1st Try At DWC/Soil Grow - Huckleberry - Cherry Pie - Dogwalker OG - Malawi Gold

That's a tough on. IMO, PotM, is as much about the photography as it is the plant.
I agree with Norcal. If you can't get a good shot where she sits by adding light(s), I'd wait until you are ready to harvest and pull her out for the beauty shots.
I'd wait till harvest and pull the whole plant outside if you can. Step back and use the zoom. Yea you got a run away, super cropping time.
GL and Keepem Green

Already started doing some super cropping yesterday but there were just so many to do.
You are probably right about just waiting till harvest.

Shop lights OG. It's the only way I can get enough light into the tent for good photos when I have a big girl. I've got two 500/1000/1500 watt halogens I use.

Thats not a bad idea, perhaps today when I change buckets. Thanks RM

That's a tough on. IMO, PotM, is as much about the photography as it is the plant.
I agree with Norcal. If you can't get a good shot where she sits by adding light(s), I'd wait until you are ready to harvest and pull her out for the beauty shots.

With my luck, Light addict will be entering his latest FLUX'd plant, I really do not care if I win, I just want to have a descent showing for my 1st PoTM entry.
IMHO it is a lot about photography and who has the better camera lens.
Maybe I should wait till harvest, pack her into a van, take her down to the mall and have that guy at the mall take a picture for me with Santa. Only in Oregon, Washington Alaska and Colorado could a guy even contemplate and idea like that :rofl:
Hope that Malawi slows down soon. Looks like it's almost at that point- if it grows like mine does.
I just have an iPhone for pics- usually I get the good photos at harvest when I can drag them out into natural lighting. There are lots of photography apps to help with the indoor lighting issues, also you could consider using a program that merges or stitches many photos together into one. You may be able to get a good shot of the whole plant that way.
Hey gang,

The buckets are all changed out and cleaned so I thought I would try and get a few photos but for some reason my pictures will not upload from my phone to my computer. So I was trying to figure out what was going on when I noticed something a little weird. When I open the photos program on my computer and it lists all of the pictures that were taken at any one specific place in a group. For example, one group of pictures might say Cornelius Or while a different set of pictures may say Forest Grove Or. all depending on where that particular picture was taken. So this is where it gets a little weird. 28 of the pictures I took yesterday say they were taken in Jilin China. Now I totally get it that sometimes I get a little spacey and forgetful but I am pretty sure I did not pack my flowering tent over to Jilin China for the day to get photos. At least I hope not. So the cool thing about iMac is you can actually see on a satellite picture where the pictures were taken, so I took a look and when I zoomed back out, sure enough it was China, though I can not swear it was Jilin since the satellite does not zoom in that tight.
I will keep working on getting photos up but this may take a while, I may have to head back over to Jilin again and double check to make sure I did not leave my coffee cup there when I was taking photos. I loose more cups that way apparently.
I totally expect the US Government to hack my computer with the patriot act and all but why would someone from Jilin China want to hack my computer, I keep nothing of importance on it other then pictures for 420 and a few video games.
I hate when that happens. Me I go into a blackout and then you find all these girls numbers in your pockets, and motel keys. And i swear I never been there. JK,, gl finding your cup. Keepem Green BTW big brother is watching. All those tweakers that always say that's the DEA up there in the sky watching me. Well he was and is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
it took a little doing but after a quick trip to Jilin China I got my pictures to finally up load. The pictures I took inside really look crappy in my humble opinion, the ones from the back yard look ok but I obviously messed with something on my camera because I use to get such nice pictures with them now they look terrible.
Shall we start inside and work our way out to the back yard.

these are the best I could get out of 34 pictures of the huckleberry and even these are not very good pictures.
I chopped down the Dogwalker OG and the small Huckleberry Kush that were in the flowering tent to make room, sure glad I did, makes it so much easier to change out the buckets.
The MG is being tied down and super cropped to get them below the lights.

Not sure if you can see in all of the pictures but I know in one it is pretty clear, she is starting to bud up nicely, too bad it has taken so long.

Now for the out door ladies starting off with my view fro the back door,

Starting off with the MG I have under my 4x3 SCROG


followed by her sister the other MG



Next we have another Huckleberry Kush


Followed up by miss Cherrie Pie, the runt of the group but still holding her own and doing just fine.


Over in the wife's garden we have the Dogwalker OG (Sinead) hiding behind the greenhouse

From the looks of it, I should have built SCROGS for all of the outdoor girls, but that requires motivation and I can only get so much out of those cups of coffee. Still no drug test from work which means no medication for me over the long weekend.

Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend and is safe and healthy.
That's quite the elaborate network of trusses you've got going on there. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Who's going to trim all that excellent produce?
Have a great 4th, OG!
That's quite the elaborate network of trusses you've got going on there. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Who's going to trim all that excellent produce?
Have a great 4th, OG!

I have 3 lined up to trim, there is Me, Myself and I though I am hoping that I will be able to sweet talk my brother into helping, though when I harvest my outside grows I have a list of trimmers I can use if I need them.
I will be residing the back of the house all day tomorrow so how much greater can it get :laughtwo:

Hope your 4th is fire free MP
Were you able to convince your neighbors son t cull his male plant and the Hermi?
They look so beautiful,i want to pay them a visit:cheer:
it took a little doing but after a quick trip to Jilin China I got my pictures to finally up load. The pictures I took inside really look crappy in my humble opinion, the ones from the back yard look ok but I obviously messed with something on my camera because I use to get such nice pictures with them now they look terrible.
Shall we start inside and work our way out to the back yard.

these are the best I could get out of 34 pictures of the huckleberry and even these are not very good pictures.
I chopped down the Dogwalker OG and the small Huckleberry Kush that were in the flowering tent to make room, sure glad I did, makes it so much easier to change out the buckets.
The MG is being tied down and super cropped to get them below the lights.

