Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Howdy captain (Aussie trying to be American, to many westerns)
She f'en gorgeous man. So many branches. Going to spread her out, few ropes and anchors around her? That coyote wont be going near nothing that smells like weed after he steps on those nails, actually nothing or nobody will, lol. Remember where ya put em... Hows weather in your parts? Weird here man, second month winter and peeps got buds starting on their roses. I'm thinking of starting my girls for outside, lol. Only 3-4 months earlier than normal, weird... How's work, what ya been up to? Sounds like your jobs somewhat interesting. Good to hear how others make it,$. I'm a painter mate, liked colouring in to much as a kid, took it to far, lol.. Anyways, little stoned, sour blueberry a getting better, getting into the nice fat cured heads now... Blah blah blah, peace bro...

Yes sir pardnah, she's a beaut! I bent her a little yesterday, just don't have the time nor wish to be in there so much to be able to really train her. Though it looks like my early training helped a lot she is getting uncontrollable, luckily where this one is there are a couple of taller young planted trees that may make her fit in. Yeah I sharpened those little nails up good on my grinder, couldn't find my traps, looks like the are digging hard like a dog so I hope that pot eating coyote gets a foot full. Work sux! Haven't been to work in 2 weeks now, don't pay the bills, river is too high, oilfield is crashed, fux man just sux. I've been trying my best not to go back to yachts 35 years was enough of working for MFO's (Mother Effing Owners). Would love to be home more, maybe even get a dawg! Working middle aged white man can't get no help over this way! Might have to set up my spare bedroom to grow full time. Your weather sounds crazy, be careful if you put 'em out, maybe have 'em where you can protect them until weather settles. La Nino dude = crazy ass weather. You paint houses or purdy pictures? Gotta love the stash, my big girls is shaping up to look like that monster you chopped brother, what did she yield by the by? :passitleft:

P.S.- you can't watch too many westerns my friend
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

there are two plants in this pic, one you can see fairly easy from tree top height (150 feet) the other you really have to know what your looking at.

re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Paint houses mate, although try to impress with the Monet line to gals, lol.... Never weighed it all, only got those gram scales, 5g about most you can weigh at a time. Would of been close to that two pound mark, with what I've smoked &sold and with what's left. Yeah she looks very similar, she look after ya... Well man growing full time over your way is an option now with your laws, well it's not a life sentence... There's a great western with Stacey Keach, long riders, I think, best knife fight I've seen, lol....
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Cap'n. I'm familiar with goldenrod. When I was a little one my aunt used to pay me to go out and collect it. She used it to dye wool with. That's going to work great even in bud - maybe even better with all those yellow 'colas' around.
Grizzwald- I live up north in the other hemisphere and last winter we had fruit trees blooming in December. It was weird. The warmest mildest winter I've ever experienced here, and in a place that normally pisses rain all summer, it's barely rained for the last two months. Hard to complain about that much (yet) but it is freaky and disturbing. All sorts of weirdness going on in our ocean here too- various 'die offs' and invasive jellyfish scourges and freak algae blooms and massive 'warm water blobs' drifting around. When I think of what my kid I going to have to face it makes me sad and angry at the same time.
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Funny you talk about oceans.. We got some starfish come in from Asia, killing all the abalone, scary shit... Id say poor ab- divers, but their licences are over $3mill, they'll be right.... Your in Canada weasel, right? Aren't you 15' under snow in December? Buds on fruit trees, that ain't right.. I did see the news the other night, it said we had warmest June in 50 years, so might be freakishingly ( new word) normal...
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Got out to check on 'em today, we got a much needed rain of 3 inches on saturday and sunday, heavy rain, no damage done :allgood:. Clones are rising' up! Took the good camera for a change. Did a very little bit of super cropping to keep the height down. I know I said I was done with that, just not sure what to expect from searching helicopters, better safe than sorry I reckon. Have one showing a bit of N deficiency, plan on feeding some Fox Farm Grow Big on Thursday or Friday, waiting for it to dry up some.

picture time gotta run good Western coming on free tv, Sam Elliot in the "Quick & the Dead" :thumb:




















re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Looking great Cap't. THe spot planting among the native plants that look similar is very smart. Looks like you have done this before.

Great show!

