1st time grower

Im still learning this too...less water, less light( I do a less light schedule than most) etc..
its normal to want to baby this plant...

cuddly little seedling coochy coochy cooo..NO!! :)
If it was a human, we all would be thrown in jail for 10 lifetimes!- its not human :)

its a plant determined to survive and usually does so amazingly. Its incredibly resilient. Friedrich Nietzsche's famous quote, “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger". --its definitely true with cannabis

passing the Panama(+) :passitleft:
The 1" growth was not there this am
Really.? OK , thanks.

Yeah compare the spacing between nodes of growth (where leaves are) Number two has wider spacing and is more likely to stretch more. Number 3 the short squat plant has close internode spacing. If number two stretches 2-2.5x and number 3 stretches 1.5-1.7x they will end up too far different in height if you top number 3. That's just my opinion though, in actuality anything can happen but this is what I would do. At most I would FIM. Here is a guide on it by our awesome Radogast:

FIMMing VS Topping
Is this humidity too low The plants are in my utility room with forced air furnace.
Its only on two leafs and on one plant. It started with just the tis on the edge turning a little brownish.
I have a humidifier I could add.
Wow....friends of friends of friends are great.
A CO friend, of a friend said 100% humiidty problem.
I added a humidifier today.
Now...of to buy a temp/hum device
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