Smokemup's Latest Grow - Going For 1+lb! 400W MH/HPS - Soil - Indoor


Welcome everyone :welcome: to my latest photo update, and I also thought Id have a look at my lil memo pad and I noticed Teresa's date of sprout when she first popped up thru the soil, But I only really counted her start date once she d opened up her 2 round leaves and the first single bladed leaf is visible. Its only a day or so difference anyways but thought Id let you know, So I worked it out to be that she is pretty much the stated Day of Veg above.
That said, I am really keen on this grow - Ive had a good vibe since she was separated during sprouting that she would be ok and so far Im fairly happy with her. Her color is not a really deep dark green,its just a nice shade of green - like your lawn I guess?? I sometimes see people s plants on here and they have really shiny, soft looking leaves.. NOT SURE IF THATS A PARTICULAR STRAINS NATURAL GROWTH IS? But I think they were like OG's or somethin??? Id wondered had they used Leaf Shine :)
So my Teresa is now basically at the edges of her pot, not long until her branches get tethered finally, until they need adjusting later on due to height and such.. I have only removed certain leaves from her, and in some cases Ive just removed 2 blades from the fan leaf itself :) The leaf still grows fine.. But you should see how much her base has produced, and all this for a height of 12" inch or so.. All I can say is - GO Teresa Go:cheer::cheer: Now a few pics!!!

She s a bushy one;)

NOW HERES AN INSIDE SCOOP ON HER STEALTH BRANCHING SETUP..Disguised by other leaves,Clever girl...
Last count I had 12 branches,Its more now!

Alright well then thats my latest few images of Teresa and I wil keep you informed of any changes.. OH >>> ACTUALLY, YOU MAY BE ABLE TO HELP ME?? I have a Meter which does the amount of light, and PH. Now not that I really care, But I guess it would be handy to know how it operates on the Light meter:- It has a range of I think 0 - 2000, Now under my MH it showed me 1300.. In the shade around 2-500 at the base. WHAT DUZ THIS MEASUREMENT MEAN?? Is it a LUX reading - and if so how does that relate to light output perse' ? I know about Lumens ( BASIC, Very BASIC! ) the more Lumens the brighter it being, So does anyone have a link or chart of what Ganja likes its " Zone " to be, Ive opened up some space uptop for light penetration - But im doing it gradually and only as needed if I can leave a leaf on I will.. And My PH is 6.6. I am happy within 6.2-6.7 I know some will say to me " NO SMOKEM, WHATTAYA DOIN???? " But as Ive said early on I NEVER checked my PH and grew ok, Now I check it and such but when Ive checked my girls some have been looking really good at a PH of 6.2, But some people swear I have to stay on 6.5 or sumthin.. As long as its above 6 Im happy enough and Im trying to maintain a good soil condition this time. Oh shit, I forgot the sticky traps for the Funky Gnats :( Grrrr... I love seeing em stick to em and try to Yes, these bugs have made me sadistic!! Well theyre threating my plants health... FAIR CRACK OF THE WHIP I RECKON!!
Take care guys, much appreciated to all who ve made such kind comments on this round with Teresa, hope that I achieve my Journals namesake. Merry Ganja-mas - Smokemup:xmas::xmas::oops:
Teresa is lookin sweet and bushy my friend... truly lovely...

You know, I'd thought about moving to your neck of the woods a few times over the years, but I don't do the tropical heat well anymore and my girl hates the thought of all the poisonous things over there. I've thought about NZ as well, but same problems... it'd be nice to live somewhere that I can grow a few plants and be legal, no need for medical recommendations and renewals, etc... I've always loved the pics and documentaries of the area. Y'all have some beautiful areas over there.
taken from wikipedia

The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. It is equal to one lumen per square metre. In photometry, this is used as a measure of the intensity, as perceived by the human eye, of light that hits or passes through a surface. It is analogous to the radiometric unit watts per square metre, but with the power at each wavelength weighted according to the luminosity function, a standardized model of human visual brightness perception. In English, "lux" is used in both singular and plural.[1]
Hey King John..
Thanks for the WIKI version of Lux measurement, But I need the VERY SIMPLE break down as to how to read my Meter? If it says over 1000 under the 400w MH directly, and say 400 at the base, What measurement is this meter showing me?? Would that be a LUX reading, or some other light measurement.
See 2 in 1 PH meter & Light Meter.. Thats what I got, So I was just wanting to know what the measurement on my meter would be corresponding to - LUmens, Lux,Intensity?? IDK :/ Me feel stoopid:( The box has FUNKALL info and is German?? Me No Sprecken ze Deutchland.. See I propably even spelled that wrong!!
Arrrghhhh.. Im off to pack a pipe and feed my girl some nutrients:) Thanks King john for your info;) Have a good one. Smokemup
your light meter is most likely displaying in lumens per square foot per second, a lux reading would be much higher and based on a square meter per second. i am not sure if your meter has different scales it is capable of displaying or just a general reading. moving the light meter around your canopy would evaluate how efficient your light reflector is for reflecting light. some light meters in lumens show 1400-2200 for good reflectors over coverage area. on another forum Pico and some other members tested various light reflectors and found that the super sun 2 reflector provided the highest and most even coverage, they did not have a cooltube to test.

