Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

Those Bubba Kushes remind me of your God-daughter's seedling days but at least they have odd numbered fingered leafs.
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

:) I have a couple 7 leafers already Reg. :high-five:
Although, I must say, I have considered dropping the scrog screen in there everyday this week... I didn't realize how chopping Sour D would affect my Bud-Watching Compulsion... :biglaugh: I'm trying to stay strong and veg on!
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

let those veggers catch some hid rays. you're gonna be amazed by how quickly they grow :)
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

nice looking children, Spimp. Looks like you prefer the stinky & danky, like you said, the stuff that makes your eyes water,

when you unzip the door. You say it better, lol. :goodjob:

looking forward to the secret-woodsman update.:thanks:
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

let those veggers catch some hid rays. you're gonna be amazed by how quickly they grow :)

Got the 150w at about 18"'s. :) Hoping to see some tops peeking out soon.

Carlwave™ :circle-of-love:
HI CARL :ciao: Where ya been? :biglaugh:

nice looking children, Spimp. Looks like you prefer the stinky & danky, like you said, the stuff that makes your eyes water,

when you unzip the door. You say it better, lol. :goodjob:

looking forward to the secret-woodsman update.:thanks:

Super Top Secert Woodsman Update--- Nothing. :rofl: Which inspired me to hatch out another scheme... Operation Bubba Kush transplant to Woods. :geek:

I'm considering taking BK#3 (the half-mutant) and transplanting her into the woods today. The weather has been cooler than normal and quite overcast. I'm thinking about taking her out there this morning and dropping her in the ground. Gonna debate it over a cup of coffe or 4... :nomo:
Good Weed Everyone!
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

Wild Wood's Update--


BK#3 has been given her freedom. :amen:
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

nice spot, Makes me want to do an update hahaha......
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

I LOVE that! How often can you get to that plant to tend it? I couldn't do that here. It would dry out in a few hours! Or very soon if i didn't really fix that soil up.

Best of luck with that. I can't wait to see it.
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

nice spot, Makes me want to do an update hahaha......
Nothing like those sexy ladies in their natural environment :love:

Did those seeds you planted sprout yet?

No sprouts yet. But I'm also an Idiot. :) I took four of the 'bagseed' out there. The same bagseed that I had 1 in 9 pop from. :rofl: They are like 5+ years old so I doubt I even see a thing.
I LOVE that! How often can you get to that plant to tend it? I couldn't do that here. It would dry out in a few hours! Or very soon if i didn't really fix that soil up.

Best of luck with that. I can't wait to see it.

Thank you! I can get out there every day for the next week or so (nobody home :)) That plus the lower than average temps and clouds for the next week told me get her in the dirt! :rofl:

It's gonna be a challenge to see her as often as she may need say a month from now. But there are a few hunting spots in those woods, so the "I gotta check my trail cam" excuses will be coming out I guess.

Here's the giggle moment-- If by the stroke of Hydrogen I do get a girl with buds, I may have to transport them about 30 miles before trimming them!!
Let's hope That's a problem we all get to see! :slide:
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

I would love to do something like that but on our island here theres so many people you cant
hide shit without someone eventually seeing it not to mention if it does make it all the way I would be able to get it out lol
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

nice! I hope she does well.
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

My buddy lived in Hawaii for many years and said the number #1 rule is if you find some weed growing, only take a small bud! :rofl: He said you can't be in nature for 20 mins without smelling some dank.

Gardenfaerie, Im realistically only expecting about a 9% success rate with this endeavor. I could very easily go back and see the historic remains of a Deer Salad. ;)
I gotta say, I've done some sketchy stuff in my day but driving with a live plant is a different level of Sketch! Can't exactly stuff it in your crotch. Maybe one of the few times in my life I was happy I forgot to toke a morning bowl. :bitingnails:

Thanks b.real. Me too! Now I have an excuse to burn a J in nature more often. :high-five:
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

Wild Wood's Update--
BK#3 has been given her freedom. :amen:

:goodjob: i hope she's still there on your next "hike" consider covering her w/ some type if protection from grazers,

if I was a rabbit/deer, that would be a tasty morsel. I'm liking this project well done :high-five:

do you see many moths out there? most of us don't notice moths, until we see a problem,

they are nothing to worry about until plants start to flower/stink. :bravo:
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