Smokemup's Latest Grow - Going For 1+lb! 400W MH/HPS - Soil - Indoor

My yard is boobie trapped to hell, if anyone jumps in here they are gonna end up in WW3 when all they bargained for was a little dine n dash.

Hidden spikes in ground, pitfalls with nails, falling bricks, trip wires with nail beds to land on, and of course will put in some alarm bells too, so i can run out with my 12 gauge to top everything off :).

Thieves thinking this place is easy pickens gonna get shock of their lives lol.
lol..My mrs had a laugh and said you sound similar to me, with sitting out side waiting for some noise to investigate.. Maybe you should make GPS co ordinates of ur booby traps just in case you forget where one is! :) Bahaha..
They may take our ferts - But they must never take - OUR GANJA!!!!!! Mel Gibson - Greenheart. Laters Jimmy take care mate and my thoughts are with your garden.. I will pray for thieves to be injured and your buds harvested by yourself;) Cya mate, Smokem..:goodjob:
Hi Spimp;) Hows things??
Thanks for stopping by matey! In answer to your question - NOT ONE SINGLE TOPPING!!!! I DONT top my plants mate, I LST them, and use my method to obtain maximum branching from the plant and I am aiming for a +6ft tall girl.
Currently she has 11 base main Apical tops, and then another subsequent 10 more newer branches pushing up thru the centre, So I hope to have around 15 main cola's at least from this ( some will not grow as well due to colas shadowing lower buds ) But Im prepared for this, by trying to force her to keep creating these inner branches til they get to a certain amount, then I hope to train these to at least give me some buds.
If youre interested and can be stuffed go thru my last couple journals and you can see how Ive done this each time, last grow I snapped main stem clean in half and taped it back together, it healed and grew but was way under its potential, I got 12 Oz dry from her - I belive Id have gotten over a pound if not for the breakage.
So Im taking my time with Teresa and not applying much pressure to the bends, I dont need a snap again! I work by tying down the main cola first, pulling it across to one side, then a week or so later the branches will begin to grow out and up from the lower half forming the basis for the new main Apical tops. Then I tie down another branch here and there until I create my base pattern for the plant Im happy with, if you look at my above pics, youll see the base stem thickness and then the way the branches all sprout out from just above that with close node spacing.
Any questions or such ask away, its not very hard to do, Ive managed to get the same shape my last 4 girls so I have it pretty dialed in;)
Thanks for dropping in and the kind comments mate! Chat soon Spimp! Smokemup:welcome:
Hey RunWolf;)
Thanks for dropping by! And yeh I hope that she will perform well for me too buddy.. She has the startings of a good plant, So its up to me now to maintain and keep tabs on each branch that ones below arent being blocked/squashed/shadowed etc; by bigger above canopy.
So I remove some fans from the main tops, then that allows lighting to the top canopy of buds - which I also have to trim as the level below them needs clearance from above as I would do previously.
Now it sounds pretty hands on, and I guess it is to a degree, But really its not that dis-similar from a SCROG. And I enjoy my time with my girls so bit of TLC never goes astray IMO:) Hopefully they reward me come harvest, and I know my girls have tried their best for me given my results for each and their circumstances.
Teresa is hopefully going to be a strong smoke, Now I know ppl say that smell emitted from a plant is not a true indicator of a plants strength just like its trichs, But from my experience, the plants Ive grown that have had a noticeable smell around the same age as Teresa is, have gradualy gotten more intense in smell and the smoke is usually more potent. That said - I have had many grows that have NOT emitted a smell that was noticeable even upto nearly half way thru flower - BUT HAS BEEN A GOOD STRENGTH SMOKE.
So I am intrigued by this little girl, she walks the walk, and in time will see if she can TALK THE TALK!!!!
Cheers for the visit mate, Take it easy, Smokemup:thumb:
Yeah, I'll eventually do a Scrog, but right now, I'm looking at mainlining and things like that... Like you, I like my time with the girls and enjoy the almost medatative actions of training, pruning... doing the zen bonsai thing, ya know? I'm thinking about taking one over the winter training it into a spiral or a helix before flowering it, just to see how it looks, lol.