It's been many many years GBro with the exception of just a quick very late low yield grow of a couple plants last year. I've been a garnderner for my entire life and grew some killer patches of Mexican weed as a youngun. A lot has changed, way more advanced and probably some get way to complicated nowadays IMHO. I'm pretty nervous as a few of these girls are really getting quite large. Of course that was the idea until poof, wow, look here. I'm going to learn much this year and already have ideas about next year and will start on my holes in February for new areas where I can actually feel good about letting them get huge. You, Grizz and Bapple are a tremendous crew to have watching over me, thank yawl for that. The way our economy is I may have to try and turn it into a full time job next year. Sux, as I've worked my whole life and now can't get any help when I've had minimal work in the last 18 months, If I was anything other than a middle aged white man, I might have a chance. But it tis what it tis my brother. AT least if they lock me up, I'll get 3 hots and a cot along with health care. Don't get me wrong, I've been all around the world and even here if you get to poor mouthing too bad, all you have to do is look around and you'll find plenty that are way worse off than you are.

Tight Lines brother :passitleft:
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

It's been many many years GBro with the exception of just a quick very late low yield grow of a couple plants last year. I've been a garnderner for my entire life and grew some killer patches of Mexican weed as a youngun. A lot has changed, way more advanced and probably some get way to complicated nowadays IMHO. I'm pretty nervous as a few of these girls are really getting quite large. Of course that was the idea until poof, wow, look here. I'm going to learn much this year and already have ideas about next year and will start on my holes in February for new areas where I can actually feel good about letting them get huge. You, Grizz and Bapple are a tremendous crew to have watching over me, thank yawl for that. The way our economy is I may have to try and turn it into a full time job next year. Sux, as I've worked my whole life and now can't get any help when I've had minimal work in the last 18 months, If I was anything other than a middle aged white man, I might have a chance. But it tis what it tis my brother. AT least if they lock me up, I'll get 3 hots and a cot along with health care. Don't get me wrong, I've been all around the world and even here if you get to poor mouthing too bad, all you have to do is look around and you'll find plenty that are way worse off than you are.

Tight Lines brother :passitleft:

I think you are good to go Cap't. You are all spread out. Even if a recon copter/plane cam over and saw, they will be like "not worth a plant". Even if they do see it. I think you are very stealth and great looking plants. I will not ask the obvious question out here.

Plant are looking great. Trees :D

...and yes my alternative retirement plan is 3 hots and a cot. :)
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

MFO's, always fall back on... Better than sleeping next to a shitter... I like the attitude but stuff being kept like a dog. Keep em hidden as you are... Those girls be exploding. Buds yet? If not, they are going to be f'ing fat girls, bush pigs we call em :)
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Funny you talk about oceans.. We got some starfish come in from Asia, killing all the abalone, scary shit... Id say poor ab- divers, but their licences are over $3mill, they'll be right.... Your in Canada weasel, right? Aren't you 15' under snow in December? Buds on fruit trees, that ain't right.. I did see the news the other night, it said we had warmest June in 50 years, so might be freakishingly ( new word) normal...

Canada is a big place, like Oz but even more so, and as wide as it is, it's even taller than it is wide. So it's hard to generalize about the weather- but it's easy for me to tell that this week has been the hottest weather by far this area has ever recorded. I think probably today was the hottest day we have experienced. I'll check sometime and see.
Up where I am our abalone fishery shut down 20 years ago - but even without the sea otter which we've also wiped out long ago, abalone never recovered. A starfish plague of a different kind is hitting us now- it's worked it's way up through California to Washington now Alaska and us. 90% die off of the starfish- they're turning white and sort of 'melting'.
The way our economy is I may have to try and turn it into a full time job next year. Sux, as I've worked my whole life and now can't get any help when I've had minimal work in the last 18 months, If I was anything other than a middle aged white man, I might have a chance. But it tis what it tis my brother. AT least if they lock me up, I'll get 3 hots and a cot along with health care. Don't get me wrong, I've been all around the world and even here if you get to poor mouthing too bad, all you have to do is look around and you'll find plenty that are way worse off than you are.

