out storage units at the local u-haul, my ex-friends BF use to work at the local U-Haul, they required that if you wanted one of their delinquent units, you had to pay the past 3 months billing due and then they would auction it off. Well, of course no one wanted to pay that much, so he had to get rid of the stuff in the units himself, the owner did not provide any dumpsters to put trash, so he would take large trucks and fill them up with everything, I would help them clean it out and get to pick out what I wanted, well of course this caused problems, my friend didn't want to go through the boxes, she wanted to take to the flea mkt and sell sight unseen, she didn't want to handle the stuff.

There was a person who had passed away with 3 units filled to the brim, I allowed her to use my garage because of the amount of stuff was too much, this gave me a chance to open the boxes at my leisure, well, these units were filled with collectible books, lots of 1st editions, a whole bunch of Free mason stuff, I sold maybe 40 books and made $4,000.00. Well that was the last time she asked me to clean out a unit.

So, today went to garage sales, took my 89 year old mother in law with me for the ride. I went with the intention of finding things for my grow room. Here's today's cheap finds for a cheap grow room.

$3.00 osillating fan, after cleaning.
$3.00 wire pot rollers for mother plants
$3.50 heating pad and food processor
$1.00 Radioshack surge protector
$1.00 fan
$1Free 3 bulb light for Photography, vintage
25 cent ea.

$1.00 heating tray vintage for clones
$3.00 vaccum sealer
4 wire baskets for drying buds
Wow Auntie, it seems We both come from a long line of Dumpster Divers!!!:bravo: Some of the Coolest Things I have ever owned came from Dumpster Diving. I once found a Box that had Two New Stereo Cassette CD Players, and Speakers!!:kisstwo: I was so STOKED!!! I kept One, and traded the Other for Quarter Pound, I was only 15 years old. I told My Mom about It(WELL HALF ABOUT IT), and She was so Happy I had found a New Stereo For Myself. I did not tell Her about the Other One, First because She would Have Confiscated it For My Brother, Second and most important, if She would have Known I had traded the Other One for Weed, She would have just flipped OUT!!!:bitingnails: My Mother was "ANTI ANY TYPES OF MIND ALTERING DRUGS, ALCOHOL,TOBACCO, TOO MUCH POP, basically it seemed to Us, (ME AND MY BROTHER) Anything She did Not Personally Approve Of.:blushsmile: But it was Great to get a New Stereo, and a bag of Weed, for FREE!!!:high-five: BTW, I could Really Use a New Fan,LOL:thumb:! Right ON Auntie!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
OMM, I got my microscope from RadioShack the other day, last night I experienced what you said I would, it was close to sex. Anyway I ordered one of those do heckies like you have, got it on Ebay after I followed your link/waiting for arrival, will send you some bud porn pictures (up close and personal).:thumb: As to the camera, I've been babysitting my mother-in-law this week, I'm going to invest on a good camera from Costco's, they give you a 3 year warranty if you use their credit card to purchase electronics, it's excellent way to buy a computer, they give you lifetime help over the phone.

Yep, all those trics sticking up....that's what Jo said.

You will absolutely love the USB Microscope.

Look at a Nikcon L110 or L111 for a good relatively inexpensive Camera.....that's what I use. A small learning curve too. Well kind of small.

I'll be looking for the bud porn!
nice score at the yard sale grace and real nice harvest, spark one up and turn on the house party:) cant wait to see what you grow next:cheer:
nice score at the yard sale grace and real nice harvest, spark one up and turn on the house party:) cant wait to see what you grow next:cheer:

I have a strawberry soul diesel to try and a few others, but will wait for heat to settle down later in summer. Thank you. Did you see that ad someone put on my journal for painkillers, I need to report them but don't know how. So pissed. Makes me want to close down, but I need to finish my 4 other plants, I think they will be harvested tonight and put back into reveg. I also have my clones to finish up, which are about 4 weeks into flowering. :thanks:
I have a strawberry soul diesel to try and a few others, but will wait for heat to settle down later in summer. Thank you. Did you see that ad someone put on my journal for painkillers, I need to report them but don't know how. So pissed. Makes me want to close down, but I need to finish my 4 other plants, I think they will be harvested tonight and put back into reveg. I also have my clones to finish up, which are about 4 weeks into flowering. :thanks:

He got me too Grace! Hit the little triangle down to the left to report the ass!:smokin:
He got me too Grace! Hit the little triangle down to the left to report the ass!:smokin:

Thanks Fishcakes and OMM, I was so pissed that I took a little bud from my harvest the other night, it was so nice not having to tear up a dry piece and get the seeds and stems cleaned out. For a 2 1/2 day dry out I gotta say that I am so so HAPPY:tokin: 2 tokes and that was all I needed, smooth, taste has to establish itself, but not bad at all, better then the crap I was paying for. My hubby took 1 toke and was in the kitchen within 20 minutes making himself some toast (munchies). He told me to save the rest for tonight so he can relax when we smoke it. He's not a smoker, but will take a hit every now and then, I'm hoping it will help him with his arithritic knees, he needs surgery on both, but we're holding out on surgery until he can't stand the pain anymore, which I think is right around the corner. That's what working on a auto assembly line will do to you.

OMM, you told me there's nothing like smoking your own grown, but I didn't know how good. Ready to harvest the other 4 plants tonight and try them out:woohoo:Again, thanks for all your help everyone!!!
Wow Auntie, it seems We both come from a long line of Dumpster Divers!!!:bravo: Some of the Coolest Things I have ever owned came from Dumpster Diving. I once found a Box that had Two New Stereo Cassette CD Players, and Speakers!!:kisstwo: I was so STOKED!!! I kept One, and traded the Other for Quarter Pound, I was only 15 years old. I told My Mom about It(WELL HALF ABOUT IT), and She was so Happy I had found a New Stereo For Myself. I did not tell Her about the Other One, First because She would Have Confiscated it For My Brother, Second and most important, if She would have Known I had traded the Other One for Weed, She would have just flipped OUT!!!:bitingnails: My Mother was "ANTI ANY TYPES OF MIND ALTERING DRUGS, ALCOHOL,TOBACCO, TOO MUCH POP, basically it seemed to Us, (ME AND MY BROTHER) Anything She did Not Personally Approve Of.:blushsmile: But it was Great to get a New Stereo, and a bag of Weed, for FREE!!!:high-five: BTW, I could Really Use a New Fan,LOL:thumb:! Right ON Auntie!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.

jAMES, I'M GONNA DO WHAT YOUR MOTHER WOULD HAVE IF SHE HAD KNOW: "JAMES, JAMES, JAMES, what are you doing smoking dope at the age of 15, don't you know what it will do to your brain cells? Now give me that marijuana young man, and wait till your father comes home". Sorry, couldn't resist it, I think I was 19, no that's a lie, I think I was 18 when I first tried it.
Hello Grace! i absolutley LOVE seeing new growers getting started. I am new to the forum but have been growing for a while now and wanted to wish you luck, this is the best tool any growee could possibly have, the community is amazing. the one recomendation i would make is to cure you buds after harvest to really bring the taste and smell out. you will be pleasently suprised on how much a little patience will do while curing. best of luck and i look forward to hearing more from you.

Thanks Fishcakes and OMM, I was so pissed that I took a little bud from my harvest the other night, it was so nice not having to tear up a dry piece and get the seeds and stems cleaned out. For a 2 1/2 day dry out I gotta say that I am so so HAPPY:tokin: 2 tokes and that was all I needed, smooth, taste has to establish itself, but not bad at all, better then the crap I was paying for. My hubby took 1 toke and was in the kitchen within 20 minutes making himself some toast (munchies). He told me to save the rest for tonight so he can relax when we smoke it. He's not a smoker, but will take a hit every now and then, I'm hoping it will help him with his arithritic knees, he needs surgery on both, but we're holding out on surgery until he can't stand the pain anymore, which I think is right around the corner. That's what working on a auto assembly line will do to you.