I can't wait to see how you train this out and flower it. I like the concept of a good solid yield from a single plant with limited veg and solid training... It's one of the things that has me interested in supersoil besides the ease of use and cost savings... the man consistently yields 9 - 12 oz per plant with a 60-ish day veg... I could do a good amount on my 15 plants if they yielded like that :)
Hey Dharma..
Yeah thanks buddy;) But IMO you can easy achieve a pound p/plant indoor in soil with around a 3 - 4 month time frame, it depends on how you set it up and which methods you use. See if I pull close to a pound, it gives me enuf time to grow out my girl big enuf and come harvest time I should just be runnin out of weed - Or if Im lucky Ill get to keep an Oz or 2..
So I can afford an extra 2-3 weeks of growth, it doesnt phase me, If I only got 9 oz p/plant Id be unhappy, Ive pulled over 12 oz from each plant Ive grown and the last one, Lucy, gave me the 12 Oz and I snapped her main stem in half around this stage with Teresa!!
This is why I am confident in my technique - The only thing I cannot 100% say is my FULL CORRECT DRY WEIGHT from my Cindy grow, as most of her was stolen, But I had 4 cola's they left ad they weighed 6.5Oz dry - and they had just over 2/3rds more of my weed, So it d be over 1 pound easy, Id say nearer to 1.5lb.. As if you see her cola's in my posts she s had the largest cola's ( upto 2ft in length ) all the buds grew into each other and formed these massive towers of FLOWERS:)

Cindy at 6'5ft H x 4.5ft W x 2.5ft D, So this is where Im hoping to see Teresa at in due time.. I am not rushing her as I know all good things are worth waiting for! I think she can reach this height now that Ive gone back to my old style and she will be dense which as I said will cause me some loss, But I may try a slight Defol. bit later exposing what I can and adjusting the branches into best position I can - I dont expect much so any will be a bonus!
Thanks again for dropping by but yeah, get some Humus soil a 35L pot and start your girl then just pull the top across after 4 nodes ( pair s of leaves ) and then you ll be on your way to my growing big branching girls:high-five: Have a good one, Take it easy and chat soon. Be cool,. Smokemup:welcome:
True that matey;)
This is where I set my bench mark - I hope to replicate her specs each grow from now as I changed some things the past couple grows back to Cindy s set up. Hoping to again have similar to her height and amount of cola's/buds.
See how we go, just takin it a day at a time here. Cheers for nice words! Later mate, Smokemup
Agreed about the 1lb+ plants being awesome, but how long are you doing the actual vegging and training ? I was just quoting what I keep seeing about Supersoil with a 2 month veg regularly neting that 9-12 oz, I'd love to see regular 16 oz+ off a single plant. I am going to try and keep things at around the same amount of veg as flower, so 8 - 12 weeks depending on strain. Do you think that would net 1lb+ plants in 5gal smartpots? Just curious on that one. I'm in WA, so have 15 plants I'm allowed to grow, but of course, space for maybe 7 or 8 medium to large plants as of the end of Oct, right now, probably 5 to 6 medium to large plants. I'm still trying to figure out what would be the best rotation to get into with the space, but I do like the idea of larger harvests so I can swap out strains and keep a varied pharmacy, so to speak. :Namaste:
Hey RunWolf;)
Ok, well lets see here... Firstly, that answer varies on the strain and its ability to grow rapidly and reach certain heights. Some plants are more likely to be a smaller stockier bush than a big tree!
I normally DO NOT GROW ON A TIME BASIS.. Thats what I did last grow, I altered it to try to keep some who did not like the around 15 week grow period. They were Hydro growers or guys who had small plants but more of them,
So I tried to adjust that by growing it during its Veg in a certain time - 5 or 6 weeks and then flowered until it was READY for my likings anyway which was Day 60 sumthin, So I finished up about 13 or so weeks and with a broken main stem I pulled 12 Oz off it..
I USUALLY grow during Veg until its a certain height, Not time, close to 4ft is PERFECT;) Then I allow 2.5ft stretch and should have a 6+ft LST d plant come harvest time.. So pending on the speed the plant grows during Veg and training and also on the plants flower period so that can even affect the grow time by a week or 2!!
