Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL - LED

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Much better. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself right about now. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Congratulations, SweetSue. That tent looks custom made for that spot almost. :blushsmile: I cant wait to see what short of goodness you create in there.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I'm planning a perpetual under 11/13 GhettoGro. Everything in there together, no special lighting considerations, other than watts per plant and the ability to grow both autos and photos together as a community.

Seems I have a thing for communities - soil communities, plant communities, grower communities....:laughtwo::green_heart:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Well...after that post, Im extremely glad I ate dinner before I read it. hehe

You're a mom. You've seen worse. :rofl:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

You're a mom. You've seen worse. :rofl:

*wrinkles nose* You just had to go *there*, didnt you?

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Welcome UncleCannabis. Glad to see you joining our happy band. :welcome: Make yourself comfortable.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll be riding shotgun and trying to pick up a few tid bits of your vast knowledge along the way.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Gratz on the tent sue :high-five:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Gratz on the tent sue :high-five:

Thanks Cronic. I'm feeling mighty blessed about now. :love:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -


Saponins trigger the plant's SAR (defense system), helping the plant stay healthy and naturally pest resistant. Think of it as a secondary line of defense in your Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, behind neem, Tulsi Basil, aloe vera, kelp and fulvics.

Saponins added to foliar sprays are called surfactants. When applied to soil they are called wetting agents.

Some comparisons of saponin levels

alfalfa - 20,000 ppm
aloe vera - 30,000 ppm
yucca extract - 40,000 ppm
horse chestnuts - 140,000 ppm
soap nuts - 240,000 ppm

I need to stop at the Indian grocery and pick up some soap nuts.

Using Soap Nuts

1. Soak 2 seeds in a bucket with 4 gallons of good water for 24 hours.
Dilute to make 20-25 gallons

2. Soak 1 seed in 5 gallons of good water. Use as is. No diluting necessary.

** This brew will only keep for a day. Make what you need or make a big batch, freeze in ice cube trays and store in ziplock freezer bags until needed.

Soap Nuts Solution

Break open a seed.
Let the shell sit in a cup of good water for 24 hours. The water will be light brown.
Pour into a bucket and dilute as needed at a rate of 1 TBS/gallon
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Man, 3 AM, and I'm still taking notes. Geez. Go to bed already girl.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -


I decided that the procrastination had to end. Time to figure out this tent. It came with no instructions, but really, how hard could it be? :rofl: Two hours later and desperately in need of a shower here I am finally posting.

First the rubber matting.


That fits the space perfectly. I made sure we didn't need anything in that closet for now. You have to wonder why we keep things that could be in deep storage with so little space in this apartment. When you figure that out, let me know.

I bought a package of sliders. The plan is to toss them under the mat for now and place them under area where the pots sit to make it easier to slide around if need be. The tent itself is no problem. It's those heavy pots that will be the concern. A slider under each should solve that.


The tent will take some time to sort out. Which way is up? :trance:


Poles shouldn't be too difficult to figure out. There are only three styles and the ceiling braces. Not rocket science.

After struggling, first with getting the frame together (I quickly determined that the frame had to be assembled first before the tent slipped on it like a glove) and then in getting the tent to fit snugly. I fought it for the longest time before discovering that I had it caught on the bottom and that was why it wasn't fitting. Made that correction and it dropped right into place. By then I was dripping sweat. :laughtwo: Never gave up though. No way was a tent going to beat me.


Two hours later and feeling completely satisfied with my tenacity, a tent now sits waiting to be scrubbed down and set up. :yahoo:


Not bad. Not bad at all. 420Pursuit, if you're out there, a big hug and thank you for this generous gift. I'll do my best to make you proud.


Life is sweet indeed. :laughtwo::green_heart:

I need a shower. Be back soon. :love:

your one in a million Sue well done , hats off to you :goodluck::green_heart:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

You're a mom. You've seen worse. :rofl:

hey, i'm gonna be a dad soon, what am I in for? Found out ITS A BOY! ;) Love your grows Sue, thanks for spreading the knowledge. You've inspired me to start a worm bin soon.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

hey, i'm gonna be a dad soon, what am I in for? Found out ITS A BOY! ;) Love your grows Sue, thanks for spreading the knowledge. You've inspired me to start a worm bin soon.

What glorious news bassclef!! A son! You must be ready to burst with joy.


Congratulations on being accepted into the greatest life course available - Unconditional Love 101. :love:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

We live in a tiny apartment, 725 or so sq ft, packed to the limit with the limitless stuff we keep picking up along the way. I'm squeezing a 4'x4' grow tent in the corner of the 12'x12' bedroom, the only corner in this entire apartment where said tent would fit
Don't feel bad Sue, we've got a new 2ft 8in X 2ft 8in new tent & I'm still trying to configure a way to set it up in my bedroom which is already over crowded. I may have to set it up in the hallway but trying my best to avoid that since guest and company doesn't come to the back of our apt.

