Trala's Tent: The Wedding Album

Hey T, I was curious, what does she smell like? Maybe you mentioned already.
Do you remember I said she smells like a urinary tract infection? Well she has gone from infective honeymooners to subjective honeyswooners.

She smells like the best sex you’ve ever had in your life bruv.

Well. Theres something Ill think about while sitting down having a quiet moment of reflection!

Thanks Tra.

If I wasnt convinced before, I am now.

Theres something about having a beautiful smell in full flower that I really enjoy.

Hopefully she keeps that going forward, nothing like opening it up later and having it fill your senses and having a smile creep over your face.
Hello Guys!

It’s that time of the week again lolling.

Well the time has come for me to cut Cleo’s throat. My trimmer is coming over tomorrow and he’s going to get the job done.

I saw a couple of nanners on her yesterday, and that made my decision. I hate nanners. They look like ugly little yellow tongues. I didn’t get a glitter pic today coz I’m harvesting her either way.

Cleopatra Bee aka Wedding Cake
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 135
Days in flower - 67




Hello Guys!

It’s that time of the week again lolling.

Well the time has come for me to cut Cleo’s throat. My trimmer is coming over tomorrow and he’s going to get the job done.

I saw a couple of nanners on her yesterday, and that made my decision. I hate nanners. They look like ugly little yellow tongues. I didn’t get a glitter pic today coz I’m harvesting her either way.

Cleopatra Bee aka Wedding Cake
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 135
Days in flower - 67




Heeyy Trala congrats absolute stunners
They are all looking great. Good luck for the harvest Tra, and I hope you are feeling a lot better when you wake up today.
Well thats a bit sad.

Inevitable, but sad.

3rd time was the charm T. What a girl she has been.

*Clears throat*

Great job, so glad your next adventure has begun with Carcass, might fill the Cleo sized hole in my heart. In fact Im sure it will.

Bye Miss Cleo!
It really was!

I’ve been trying to grow this breed since 2021!

Heeyy Trala congrats absolute stunners
Thank you :)
They are all looking great. Good luck for the harvest Tra, and I hope you are feeling a lot better when you wake up today.
Omg I feel so much better. Not 100%, but defs 74% better.

I’ve been so sickly the last 3 weeks. Between grandchildren and patients coughing into my fucking face, I can’t catch a break! Hopefully once showered I’ll feel up to a walk. I’ve literally couch potatoed since I finished my nightshift Thursday morning!

Now my plan is to write you a letter today. Fingers crossed I follow through lollll.
Now my plan is to write you a letter today. Fingers crossed I follow through lollll.

Looks like you wrote quite a few. Haha.

How anyone learns english as a second language is beyond me.

Like lead & lead. Exactly the same spelling for two entirely different words. And to top it off, the past tense of lead (to lead) is led!

They were having a laugh, or high, or both.

Actually if Im honest I had a funny exchange in Spanish once, confusing the word face (cara) with bed (cama).

Ok enough scallywagging, go write a letter.
Omg so I’m going to tell you all something, and I’m so fucking embarrassed and mortified. I so wanted to do Carcass proud and be all, I harvested and it was the miracle ending, but not to be. It makes me mad at myself coz I know people in here think I treat growing as a joke, but I don’t. I work hard on my plants, read them, try my best to make them sing. And I know stuff. I just like fun too. But ultimately I want to be respected as a grower. I want to show people I can do it, that my opinion has merit. Todays effort does not demonstrate this lollll

So as I told you, she had thrown a couple of nanners. Just made me eager to harvest, I wasn’t concerned coz I saw carcass had had nanners too. As I was harvesting I saw a seed, perfectly formed in that side ovary part. Then I saw another. I clocked it but I thought don’t panic. Then I started to look at the fluffy popcorny stuff at the bottom, and it just looked like seeds were going to form. Like hadn’t yet, but were going to. I was so relieved the Coca-Cola’s were okay.

So this is the embarrassing part, when I checked my timer, I had once again accidentally flipped up two pins, going on for an hour between 1-2am and again at 3-4am. So for the last maybe 7 days she’s been getting 12 hours plus 1 plus 1.

So I finally hermed a plant.

Here are some pics of the popcorn. You could squeeze those round things and a bit of green would come out.


I found 2 and a half seeds in total, so I was able to avert a total disaster. The bottom fluffy stuff I’ve just kept for kief.

Your plants sunbathe by the pool, is there an outside chance that Cleo was pollinated by a rogue male? It seems quick for seeds to become so well developed if it's from the late show nanners. Maybe you didn't hermie a plant after all? My one plant also developed late stage nanners. I am told it is quite a common occurrence. Maybe you have a careless neighbor who is growing males. Don't be embarrassed. You are highly respected as a grower and shit happens all the time. You've been sick too so you have an excuse for dropping the ball slightly on the timer. Congratulations on the harvest :welldone:
Harvest Day :)

My trimmer couldn’t come coz my grandsons (who are nearly always patient zero) are sick.

So once I realised there was minimal damage from Hermagate, I calmed and got her trimmed. What an honour it has been to grow this beautiful plant. And @Carcass thank you so much for teaching me how to CarCanopy. You have forever changed the way I grow. I have loved learning and sorry I fucked up the last bit. I’m so mad at me.

So here she is. My beautiful Cleo. She is easily the most beautiful plants I’ve ever grown. Testicles and all! Lolllinggggg!

I think I will probably get around 4 ounces of bud and 2 ounces of kief and popcorn bud that almost has seed.