here is an definition of lux and lumen for growth

Low (500—2,500 lux; 50—250 foot-candles)
Medium (2,500—10,000 lux; 250—1,000 foot-candles)
High (10,000—20,000 lux; 1,000—2,000 foot-candles)
Very High (20,000—50,000 lux; 2,000—5,000 foot-candles)

Light Requirements of "High Energy" Plants
1000 - 5000 lux Min. necessary for life
10000 - 15000 lux Min. necessary for consistent but sparse growth
20000 - 25000 lux Min. necessary for robust growth

25000 - 30000 lux Max. Efficiency for Sub Tropical varieties
25000 - 50000 lux Max. Efficiency for Equatorial varieties




:goodjob: THATS THE SHIT KING JOHN! :thanks:

Cheers for the info and for adding those charts. I have the MH/HPS optimal light range charts, But the other 2 with the Lumen output graph p/Wattage and then the one with the light shades above the pots. AWSUM;) That will not only help me but others who may drop by my pages so thats great..
I have my 400w MH about 20cm above my plant, If I lower it too much the light spread to some parts of my plant is uneven and not reaching places it would if raised a bit more. I have a sort of Circular " Hat " type reflector for my MH - like in that bottom diagram, and my HPS is a BATWING style /---\ like that basically.
Either globe I keep as close as I can to tops without excess heat, burn issue - even with my 600w HPS I can still keep that fairly close too as long as there is adequate air movement. Many thanks again KJ ;) Will chat soon, Take it EZ. Smokemup
Hmmm.. Its getting close guys!! She is nearing her big trim during Veg, before she gets permanantly tethered. I figure I may as well do it in one hit, Im not removing much maybe only 7 leaves or so, but Im exposing all her branches shoots more to light, and as she gains height she will start to take on the form of a SCROG'd plant - the lower 1/3rd is bare and the top 2/3rds is the bulk production parts of the plant in my growing method. So from a 6ft tall plant about the first 1.5ft of branching is basically bare but for some popcorn.
OH and guess what?? Im not happy about this - I got some seeds from Lucy ( this harvest gone ) and I had em i a bag. Anyway I go to move the bag and what do I find? The work of either a kid - or a guilty partner.... There was my bag exactly where I placed it - BUT EMPTY?? Something took my seeds! Mrs says - Not me, didnt touch it, kids will prob give same response:hmmmm::hmmmm: So the work of a guilty person is at hand I feel or maybe some POLTERGEIST TYPE SEED STEALING GHOST? Oh and BTW my kid is only 2 and doesnt anything bout weed and wouldnt have thought to put it back, I shouldve put it up higher, But as my lil one would not most likely have just tossed it on the floor, not carefully placed back empty.. The plot thickens!
So after a big sooky La la I went on a seed hunt and managed to find some that had been tucked aside a year ago with " Nice Weed " written on the bag:yahoo::yahoo: So there were 5 in that, and then I found a C99xPR, and a couple other randoms.. Thats good as I have different strains, But I have to hopefully find another couple seeds among Lucy s buds when I get to them:goodluck: I cannot trace 1 single seed that was in that bag - Its really irritating me atm... I will be grumpy until I find some to replace em, as they were nice seeds.
OK well I best be off ( im secretly going to search for these seeds again ) .. lol .. Take care guys, Chat soon. SMokemup
Well guys I am set for an epic grow...
She s getting stripped down today - not overly done, just a light trim shall we say?! Her branches are just amazing and the shoots from them - are nearly 3-5 inches long too! So She s gettig crowded now, this little bush has gone into a BIG BUSH;)
She s over her pots edges now and is not far from her permanent positions, she should end up with around 16+ main branches Im gunna have trouble organising her some branches will suffer unfortunately, and wont get to reach their full potential but I hope that the majority will grow well enough to give me my hoped for target of + 1 pound dry.. See how she goes in the coming weeks! Thanks for stopping in anyways and will have pics again soon;) Be Cool, Smokemup
* QUICK PICS - Teresa *

Ok, So heres a few snaps of my gal Teresa. She has had a slight trim here, about 12 leaves and theres about 4 more to take in a couple days time..
She is really making her presence known and is starting to push at her walls now, which is great. About 1 week and she ll be ready to rock;)
Alright enuf talking here s a few small update pics:::

Now she s filling out!
Main cola and other side branches..

