Timewreck - Grown In Hydro With LED & A ScrOG

Day 12 of 12/12 and they are definitely showing their sexuality,


I am still getting the occasional browning leaf, no signs of any eggs or larvae, after scouring Google results I am not very concerned, should I be? The only ‘diagnosis’ that fits is ‘nute deficiencies’, it is not wide spread and the plants look healthy otherwise, so I will keep a close eye but nothing else. I am removing the affected parts of the leaves as I notice them, inspecting them under the Microscope before putting them in the wood burner.


I shall take a picture with the ruler at day 14 but things are looking encouraging as far as stretch is concerned.

G'day ajagunle, better late than never, just as things are going to get exciting, subbed:popcorn::bong::peace:
An Aside2 (iv)

I have adjusted and re-tied my previous LST stays and fanned-out the secondary branches as much as I was able, I have removed 5 fan leaves so far, I will take the sixth tonight, to try and reduce branch growth and try and make sure all branch tops are getting exposed to the CFL Suns.

The secondary that I effectively folded the main stem over is the only top in the shade and is this grows first payment to experience. She is almost touching the sides all the way round so new growth will have to be vertical.


The next in line for ‘Life in the Bin’ has emerged, I had to carefully pick the seed shell off (after heavy water spraying) but her first leaves had already started to open and have a crinkled look. She is a Northern Lights.

:thumb: That bin is a bud-machine!:high-five:

Thanks Trichster, I'll take that as a lovely compliment! :thanks: I need to start with a small growing variety because of the minimal room, trying out LST this round which is looking promising and for the next round I have smaller pots as I have seen other members getting Big Girls from smaller pots than I use, that will give me an extra 3” of Bud Space! The Bins are a tremendous alternative to not Growing!!

SubD Looks good when do you put the screen in place?.

Hi Teldren and Welcome! :welcome: I think I have unintentionally misled you, I have my indoor garden where the screen is almost permanently in place (pictures back a couple or few pages) and then I have my side grow where I grow autos in a couple of adapted kitchen bins, the only access to the plants is from the top so I imagined a screen would be impractical and I am trying a bit of bondage.

Day 14 of 12/12, the canopy is no longer looking very even but there are some nice looking ‘future buds’ on the shorter stems.


TDS has started to drop from higher than 510ppm to just below 500, ph has been very stable at 5.9 and as the res needs topping up I have dropped to 5.6, I shall top up with nutes diluted to 510 and raise ph to above 5.8 tomorrow.


The tallest Tops are now 12” above the screen, from which I have removed 1 or 2 fan leaves that are shading the Tops of the lower stems, hoping this will go some way to levelling the canopy , I have also raised the 2 hanging CFLs a few inches.

Oooh...things are growing like crazy 'round here! I need to catch up a few pages. LOL
It doesn't look like a bug issue on your leaves to me.
The little one is too cute. Will be interesting to see when it straightens out, I'm sure it will. Peejay, and myself too, had a sprout that had only one good cotyledon and they came out just fine when the second set of leaves came on.
Good seedling Karma coming your way! :circle-of-love:
still looks real even to me! nice work.

'It looks real, even to you' or 'It looks real even, to you'? :laughtwo: Thanks for the encouragement!:thanks:

Oooh...things are growing like crazy 'round here! I need to catch up a few pages. LOL
It doesn't look like a bug issue on your leaves to me.
The little one is too cute. Will be interesting to see when it straightens out, I'm sure it will. Peejay, and myself too, had a sprout that had only one good cotyledon and they came out just fine when the second set of leaves came on.
Good seedling Karma coming your way! :circle-of-love:

Having lost my last harvest to Thrips I am being paranoid, I can't help it, but thank you for the reassurance, I am fairly comfortable it is nothing to be concerned about too!

I will get a photo of the seedling tomorrow, it is the first real leaves that got crinkled-up but they are opening and stretching OK, a mere birth-mark!:thumb:

New definitions to old Words;
Pumpkin - Inflatable relatives
The Girls have grown another inch or so and I have raised the CFLs again, stretch should be coming to its end so I have plenty of room to spare.


TDS has remained about 510 and ph has dropped slightly, currently 5.7, the res needs topping up again so I shall use the top-up to raise ph above 5.7 tomorrow. I was shocked how much they have used in 48hrs, almost 6l between the 2!

I am clearing the leaves and any stray branches from under the screen a little each visit, with the intention of having it all clear by day21


Everything is coming along nicely

Flash of Inspiration!

Or Doh!

The 2 CFLs are hanging from the same hook as the LEDs and I have had one hanging left and one right of the LEDs, I have now repositioned them, with the help of another hook, to be directly above the shortest stems!

I must stop smoking this stuff!:ganjamon:
The Kitchen Bin Bud Machine.
A side project.

Massive Midget Auto has had 6 fan leaves removed and is tied down until the stems are touching the sides of the bin, all the tops, except the one carefully folded under the main stem (ringed), are at almost the same height and getting full exposure to the CFLs.:thumb:


Today is the eighth day since the first sign of Pistils so I am expecting another 2 wks of any stretch, the defoliation has certainly reduced any vertical growth and I will remove more when I start to run out of space, there are still 3 patio bricks under her pot, about 6". I am pleased how dense the main top appears.


The Pyramid Northern Lights little one is starting her second set of true leaves and curiously one is noticeably smaller than the other, I can imagine the crinkled leaf has led to one side being stunted, almost (left and top).

Day 18 of Flower and the tallest shoots have grown to within 10 inches of the LEDs, I have removed the EZee Roller holding the lights which raises them about 11”. Moving the CFLs over the shortest stems seems to have had the desired effect.


My little Garden has a potential Bud area of 18” deep and 22” wide, there are a few white clusters showing the number of stems, this will help with my Expectation management!


TDS has risen to 535 over night and ph correspondingly dropped to 5.6, I have raised the thermostat on the radiator as it has been bitter outside and a drop in temperature could explain their slower eating. The min/max thermo is showing they are staying in the ‘zone’ at screen level but I have failed to imagineer a way of measuring at canopy level, any ideas? I have diluted the res to 495ppm and raised ph to 5.9. I will add 2ml of veg nutes tomorrow to see if that may slow the leaf discolouration.

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