Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

More reps to bro... You got all those girls and doing a journal, you should have a full rep bar.. Saw a cannabis connoisseur once that didn't know what a pistol was, so it doesn't mean much, lol...
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

I didn't realise they were so spread out... Um, I'll shut up now, lol... Hopefully the PC are just taking awhile to liken the outdoors... Ya give them any seaweed concentrate or anything for their root system?

I gave them some root stimulates when I transferred, Grizz, don't like to use anything fishy or bloody around here outdoors, way to many varmints get curious and wanna dig my shit up. Tough enough battling the rascals as it is. :lot-o-toke::morenutes::lot-o-toke:

Appreciate the reps all the way from down under and tomorrow....:thanks::yahoo:

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Yeah I guess smells might be a lure.... Can you get any mykos? It may help still. Dig near and under roots and give them a spoonful...
And they say tomorrow never comes...
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Well it's been a long day and night, damn snakes moving tonight too. Got a call from work need me for 12 days gotta leave here tom. 0600 to get to the boat. Get home and only have 3 days off before zI'll have to pull another two week hitch. So running crazy trying to get everything done....again :yikes: .

Good news is, 7 of my 14 clones showed roots yesterday, went ahead and transplanted all tonight, got them and 8 autos in their hide holes until I get back. Gonna get me a lil' nap and get back out and neem up my 10 baby girls give them a good feeding and get the heck out of here. Did get up and do a little flying with the drone today :thumb:


High Hoe-High Hoe, it's off to work I go!
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

back home to another pleasant surprise. Tomatoes are toasted by the heat and no rain, was expecting bad things of my lil' clones but they are shining. Only got to check 1 PC & 1 BD both look good. Get around tomorrow for a good water and feeding, check the 8 autos too.


This one was split bad has made a great recovery. A BD, took her bandage off today

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Welcome ashore, Cap'n! Your 'maters look like mine do and I have watered them about every day. Been hot and dry here. Those little clones look good! "Thrifty Little Plants"...

The outdoor girls look like the plant in their surroundings. They are alive a well and bringing many buds to you. Let's hope for more rain!
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

G'day captain... Weeds grow a lot better without human interaction helping them along, lol... How long ya got off, long enough to get em in the ground? Hope all is well man, later..
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Howdy Cap'n, and happy homecoming to you! :goodjob:

Everything looks tickity boo with your girls - way to go. Mine looked a bit sad also when I returned from 10 days away but they soon perked up once they got some water and food 3 days later.

See you around :high-five:
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Thanks Grizz, Bapple, & neighbor GGroBro :thanks: Good to be home and see the gang show up for me :Namaste:

one good thing about this clay based soil here it will hold some water, get those holes deep enough and I think it helps survive a drought longer. Only problem with that is I am needing to dig holes for my clones still, thought about the lazy way out using some gro bags I have but think they would have a problem with the heat during the next 3 months. So I'm going to get my pick axe and shovel and dig me some holes today and tomorrow here close to the house on a fence line, they should get sun at around noon until the sunset. My Autos, gonna leave them here stashed in the high grasses behind the house, I've got a 42 acre back yard of my own property so they'll be somewhat spread out. Was due to go to work on another boat Tuesday (3 days off) but she's got some problems so might get a week to get everything tended to and back to work :icon_cool. I can see why people like to grow from clones, man they are much further along so excited about those girls! :green_heart:

Now just need a little :goodluck: on the 8 autos & 4 clones that were left out in full sun, also the other 4 (ea.) PC & BD. Having to go buy some water and get fixed up for them as my rain water is stash is real low, may get one more round out of it.

I do need to transplant my autos form 2 1/2 gallon to 5 gallon pots (I think) while I'm at it, but need to take a look at them first.

Thanks again friends more good news and pics tonight I hope :yummy:
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Well good and sad out there today. Shouldn't made plans for the autos, all 8 are done, fried, kaput, vamoosed, too small a pot, too much sun, heat and no rain. Dammit Man! Kiss a fat dawg in the ass! I was kinda counting on a little early harvest....:rip: (I hoped to never use that emoji!). In the same set/age I lost my only Green Crack left, 2 PC's & 2 BD's (clones). :oops:. Less work do do now on the glass 1/2 full side, need to get the 10 holes done & clones transplanted tomorrow, note to self, get 'er done.

Water w/feed AN grow & micro along with a pinch of this and that. The one problematic lil' PC no good, stepped on it the poor rascal looking for it today, but feed and water the f7ck out of it for shits and giggles.


The one other that was severely crippled by me has made a recovrey albeit a scraggly lil' f&ck


couple more got their band-aids off and looking strong all around.