Not sure if you can see in all of the pictures but I know in one it is pretty clear, she is starting to bud up nicely, too bad it has taken so long.

Now for the out door ladies starting off with my view fro the back door,

Starting off with the MG I have under my 4x3 SCROG


followed by her sister the other MG



Next we have another Huckleberry Kush


Followed up by miss Cherrie Pie, the runt of the group but still holding her own and doing just fine.


Over in the wife's garden we have the Dogwalker OG (Sinead) hiding behind the greenhouse

From the looks of it, I should have built SCROGS for all of the outdoor girls, but that requires motivation and I can only get so much out of those cups of coffee. Still no drug test from work which means no medication for me over the long weekend.

Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend and is safe and healthy.
Well according to the google tag on the photos I may be closer to you then you thought, most of my recent photos now say they were taken in Jilin China. I still have not ordered my new lights from you guys, it is a combo fathers day Birthday and wedding anniversary present to myself, so since it is a trifecta I am thinking at least 2 Mars II 900's or 2 Mars II1200's. What would you recommend? I like the look and concept of the Mars II Pro wit the Cree diodes but not sure if they justify the extra cost since I am very happy with the Mars II. One last question if I may be so bold, is it possible to order shorter light hangers with the lights, the ones with the lights in my humble opinion are almost 3 times to long which causes me to loose almost 8 to 10 inches of grow space.

They look so beautiful,i want to pay them a visit:cheer:
I have 3 lined up to trim, there is Me, Myself and I though I am hoping that I will be able to sweet talk my brother into helping, though when I harvest my outside grows I have a list of trimmers I can use if I need them.
I will be residing the back of the house all day tomorrow so how much greater can it get :laughtwo:

Hope your 4th is fire free MP
Were you able to convince your neighbors son t cull his male plant and the Hermi?

No luck. I think they are out of town for the holiday. They just put up a new deer fence or I'd go "deer-ify" the two with balls.
No luck. I think they are out of town for the holiday. They just put up a new deer fence or I'd go "deer-ify" the two with balls.

I would never condone such a thing but I have heard rumors that a little injection of round up at the base of the stem might cause that plant problem to go away. GRANTED thats just a rumor, it actually did pop into my head when my neighbor planted a big ole Blue Spruce right on the property line 20 years ago, now I wish I had followed through on that evil thought, that tree SUCKS.
Fuckkkkk!!! Your shit looks amazing bro... Your my 420 mag growing idol lol... I finally got my journal hopefully I can a product similar to yours

First Timer - Let's Grow!
I will jump over and check it out, but there are way better growers here then me, I am just a rookie but a few of the real good growers do drop in here every now and again. A few are even regulars.

Nice ladies og, them outdoor girls are gonna be taller than the fence before the summer is done. :passitleft:

Speak of the devil here is one now.
Hey Mr Am4zin hope your shoulder is feeling better.
While I suspect you are right about them growing taller then the fence, I really do hope your wrong. After reading Major Pitas journal today I got motivated and hiked the ladies skirts up a little and did a little lollipop ping between working on the siding for the house. They are actually looking pretty good. For a weed they get thick trunks :laughtwo:
My grow would do so much better if I could only eliminate one thing from the equation...... ME OMFG I almost killed them today I am such an idiot. I just walked into the house from work and went in to give the girls their normal gallon of water but to my surprise when I opened up the tent, it felt like a sauna inside, LITERALLY! It was 101 degrees F and everything was soaking wet, the walls the floor everything.I ran to the door and opened it to let some of the cooler outside air in then looked at the air vent from the exhaust fan, it was not running, oh crap my t-stat went south on me, so I ran over and unplugged it from the t-stat and plugged it right into the socket but nothing.. oh crap my fan went south on me, wait a second, I see no light on the power strip? Could it be, naw no way only an idiot would knock something on the cord and unplug the power strip without noticing. Oh wait, thats exactly what I did, SOB, so now I have ever fan in the house sucking air through my tent trying to dry it out. I only have about an hour before lights out so I have to hurry, Oh wait, isn't the air pump powered by that same power strip? SOB can my day get any worse...Every fan is now pointed at full speed on the Huckleberry, the buds are whipping around like a big wind storm I can only hope that I caught it soon enough and am able to get her dry enough to prevent her from molding. On the bright side, the MG looks like she actually enjoyed being baked alive, her leaves are all reaching up all perky and happy. Go figure? Wish I could say the same for the Huckleberry. My only excuse is the fireworks last night kept me up till after midnight and getting up at 3:45 to go to work was a killer today, I was in a total fog most of the day. Apparently so were my plants.

Hope your day went better then mine
Sorry to hear it, OG. I bet (and hope ) they will all be just fine. :high-five:
Sorry to hear it, OG. I bet (and hope ) they will all be just fine. :high-five:

To funny you were replying to my journal while I was replying to yours.. At least if your grow gets screwed up it will not be your fault, where as mine, I have no one to blame but myself. I plan on running the fan all night and will put it back on the T-stat tomorrow evening when I get home from work, right now I want to crank as much dry air through as I can just to play it safe.
OG? you don't run your fans 24/7?

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