I try not to work to hard on my plants so theyre not under too much excess stress, and after she s formed her base and first opposite Apical top - YOURE COOKING WITH GAS MATE:thumb:
There s ' adjusting ' to be done over the grow with its tie points, But thats a given as it grows it needs to be moved into position and tethered. But its not like I spend hours a day with her, I check her PH about once a week, I trim her a few fan leaves about the same and gradually move a tie when needed.. Not much hand or brain work really, you just need to be able to recognise what the plant is doing - and I can nearly assure you that if you have the lighting, space, 35L pot then youre all set - get some Organic soil - I use Humus and a good pot mix with some Pea straw mulch. Stable PH mostly a around 6.6, after water/feed she s ready and dry enuf for another feed around 72hrs later, So I know that this is about her due time for a drink and her run off tray is dry too. If you were to try it - IM ONLY A POST AWAY!!! You can go thru my journals and im fairly sure Ive put a decent amount of how the plant responds and what I did to achieve my plants shape/results.. It is pretty basic really, the plant does it naturally once that original main cola is gradually bent over to one side, it sends auxins,hormones to a lower branch usually opposite to the way the main cola is bent. It will begin to increase in length til it is exactly the same size of the original 1st main cola!!:cheer::cheer: And then its all about working out what you need your plant to do grow wise to fit your space then plant it as you Veg, tying down its main branch shoots will force it to make some extra main branches - some get big but some are smaller than the 1st main cola.
Ahh shit.. I need to breathe!! Damn talk about dribbling Sh$t !!! lol.. I hope that makes some form of sense to ya, Im not trying to tell ANYONE WHAT TO DO with their grows, But if they d like to maybe try my way Ill gladly help. As I said, I do still plan on making a Smokems' HOW TO: Thread But only after this Teresa - as she will be the Final nail in the coffin for me to tell me that what Im doing for my grow space anyway and for what it is - Not Hydro - that I can pretty much guarantee 1 pound p/plant in say 14 weeks with my elements.
Ok well I need a sesh after that - shit I wrote myself straight:) Have a good one and will chat soon, Be good or be good at it!! :thanks::welcome: SMOKEMUPM8:ciao::ciao:
Thanks Smokem, I've been doing LST and have been playing with mainlining this time around as well. But yeah, I want to see where the sweet spot is for veg to flower for my space to be the most productive and hopefully be able to cycle through strains for variety. I'm also wanting to try a super soil because my girl wants, and I quote "a plant or two of my own to play with please", but she's dyslexic, so measurements for hydro wouldn't work well, I need a water only solution for her and I'd prefer to keep costs down as well and maybe just use hydro long term for my experiments and to play with, lol. Not sure yet on everything soil, but I do want to try that side by side with big hempys and see how they compare. I've got your first journal bookmarked for hitting next time I'm caught up, lol.

Have a good one man :Namaste:
No worries mate!
Just a question, whats SUPER SOIL?? Is that a brand name of a particular soil pot mix or slang for a mix of different items for an Organic type soil grow??
Ive used some regular pot mix and they dry too quick and plants seemed to lack early on, and I had minimal knowledge of nutes so I basically only fed a fish emulsion mix now n then,never checked PH or worried bout bugs.. And as Ive grown up around older people while young - they skooled me in O'naturale growing outdoor in soil. They all had big purples and buddha plants and id see garbage bags full come harvest. Then a few of their mates did indoor growing some soil and one hydro. The hydro I didnt understand, I didnt really ask about it as they were kinda hush-hush back then, so I just listened and OBSERVED:)
My hydro mate - had a full white zip up breathable nylon suit he used to wear and he had another for his mrs which I used ( he was WAYY paranoid on SPIDER MITES! ) as he d lost 2 plants last grow, So he was super tidy that time..
But I focussed on soil and thats where I am today, and of all the soil mixes Ive made, by far the best soil I can get is called HUMUS soil, meant to be totally organic with active microbes and beneficial bacteria which also has an active n,p,k ratio due to its make up. I use that about 70% and the rest good pot mix, and some pea straw just for some aeration and such around the root zone;) PLANTS LIKE THAT!!