All in all 8 out of ten on course as expected one weirdo and one runt, Fox man, I'm happier than a rooster with socks on :goof:

A few randoms


forgot this one, had 2 being molested by the vines

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Well, I managed to get 5 of my 10 clones in the ground today, all BD, one is a runt the others have gone to showing off since I returned home and gave them some water. Hopefully growth continues along after transplant. Haven't decided on topping yet. Thinking as late in the year I don't have the concerns of height, also as you can see there is a very similar looking weed growing along this tree line that makes great cover. Will get the last 5 in today, 3 BD's & 2 PC's. As I was in a rush to get them transported from clone room to pots, I had a few that hadn't had their roots come through the pellets and I marked them as such, these were not rooted very well in the pots, the ones that were showing good roots were getting about another week away from being root bound. Not ideal but gotta make the best you can with what you have. I did find some critters had dug in 3 of my holes, another reason to build your holes months before planting so I made some cages in hopes they don't dig up my plants.

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

G'day captain, busy busy man... I wouldn't top if the concerns not there. Coming along man.. What's been digging, what type critter? Got any rain yet? Weird, another mates in Texas, his wrestling gators and dodging cottonmouths. Said he can barely keep from drowning, that much rain. Handy weed/camouflage that plant...
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

G'day captain, busy busy man... I wouldn't top if the concerns not there. Coming along man.. What's been digging, what type critter? Got any rain yet? Weird, another mates in Texas, his wrestling gators and dodging cottonmouths. Said he can barely keep from drowning, that much rain. Handy weed/camouflage that plant...
Back Atcha Grizz :passitleft: :cough:! Not sure what's at 'em my man, thinking either raccoons or coyotes or both, hard to tell its so damn dry. Think they may be going for the moisture, definitely not the armadillos they make a very distinct shape in the ground. Yeah weird weather pattern/the el Nino is helping some of our drought stricken states and making it dry in others. I was off to work on the Mississippi River for 2 weeks but the river is so high :cough: the dredge went to the dock. Went out today to do a check, these are practically in the back yard and the only one I didn't cage something had a go at my hole, leaned over my plant and root ball but she was just bent to the sun. Stood the little girl up put a little more dirt in, caged her up and gave her some H2o. Haven't gotten the other 5 in, supposedly a cold front a coming (be down to 87F) thought I'd take advantage of it. If I can get by these critters another month well be headed into amen corner, with only the cutworms and mold to beat :wood:

Yeah that damn camo weed is weird, kinda like a duck foot, always 3 or 5 leaved. Ahiegt be safe mate. :passitleft:
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

started out the afternoon first plant, dug slap up, plant gone, cage wrecked, stoner coyote I reckon. I hereby declare war on his ass! It was the same clone he half dug up the other day. I was late with bad light for the camera phone, apologies, pics suck for the most part, but so pleased with the growth over the last 11 days I'm gonna take a camera out tomorrow when I water, I had pest control chores today. Showing their sex now, and so far looks like all are as supposed to be females. Have the bad PC, another scraggly PC and 8 gorgeous, healthy girls :yummy: Alos my other 9 clones are settling in just fine in their new spots. Put a few trail cams out with big flash to see if I can get that coyote and hopefully scare his ass at the same time, I hope he opens his paws up on those nails stuck through the 2x2's I put just under the dirt on a couple of those clones he's been sniffing around :popcorn:. Anywho, a few pics, they deserve a real camera all of a sudden:scratchinghead:

scraggly PC first

they are 4 1/2 to 5ft tall and 2 1/2 to 3 foot wide any guesses on where they will finish as far as height goes? Not really planning any more manipulation, trying to grow a pair and let 'em go :bitingnails:


few more



My fav, ain't she purty?

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Lovely! Still an awesome camo job. Those neighboring look alike plants are so cool. What will things look like in full bud I wonder. Time will tell hey...
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Howdy captain (Aussie trying to be American, to many westerns)
She f'en gorgeous man. So many branches. Going to spread her out, few ropes and anchors around her? That coyote wont be going near nothing that smells like weed after he steps on those nails, actually nothing or nobody will, lol. Remember where ya put em... Hows weather in your parts? Weird here man, second month winter and peeps got buds starting on their roses. I'm thinking of starting my girls for outside, lol. Only 3-4 months earlier than normal, weird... How's work, what ya been up to? Sounds like your jobs somewhat interesting. Good to hear how others make it,$. I'm a painter mate, liked colouring in to much as a kid, took it to far, lol.. Anyways, little stoned, sour blueberry a getting better, getting into the nice fat cured heads now... Blah blah blah, peace bro...
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Lovely! Still an awesome camo job. Those neighboring look alike plants are so cool. What will things look like in full bud I wonder. Time will tell hey...

A lot of the surrounding green leafed single stem is golden rod Weez, so hoping when the yellow leaves are spotting up in the fall the yellow and green golden rods will keep on matching. I've found some fall colored and some tri-colored green ivy silk flowers as suggested earlier in 6 foot lengths like a garland and am thinking to throw a few of these on the plants if necessary to further camo. I flew with the drone aan have to really look to see the plants and since I know where they are it makes it easier for me to find them from 200 feet up. I'm going to fly some more this weekend and will put up some pics. But as you say time will tell, hey :passitleft: Thanx for stopping by fellow woodsman.
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