Niekodog's High Brix Perpetual

Welcome ShiffityFlip, the Malawi is a beast, I didn't do a very good job with that one because I didn't like it in veg. The wife wouldn't let me kill it so I flowered it very small. I will do this again and do it right next time.

Dr. Ziggy, thanks for the input. That curl seems to happen to me on a lot of strains, I have a ton of light in there and I'm wondering if it may be too much and they are rebelling. It always seems to happen when they go into that tent. I have in led advertised watts about 1900 in the 4x4. I may have to pull some but I don't want to. I've been getting great yield out of that tent. The tester that had great numbers curled constantly but it's sister didn't :hmmmm:
No clones on that one but I have more beans. I have so much I want to grow that I decided not to clone it. I'm not the biggest indica hybrid fan but I'm trying a few different ones to see if I can find one that I really like (other than tangerine dream).
I agree with Ziggy. Water only next time.
Well I snapped a few pics with the phone this morning, nothing too special but they are starting to get busy. I'm thinking CAT drench tomorrow for the LSD and maybe a week more for the zamaldelica and pineapple chunk. The Lani looks done but she's going to get one more growth drench and brixed before chop.
LSD Day 20

Pineapple Chunk Day 20:

Well I mis identified the pics because I'm old and can't see shit anymore on these f'n phones. I edited them hopefully before everyone knows I can't tell my own plants apart. Anyway here is the only pic of zamaldelica I could get to load.

Sorry gang for the shitty update. I will try harder lol.
Get with the program! :rofl:
Hey neiko....looking terrific from what I can see.......:rofl:, that lsd is looking great.......did you have to train the zamadelica very hard....I didn't do a very good job with mine a little more care and they seem easy to train.

No Nate I didn't train her very hard. I just pulled the top over and let the other branches catch up. I did clone this one so we'll see how she behaves and then next one will get trained/vegged accordingly. I think I could of let her get a little bigger but I was afraid of the stretch. Now I see there isn't much stretch with this one so next time she will veg longer. She looks great. All of my leaf curling seems to have stopped after last weeks transplant drench. They all got pruned up this morning and a growth drench. The LSD looks like she is going to have some really nice buds, they are pretty fat already so she got the CAT drench this morning.

I took clones of all 4 tikals (2 of each) to sex them. I didn't do the seed sexing method with these because I have had a request for cuttings and a male would be acceptable to that person. I probably won't flower the seeded plants this round so I am experimenting with the training. They all had at least 4 established tops so I took 2 of them (topped) for the clones, well see how they respond.

Have a great Sunday gang!
Update Time: This is day 28 of flower for the Zamaldelica, Pineapple Chunk and LSD. I just put the Coffee Gold into flower Friday morning so this is day 3 for coffee. I had 1 male and 1 female of the coffee (I didn't do the seed sexing thing on these either), the male got recycled into the soil. LSD got her 2nd CAT (10 ml cat, 1 ml tea). The Zamaldelica and Pineapple Chunk got their 1st CAT at 10 ml and 1 ml tea today. The Coffee got 6 ml growth and 1 ml tea.
I am germinating 2 each of tangerine dream and a special limited edition of ghost train haze #1 x tangie. This is a collaboration between rare dankness and dna genetics offered by little chief collabs. This should be something pretty special....I hope. I will also be starting some very special panama seeds as soon as they arrive :yahoo:
Zamaldelica day 28

LSD day 28


Group and Pineapple Chunk Day 28 Not much to show here, this one is lagging a little but still looks good. This is supposed to be indica dominate, sure doesn't look at all indica:

Some of the veg plants. Pineapple express and dr. grinspoon are next to go into flower. I am vegging these a little longer in 3 gallon pots. They will flower in 15's. All the others in the flower tent are in 10's.
Pineapple Express:

Dr. Grinspoon


Thanks for dropping by!:Namaste:
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