OMM, you told me there's nothing like smoking your own grown, but I didn't know how good. Ready to harvest the other 4 plants tonight and try them out:woohoo:Again, thanks for all your help everyone!!!
Damn Grace, sorry I didn't find your journal sooner. You definitely get reps from me, you are doing great for a first time grow. Your plants look just lovely and congrats on the harvest. Just wanted to add that I have a big bang in my grow too. Had a lemon skunk my last grow but it died from my move to the new apartment. I use to dumpster dive with a gay friend of mine back home but that was before I started growing. Use to find some nice stuff when it time for spring cleaning. I haven't done garage sales and haven't noticed too many around here since I live in the city.
Damn Grace, sorry I didn't find your journal sooner. You definitely get reps from me, you are doing great for a first time grow. Your plants look just lovely and congrats on the harvest. Just wanted to add that I have a big bang in my grow too. Had a lemon skunk my last grow but it died from my move to the new apartment. I use to dumpster dive with a gay friend of mine back home but that was before I started growing. Use to find some nice stuff when it time for spring cleaning. I haven't done garage sales and haven't noticed too many around here since I live in the city.

Yeah Queen, I thought you knew about my grow journal. Thank you for your support, yeah what you need to do is go on Craigslist, check out the garage sales in the suburbs, stay out of the city, those people in the suburbs get rid of everything once it gets a little old or dirty, I always negotiate on all prices, and sometimes they give me stuff for free just to take away or if I buy several things from them. It's the best way to build up your room. I just got a wing reflector off of ebay for $15.00 because the person had blown his ballast, it's brand new, never used. I also like to get creative with household stuff they sell, I think, how can I use this in my room, even if it wasn't meant for growing, you can still use it. Like the 4 wire paper holders, they came from a school teacher's sale, 25 cents each, I figure on laying my harvest on them to help with the dry. I could of swore you visited me here before, anyway, stop back by. Thanks/grace:thanks:
Hello Grace! i absolutley LOVE seeing new growers getting started. I am new to the forum but have been growing for a while now and wanted to wish you luck, this is the best tool any growee could possibly have, the community is amazing. the one recomendation i would make is to cure you buds after harvest to really bring the taste and smell out. you will be pleasently suprised on how much a little patience will do while curing. best of luck and i look forward to hearing more from you.

Oh I have patience, I just wanted a little taste, I have my canning jars all ready for the cure, just picked up a bunch of paper bags from a friend's smoke store. Thank you, and why don't you subscribe to my journal, I may teach you a thing or two. :welcome:
Damn Grace, sorry I didn't find your journal sooner. You definitely get reps from me, you are doing great for a first time grow. Your plants look just lovely and congrats on the harvest. Just wanted to add that I have a big bang in my grow too. Had a lemon skunk my last grow but it died from my move to the new apartment. I use to dumpster dive with a gay friend of mine back home but that was before I started growing. Use to find some nice stuff when it time for spring cleaning. I haven't done garage sales and haven't noticed too many around here since I live in the city.

Queen, point out your big bang for me so I can compare, I think I know which one they are, I have 2, and they are the tallest ones, just 1st time doing this and forgot to relabel my pots so I'd really like to narrow down which is which, thank you chica:thanks:
you know Grace its funny you mention those paper holders. made me wonder if you could make a mini scrog with one.
the bonsia scrog:) lol just my brain found a live brain cell a second ago
:sorry:James, that's an excellent idea, I also picked up a cookie sheet for a buck, that's what I'll use next time along with the paper bins, thanks, never thought of that, 2 ways to use one item, I like that, thank God he left you that brain cell intact, now you take good care of it, we need you here (that one cell must be hugh, with all the knowledge you have):circle-of-love:
Okay everyone here's my smoke report, see above comment!!!Then look at next comment, this stuff is going to make me stupid, so anytime you guys get called another namme, you'll know I'm a toking:lot-o-toke: now I gotta go and play with some hot oil, my honey wants fried shrimp for dinner, wish me look:tokin: :scratchinghead:
I'am not james Man!lol
I'am not james Man!lol
Damn, I knew that, thaat smoke got to me. Now I can be on the same level as you guys when typing and smoking at the same time, my bad, sorry, I'll try to do that again, I was in a hurry to get to the store when I typed that!:party: :lot-o-toke:I'mhaving a hard time just trying to finish this sentence without f-ing up, just tried that bud I rolled earlier.:circle-of-love:
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