Anyway, things are looking good up in here; the proof is in the budding!

hey, i'm gonna be a dad soon, what am I in for? Found out ITS A BOY! ;) Love your grows Sue, thanks for spreading the knowledge. You've inspired me to start a worm bin soon.
Congrats & trust me; fatherhood is the greatest gift on earth a man can receive Bassclef.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 44

I started with the 1/4 turn of the pot and then started taking pictures. Sorenna had mentioned yesterday that not everyone has a PC that will load the pictures in easily. I'm ashamed to say that I've been so lost in the joy of posting cannabis glamour shots from my tiny closet that I'd never considered that I would be causing someone frustration in doing so. I work exclusively with either the iPad or my iPhone, so I never have any problem with it. Is this a common problem? I'm hoping not, because although I culled them down there's still a number of them. Please forgive me my indulgence. It's so hard to reign it in. :laughtwo::green_heart:

Let's take a stroll through the tiny closet. It won't be here much longer. :slide:

Isn't she the most beautiful thing?


DrZiggy, see that space there where an azelea pot would fit in? Since it's going into the tent there'll be more room for overhang.

I'm going to do it. I think the Cheese Candy for Dale.


She's not doing much vertically. I'll choose to believe that she's either adjusting to the new lights or she's going to focus on blooming. I stunted her with chilly temps in the first week or so and she's under the 11/13 lights, which will also stunt size. This is my test case for this lighting.


Short of stature, but look at how healthy she is!



If it keeps going like this this entire plant is going to be covered in trichomes before I harvest!


I'm looking at this picture and thinking about how excited I'm getting, because my plan was to find a way to get variety that he didn't get bored and finished quickly enough that we won't run out. If the plants only grow so tall then I can grow a multitude of them, can't I? :woohoo:

I've been watching DrZiggy with his trays of SWICKed plants and growing more excited by the day. I think he's figured out how I want to run my grow for now. I'm thinking of holding onto the African Buzz for a Sativa run under more lights and get busy growing some meds to get an inventory on hand that will allow the time for a more protracted grow. Instinctively, I know I can grow a monster bush under 11/13, but it will take more lights. I'm still planning that Jamaican Dream and Jamaican Dance Hall adventure and somewhere along the line I really want to do a whole tray of Carnival. Oh yeah!!! . :laughtwo:

I need to rethink my planting plan. That's a chore for later today. I'll get back to you.


A little leaf porn.




One last picture as the curtain closes.


Admit it, wasn't that fun? :laughtwo:

It's rainy but warm here along the Mighty Monongahela. That gave me another opportunity to walk unflinchingly through the rain drops. I'm growing fond of the feel of rain against my eyelids and cheeks. This experiment in being childlike it working out nicely.

Have a wonderful day. Take a moment to unexpectedly grab your favorite person and sweep him/her up in a big, joyful hug. Hugging is an art form that requires much practice. :blushsmile: so get lots of practice and spread that joy around.

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I second Sue on the Father comment. Great update SweetSue nice bit on the Surfactents/wetting agent :) and congrats on the tent addition and you built it like a bloke... no instructions or anything ;) :volcano-smiley:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Great Job Sue! I could not even imagine my wife assembling a grow tent...haha

You are a go-getter! Love it!

Now you can grow some photos? Got a veg area? Perpetual?

Knowing what we know of your wife's eyesight, this makes me laugh every time! Have you read my story about Dale's "Blind Electrician" wiring job? He had a blood vessel go just as he was finishing up mounting the last two pieces of conduit and finished the job half-blind, up on the ladder with our daughter directing him on where to place the drill bit and when to drill. :rofl:

Only people who live with this much challenge find humor in such craziness. Thank God we can still laugh. :laughtwo:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Don't feel bad Sue, we've got a new 2ft 8in X 2ft 8in new tent & I'm still trying to configure a way to set it up in my bedroom which is already over crowded. I may have to set it up in the hallway but trying my best to avoid that since guest and company doesn't come to the back of our apt.

Hahaha! I just put this puppy up and I'm sitting on the bed this morning wondering how I could possibly fit in an 8'x8' expansion someday. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Ya know, I thought I was at a disadvantage growing in the crawlspace of my house. But, I have come to realize that I have it good. I could not imagine growing in a closet and cranking out that kind of product. I have about 500 sq ft of floor space but only about 60 inches of head room. I had to chop my 4'x8' tent down to 5' in height to fit it the dungeon.
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