Tight Lines brother :passitleft:

I refuse to believe that a man of your obvious experience and wits won't always have work Captain.
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Thanks Weasel & Griz, as a matter of fact, I just took a position on the river as an engineer to try and qualify for my western rivers towing endorsement as a Master of Towing. Pay is ok, catch is I have to pull a 28 day hitch. Unfortunately my girls are on their own, no feed but hopefully what's in their mix will see them through. Just need an inch or 2 of rain while I'm gone. Got to pay the bills, fingers crossed. On the other hand, my first trip is a bucket lister, as we will bring the vessel all the way up the Mississippi from BATON Rouge, LA to Minnesota, 1,500 miles, all 10 states the mighty Missouri runs along. A life long goal coming to fruition, and they gonna pay me to do it. Tightlines.
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

That sounds awesome Huck.... Girls be right.. Geez the life of a Captains never boring, lol...
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

MFO's, always fall back on... Better than sleeping next to a shitter... I like the attitude but stuff being kept like a dog. Keep em hidden as you are... Those girls be exploding. Buds yet? If not, they are going to be f'ing fat girls, bush pigs we call em :)

No buds but she does seem to be showing. Awful early, if they survive my month long neglect they should be budding when I get home :Namaste: Bush Pigs I like it, I like it a lot!
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

well been out here 3 weeks almost, 9 days to go. Has't rained but 30 minutes lightly at home since I've been gone, hope we get some rain in the next day or two or I may be going home to nothing good. Who knows, when I dug my holes the clay was holding some water so perhaps a savior. Any who, thought I'd write some shit down so I didn't get asked how my grow went :yikes:. Everybody join me in a rain dance :goof:. Can't wait to get off this damned boat and bust a fat fatty off with several rum and cokes. We've been up the river to the corner of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois and now almost back down to Vicksburg, MS, headed to New Orleans. River is hossin' so we rolling along @ breakneck speed. Peace Out!
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

My boss called after an exciting morning (not to mention scorching hot!) and asked if I wanted to go work a boat locally my last 5 days or go home early :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Get to the house and have to check the clones that are right close, now bear in mind it hasn't rained here in 25 days, temps in the upper 90's to 101. I checked 6 of my 9 clones, one was a little droopy, the only PC is shot, the other 4 are reaching for the sun. This got me so damn happy I strapped the boots back on and went to check my closest two in the woods, (1)Blue Dream & (1)PC, these are my adults planted on 4/14, I had 5 each to start with of the BD & PC, all the BD's are healthy, (they love it here) the PC, I lost one early, have another (2) scraggly ones. Now I love my PC, but she don't love it here so much :thedoubletake: my closest plant and most accessible is a PC, my 2nd healthiest one, today I found her budding, I thought she was maybe trying when I left 24 days ago, so I'm guessing she's 3 weeks in @ least. I'd like to poll my faithful posse of Bapple, GrizzWald, Weaselcracker, & GettoGro as to how far behind the PC do you think the BD (60 sativa/40 indica) is from starting to flower? My pics were hurried with cam phone and turned out quite crappy, but will have some good un's tomorrow nite for sure.

Sum it all up, I am again so happy I might drink a half gallon tonight :party::ganjamon::yahoo:

first up the clones, 7 weeks old about 2 feet in height:


Then one 4 month old Blue Dream, 4 1/2' tall x 8' wide:



And my pride and joy lil' Pineapple Chunk, 4' tall x 5' wide, bud sites galore, keep losing count @ 25-28:










re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Ha ha, yeah bro!! Bet you were stressing about them? We fuck em up, not nature, well to a point, you know what I mean, lol...beautiful man...look at that pc!! Holy shitezenhowsen... Can't tell in the pic with the blue dream. It'd be showing its sex/pre flowers? She freaking huge, to think she'll still stretch more... Wish I could see her better.. How's critters been?
Hows the work man? what was the river like? Enjoy some cold frothys..
re: Outdoor Pineapple Chunk & Blue Dream

Hello Capt. I saw your question over at Ms. Bapple's yard & always ready to join another outdoor grow. Great journal & pictures. Love the South....spent much time there for work & still try to make it to Jazz Fest every now & then.

Re your Q. I'm at 37º N & flowering starts 2nd half of July into early Aug. This yr. a Girl Scout Cookie was in full flower by 7/11 followed by a Purple Diesel ~1 wk. later. Others are still chugging along in late veg/early transition.

Great gardening work on your herb farm!:Namaste:
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