So do what you choose to mate, and soil is easy so your mrs can do one or 2 easy enough I rekn.. Take it easy chat soon, Smokemup
Supersoil is the subcool version of an organic cooked soil mix, but he's been experimenting for years on a "water only", no ferts or teas, organic recipes... that's the one I'd like to try. Jon705 and a few others I'm watching are using it or in Jon's case, moving to it from Hydro, so I want to see how it goes and yeah, I grew up around soil, but the former IT geek and systems architect and developer in me geeks out over the innovations like hydro/aero/fog/etc. but soil is what I grew up around and using for all kinds of growing. My grandmother gew 6 and 8 foot plants, yes cannabis, when I was a kid using soil and occassionally MG, but usually organic stuff, so soil is fine for me, as long as I can find a median productivity that will provide sufficient yields for the time. And of course, cost p/gram in my mind includes nutes, media, etc. not just lighting cost... I like the lower expense of organic with soil and I like the better taste and smell, so yeee hawwww, lol... will likely be doing it over the winter in soil, depends on how soon I can get the stuff together. Basically good base soil, probably like the one you use, plus azomite, worm castings, both types of bat guana, lime, a couple other amendments, water and leave alone to let "cook" for a month or two, then put in the lower 1/3 to 2/3 of pot and basic soil on top and you're good to go.
Ok thanks RunWolf;)
Well IMO - I could do a water feed only grow thru out the grow with my HUMUS soil as it has n,p,k as active microbial bacteria and essential micro nutrients etc; Maybe toward the end of flower some defic may show as it needs more Potassium,Phos, but id hazard to say itd still produce near to the same. I usually use a Seaweed extract to feed my gals, one has some n,p,k in it and as a basic organic fert you could use that a couple times during flower - with out essentially feeding every other day during Veg and thru most Flower.
Have a look into some HUMUS SOIL and see what info you get on it and see what you think?? I reckon it d be fine to use as a basic active soil that doesnt need much, if any, additional food. GREAT STUFF:thumb: Anyways you do whats best for you mate, you may be able t make that SUPERSOIL but personally to me its an area Im unsure of as once you combine these items you ve said, and leave them to BREAKDOWN/COMPOST well Id be testing to see how Alkaline or Acidic it is and also if any of these items combined produce any negative product that may harm the plant. Most likely not if the items composted are organic but I know my mate made some HOME BREW PLANT FOOD which had pidgeon shit in it and was packed with ammonia and I was like scared of this shit ay!! A massive tub of probably anything he had alive or dead and chucked it in and let it bake in the hot sun for over 15 months... He feeds some plants with it - I think its worse than Chernobyl - POSSIBLE ERUPTION! lol.. keep away from naked flame:)
I am too set in my ways and dont like to vary far from my comfort zone and where Im at Im happy, So lets just say - EACH TO THEIR OWN!! AS LONG AS IT WORKS - DONT FIX IT;)
Adios Muchachos - Butto- Smokemup:welcome::high-five:
I'm comfortable with the mixes as that's how I garden outside. Not with his specific mix, though. I don't usually bottom load with hotter soil like he does. I've definitely been thinking about soil inside and will give it a go. I've never seen HUMUS brand around here, but we do have various soils that contain forest humus within them. Even if I stick to soil as a primary, I'll still futz about with other things as well. I was an IT exec, architect and developer for a long time, so the advancements interest me and I like futzing about with them, even if I don't move over to it for everything. I'm thinkng about fogoponics strawberry towers right now, actually, lol.
The soil itself is called HUMUS soil I believe?? So not a brand name, you should be able to GOGOOGLE it and see any info on it that may relate to some soils you can purchase locally.
BAsically a fully functioning active soil, microbes,bacteria and consisting of n,p,k - I have lots of little soil mites running around, its funny every time I water, the outsides of her pot get covered with em, they must be running from the water - poor lil buggers:) But I havent drowned em all yet thankfully.