So there you have it, you can see she s doing ok, Ive fed her with 15ml VitaBlue & 15ml Seaweed Extract.. Still soil mites-a-plenty:) Her roots up the top are like bonsai tree roots, I love em. Her main stem is now wide as my thumb, nice n chunky!
Alright well will chat soon guys and thanks for dropping in ay! Be good or Good at it.. Smokemup
Hey Jimmy;)
Hmmm.. Not good my friend, I was just reading your post earlier about it actually. Mate, as you know thats somethin thats close to my heart!! ASSHOLZ... Did you work out if they were on your property, maybe scoping your girls for later - or just maybe rambling around the neighbours? Nuthin worse than thieves - Im like, if a mate knew I had some weed and he was dry - he could ask me and Id help him out - But some people arent happy with that and want the lot.. THESE PEOPLE I LIKE TO HUNT ALSO;) I was Mr.Counter-Surveillance after I lost my harvest and spent many an hour sitting in the cold just listening.... I CAN RELATE 100%..
Hope to find that nothing was taken, Maybe a camera system should be on your Next-to-buy list - for about 250$ you can get a 4 camera setup with 500gb DVR which has a setting you can activate that when a certain area has ANY motion detected it records and sends you a email to your smartphone if your not home - Or in bed! So maybe have a think about that, least you may be able to catch em in the act - And people are usually bit hesitant when theres 3 or 4 bright red LED circles around ur house at night watching over you:thumb: Anyways will chat soon my friend and as said hope to find all well still.. LAter buddy, Smokemup
* PICS PICS PICS :) * Teresa Green - Final tethers being attached!! *

Welcome folks, young and old to my latest update of random Ganja pics:thumb: There has been a little bit of action over last week or so, So far, Ive removed a fair bit of foliage from her now as Ive attached some of her permanent tethers and theres so many new branch shoots coming up Im flat out trying to organise them into the best positions for her to produce a good amount of branches.\
Of course, as she s only just undergoing her final ties, there s only been pretty much the main branches that have grown large are hooked while the others gain in size, and over the nxt week or so as she gains Ill adjust them and attach more and so on and so forth:)
I am at least happy I got thru her initial tethers without breaking the main stem - I had it in a bad position really so I had to adjust it and as its thick I rememebred what happened with Lucy last time, So I was a bit more delicate and got it done. There was some pressure on some branches, but over night they went from horizontal to pointing straight up, so that was a bit of relief I thought it may have dug into the stem due to its tension so Ive had to slack some off and find that right balance of a gradual bend in the stem.
Sorry if the following pics are out of sync thats 'cos I took a few before tethers and some after, So again my apologies BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE HER:):):) She s really growing on me so to speak;) the way she s kept basically her first leaves alive still, the stems are thick solid and ABUNDANT. Some fans are near ful length and width of my hands, and these are forming on skinny little inner branches that are about 9" long, just below the top canopy, She is now just on 1'5ft tall and wide..

Earlier pics.. STEM!
Original main cola to left<<

See her lower canopy of branch tops sitting under the above fan leaves?? I hope you guys can make out the pics good? IDK how theyll turn out once on here but anyways, this is pretty much my girl Teresa for now;)
As I said there s alot of branching and considering its not topped, I think this would possibly create MORE Apical tops when grown my dodgy DIY ways, than some plants that are topped numerous times.. Id love to do this outside later - Yes James, Im lookin' at you ! lol.. I dream of his TREES A GREEN, you seen them monsters??:thedoubletake::thedoubletake: Friggin Huuuuge!!
OK well this is where Ill leave it for now, thanks to all who ve stopped by and given such kind words of encouragement.. BE COOL.. Smokemup:thanks::thanks::ciao:
Full Deadly.. Seal Team 6:thumb:
Mate if I had the Equip. Id hide in my Ganja trees n shoot people with a laser guided heat seeker just like Predator:) But yeah its a shit go and really, growing a plant doesnt take a genius and its just assholes who take from people who do all the hard work, Thats the most frustrating part - Knowing youve spent so much time taking care of it and dreaming of what could be..
Well KEEP YA GUARD UP SON;) Smokemup
Many thanks Dharma;)
And Good thanks to you for showing many the way of growing nice plants under CFL's:goodjob: I will have to drop by and have a look at your fine specimens and see her sparkling trichs starting to form.
Cheers for dropping by and will chat with you soon ok buddy. Have a good one, Smokemup
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