1st Grow - Blue Treacle Auto - 250W MH/HPS - Coco


New Member

Where do i start...

This will be my first grow and over the past 4 months I've bought all the equipment I need to my knowledge.
I started germinating 2 BLUE TREACLE AUTO seeds last night and from today will be keeping you updated on my journey with pictures.
Thanks for your time and any advice or questions would be greatly appreciated!
Lets GO!

Light Cycle - 18/6


*Grow Tent Mini Grow 0.76m x 0.76m x 1.2m
*250w MH Veg Light
*250w HPS D/S Flowering Light
*Maxibright 250w Digital Ballast

*11 Litre Square Pots x2
*Atami BCuzz Coco

*RAM 150mm Clip on Fan x2
*Fan & Filter Ducting Kit - TT100 - 250 filter - 187m3/hr Kit
*Masterplug 10 Socket Surge Protected Extension Lead - 2m
*Vicks 4 Litre Warm Mist Humidifier

*pH Meter - Essentials
*EC Meter - Essentials

*LIMii Heavy Duty 24 Hour Plug-In Timer x 3


ATA Bloombastic Box

*ATA Rootfast 100ml
*ATAzyme 100ml
*Bloombastic 250ml
*Coco Max A 1 Litre
*Coco Max B 1 Litre​

I will be posting some pictures of the grow tent set-up tonight.
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

WOW! Talk about clean and prepared! Sounds like your last 4 months of studying are about to pay off! Welcome and good luck to ya!
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

Fingers crossed! The help from you 420 guys will make a huge difference no doubt!
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

Yeeaaaaah! i woke up and they had both popped! i shall post more pics tonight. Am i right to think between 70 and 85f is ideal and 40 to 60 humidity? Need to be sure as i feel I've read far too much the last few months. ^.^
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

After germinating for 36ish hours with the paper towel method i planted the 2 seeds in the Coco just beneath the top barley covered and went to bed hoping for the best, i awoke to life! This is now the 3rd day from popping and they seem fine. Not sure about the purple stems but have read a lot about the subject and seeing as i have hardly watered it couldn't be over watering. Temps with lights on have stayed between 70-85 humidity 40-55 with a 10% drop of Temp and humidity going no lower than 40% at night as expected from what I’ve read.

Will be posting more pictures up soon!

re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

Hi Berri !

Grats and reps for starting your 1st grow journal !

It will be fun to compare our Auto ladies throughout our journey :)

Good luck and best of green wishes to you my friend !

And btw, the purple stems are perfectly normal, they'll green out soon ;)
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

Yeah deffo will, ill be checking your journal daily for updates!
& thanks for the purple stem info it did worry me for a second.
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

Did anyone know if it was a problem for the humidity to stay the same, or in some cases rise at lights off?
Ive just read that you should expect a drop of 10% and mine seems to stay the says or slightly higher.
Never over 65 never below 40.
Also does my water PH Level have to remain exactly the same e.g 5.8 for the entire grow?
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

Lovely nice, clean set up you have there.

Hope you enjoy your first grow journal on :420:

Thanks Mono, thats good to hear as i really am a rookie and want to get everything right.
I looked through your current grow and saw pics of some beautiful plants!:yummy:
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

That's an acceptable range for humidity, my plants have done well in all types of conditions, when I didn't have things dialed in. Ph 5.8 is optimum in coco, so that's the target. I'll be along for the ride, welcome to :420:
Did anyone know if it was a problem for the humidity to stay the same, or in some cases rise at lights off?
Ive just read that you should expect a drop of 10% and mine seems to stay the says or slightly higher.
Never over 65 never below 40.
Also does my water PH Level have to remain exactly the same e.g 5.8 for the entire grow?
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

Did anyone know if it was a problem for the humidity to stay the same, or in some cases rise at lights off?
Ive just read that you should expect a drop of 10% and mine seems to stay the says or slightly higher.
Never over 65 never below 40.
Also does my water PH Level have to remain exactly the same e.g 5.8 for the entire grow?

Humidity is relatiive to the temperature and the water in the air. It would be expected that at lights on, as the temperature increases, humidity would lower. And rise at lights off as it cools slightly.

If it get's really dry at light on, misting the plants, or side of the tent a couple of times will increase humidity. Also, if you find it's getting really humid at lights off in the tent, a tray of salt in there will soak up loads of moisture.

I wouldn't worry about humidity unless it's dropping to say 20% or rising to 75% + :)


Oh, and if you can keep your pH there, it's perfect :)
re: 1st Grow - BLUE TREACLE AUTO - 250wMH/HPS - Coco

This is now the 7th day from popping from the Coco.
I have been watering them half a litre of PH 5.8 water a day with a one day break that i just sprayed the Coco.
The Temps & Humidity Lights on are: 70-80f 40 - 65%.
I have been aiming for 50-60 humidity and 70-80f being a noob these are just conditions i have researched.
The last 2 days i have kept the humidity at 65% and temps balanced around 77-79.
The Temps & Humidity Lights off are: 60-65f 40-45%.
I have 2 small fans running 24 hours one oscillating the other aiming for the light.

Any help would be appreciated as i know alot of you are experienced growers.
Also when would it be recommended to start feeding the autos 3-4 weeks in I’ve herd?
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