Cleopatra Bee aka Wedding Cake
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 136
Days in flower - 68


Thank you to each and every one of you for your cheers, your support and your likes. I think finding this community is my favourite thing about growing and I’m not even joking. Xo
Your plants sunbathe by the pool, is there an outside chance that Cleo was pollinated by a rogue male? It seems quick for seeds to become so well developed if it's from the late show nanners. Maybe you didn't hermie a plant after all? My one plant also developed late stage nanners. I am told it is quite a common occurrence. Maybe you have a careless neighbor who is growing males. Don't be embarrassed. You are highly respected as a grower and shit happens all the time. You've been sick too so you have an excuse for dropping the ball slightly on the timer. Congratulations on the harvest :welldone:
Hi Carmen.

Omg I’m gonna email you tomorrow I promise!

No no males around, well I’d be surprised.

Do they look like seed pods to you? That airy bud? The seeds were in the established bud. And there were only 3, or 2 and a half.

Omg I was meant to google herms to get a picture idea, but I haven’t. I’ve been so busy. I had a gf show up at 5pm with a Stage 5 Mental breakdown, today has been a lot! Lollll.
Omg so I’m going to tell you all something, and I’m so fucking embarrassed and mortified. I so wanted to do Carcass proud and be all, I harvested and it was the miracle ending, but not to be. It makes me mad at myself coz I know people in here think I treat growing as a joke, but I don’t. I work hard on my plants, read them, try my best to make them sing. And I know stuff. I just like fun too. But ultimately I want to be respected as a grower. I want to show people I can do it, that my opinion has merit. Todays effort does not demonstrate this lollll

So as I told you, she had thrown a couple of nanners. Just made me eager to harvest, I wasn’t concerned coz I saw carcass had had nanners too. As I was harvesting I saw a seed, perfectly formed in that side ovary part. Then I saw another. I clocked it but I thought don’t panic. Then I started to look at the fluffy popcorny stuff at the bottom, and it just looked like seeds were going to form. Like hadn’t yet, but were going to. I was so relieved the Coca-Cola’s were okay.

So this is the embarrassing part, when I checked my timer, I had once again accidentally flipped up two pins, going on for an hour between 1-2am and again at 3-4am. So for the last maybe 7 days she’s been getting 12 hours plus 1 plus 1.

So I finally hermed a plant.

Here are some pics of the popcorn. You could squeeze those round things and a bit of green would come out.


I found 2 and a half seeds in total, so I was able to avert a total disaster. The bottom fluffy stuff I’ve just kept for kief.

Arr well trala chin up at least you have some more beans to try again :).
Do they look like seed pods to you? That airy bud?
I don't know, sorry, but pollen is sneaky a.f. and can travel up to 30 miles (I'm a kilometers person but found it in miles on the web). They talk about buffer zones of up to a 10 mile radius between cannabis fields to prevent cross pollination. I lost an entire plant last year to rogue pollination. I do think those seeds look mature and the nanners came late, so I'm doubting they are responsible. I made seeds a few years ago and they took a while to mature, like weeks or a couple of months.
I hope you have a restful evening Tra :)
I don't know, sorry, but pollen is sneaky a.f. and can travel up to 30 miles (I'm a kilometers person but found it in miles on the web).
I think its fair to say that metric is actually by far the most common measurement used. But Merica just refuses to yeild. Im sure its a fair bit to do with the English.

Anyhow, 30 miles is a bloody long way in any ones world. Im actually a bit shocked.
They talk about buffer zones of up to a 10 mile radius between cannabis fields to prevent cross pollination. I lost an entire plant last year to rogue pollination. I do think those seeds look mature and the nanners came late, so I'm doubting they are responsible.

I made seeds a few years ago and they took a while to mature, like weeks or a couple of months.
I hope you have a restful evening Tra :)
I remember @Stunger got results that initially seemed viable after a very short time. Viable vs mature is probably a big difference but his result certainly fascinated me.
I remember @Stunger got results that initially seemed viable after a very short time. Viable vs mature is probably a big difference but his result certainly fascinated me.
Those pale/white Mulanje seeds only got to 17 days old I think before I lost the plant. Yet surprisingly they seemed to sprout fine, but it was winter time and I didn't feel like putting the energy in to handhold them to fruition, so the weather and slugs wiped them out, but I think they would have gone all the way if it had been spring/summer.
Congrats on the harvest Trala. Those buds look sticky and delicious. Fantastic grow and journal, I really enjoyed it and I'm already looking forward to your next one. BTW, this would have easily won GJOTM if you would have let it ;)
Arr well trala chin up at least you have some more beans to try again :).
I dare not use them. I think a hermed plant produces herm seeds. Look I’m not sure if I read that here or I’ve somehow made it up as true. I’m 94% sure I read you can’t trust the genetics of a herm seed.

I don't know, sorry, but pollen is sneaky a.f. and can travel up to 30 miles (I'm a kilometers person but found it in miles on the web). They talk about buffer zones of up to a 10 mile radius between cannabis fields to prevent cross pollination. I lost an entire plant last year to rogue pollination. I do think those seeds look mature and the nanners came late, so I'm doubting they are responsible. I made seeds a few years ago and they took a while to mature, like weeks or a couple of months.
I hope you have a restful evening Tra :)
Hmm Carmen I’ll try and draw a picture where I found the mature seeds.

It wasn’t in the Coca-Cola it was in like a little seperate pod thingy. I think it’s a plant ovary.

The nanners which looked like banana like yellow tongues were coming out of the actual bud. Not every bud. I googled herm images and she didn’t look like the herms on google. I couldn’t find an example late in flower.

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