Anyways Teresa is coming along well she s growing out of her first permanent ties now so she s on er way to stardom!! BIG BUDS you say?? YES SIR!!! FINGAZ CROSSD.. Laters guyz Smokems outta here:high-five:
Well then mate, if its got HUmus soil in it as a main source, Youll be on the right track, I dont think coco adds any nutes to the soil, this is why I may use a fine mulch of Pea straw, couple hand fulls per pot, and it helps the roots to breathe and the soil to not clog up, even tho its prettty good overall IMO..
TAke it easy and all the best!!! Im working on my car this week - not my plant, She s cruzing along nicely, has made an awsum top canopy that I hope will stay as main branches as she grows. She has a circular set out of about 10 main branches so far, all over 1.5ft now:) and then theres branches from them and others Ive trained and she s looking very good to me, great smell and decent growth, I do wish I had a 600w MH, but the ol 400w is working for now.. With the amount of leaves Ive removed youd think she d look bearer but Ive left the first 3 top nodes alone on each new cola, So theyre not being held back much. Oh - AND IM KILLING FUNGUS GNATS:high-five: Haha theyre all sticking to my ol sticky traps, SUCKERS! Ill do my best to wipe em out tho the larvae in the soil are the problem and Id have to put some Perlite on top again with some DE dust. They hated it - I sat there for ages just watching the suckers writhing in pain:):) OO RAA!!! Awsum.. So in summary I believe that Teresa will be able to produce 1.5pound or close to it, giving her the time now to grow basically vertical from now as she s touching most walls in her space - Ive had to leave the inner new Main shoots go wild pretty much, and theyve even had to be trimmed as theyre making fan leaves close to the size of the larger ones! So Im basically doing the same, leaving most of the tops alone and taking lower ones to allow more lighting into the middle.
On my light meter, it goes to like 2000, directly under my 400w MH it reads at 2000 at a distance of say 2" away, and as I get to the base of the pot and inner branches I get around 200-700, So Im aware that this maybe a little low, which Is now why I have to position my light correctly to get even light spread over her, She s on 17/7 light/dark schedule - which I basically give her one half 9 hrs, other half 8hrs and rotate that daily. Its important for me to keep my light a certain height above the plant to spread it nicely and also to keep it at an area where it will stretch but not too much, while giving light nearly all the way thru Teresa, Im not stripping the crap out of her as Ive done and not liked that so Im keeping her bushy! HER ODOUR IS MAJIK;) I LIKE IT - ALOT!
I was given a sample of my mates batch he just did, and wow - I was very UNDER-WHELMED, leafy stuff with small buds - I can feel it but with my stuff, Ya rip a cone and it immediately punches you int the chest - and youre coughing and going shit that tastes strong!!
its not the most potent Ive had, by no means, But Ive had alot worse and if I were distributing my shit, I rekn Id have a few happy campers when you compare the both. Ive watched that clip of " Earths Strongest Strains " and tops was just over 26% THC I think, So If that was the strongest - then I would say my stuff may be around 15-17%?? IDK - Its good enough to help you sleep and it does hang around and you find yourself spacing out as I am now rambling on here - But I find it great for what Im doing atm, got some work to do so few rips and Im baked enough to not even really notice my surroundings.. BAD FOR DRIVING!! It seems that since last harvest, I cured some bud in a plastic air tight sealed container and some in freeze dry bags.. And the difference is one has a smell once bag opened, and has similare high, but the plastic cured ones are nice sticky and Ive looked thru trichs and they mustve matured a bit over drying as I noticed a fair few more than I planned and also have found a few fully ripened seeds READY TO GO;) So If I ever want to try this batch again I can, somehow I lost 6 seeds I found from her, the Mrs did it I be thinkin.. But anyways I found some others I didnt now I had too which made me bit happier. I was looking at a pic of a seed from one of the seed banks that advertises on here and the seed looks like an acorn?? Totally different to what Im used to, think they were Afghan seeds???
The usual ones we get around here, are usually a light brown color to a dark grey color with black or dark brown lines or stripes running across them and on one side appears to be where the tap root would sit inside the seed upon Germination. These look like theyd been plucked fresh off an acorn tree - minus the little cap thing on top:)
Ok well best be off for now - Ive got some pics to load for you guys when im on nxt ok? Take care EVERYONE and will talk soon!:high-five:
Later mater, Smokemup
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