1st Try At DWC/Soil Grow - Huckleberry - Cherry Pie - Dogwalker OG - Malawi Gold

Looking great, my friend - in and out! :thumb:
Coming from you my friend I do consider that a HUGE compliment :circle-of-love:

It still impresses me to see people growing in their back yards. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm growing legally and that I don't have to worry about the fuzz. But that mentality is still in the back of my mind like I don't trust the laws and I need to continue hiding it the best I can just in case. Plus they get so darn big outside.

Cheers OG

Even before it went legal for Recreational my neighbors had plants as tall as 10 feet in their back yards but they were medical growers.

Even though almost anyone can grow outdoors here, my concern is not with the police. It is with the bozos who think it is easier to steal your plants than grow their own. :rip:

Well the only real time I need to worry about it is when I am close to harvest.

I have a couple of German Shepards that would prevent that. ;)

Cheers Major
I have one old cat and 2 new kittens. Oh and 11 chickens... Guess it is time to start sharpening those claws and beaks.
Kitty Patrol with a Chicken Security Alarm System..
Granted it is no where near as good as the security system Duggan has set up for you Major but it will have to do for now.
So as promised I took a few pictures while I did my bucket change over today. As normal it was a 2 pot of coffee day to get me motivated but I eventually gotter done.
I spent most of my morning researching light deprivation and what I would need to do to pull off an early flower with the outdoor MG, sadly I do not think I will be able to pull it off since I am presently working and it would require the structure to be set up 1st thing in the morning or late in the evening then taken down 3 hours later in order to prevent the humidity from going crazy. The only solution I could come up with was to dig a couple of flex ducts under ground into the area to be LD, one for intake and one for exhaust. It would require a fan running all night which is doable but it just seems like a lot to do and would end up costing me a couple of benjimans at the very least to pull it off, since I just give it away anyway, if I loose some of the yield because I have to harvest early so be it.

So here are a few pictures I took this morning, pretty easy to tell which plant is which, the big plant with no buds really to speak of is the MG and the squat bud factory is the Huckleberry. Enjoy!

I as hoping to be harvesting in 2 weeks but from the looks of the buds I may be pushing that out at least another week if not 2.

Hope everyone had a great weekend
Your gonna have the kids wanting to build a tree house in there. The trunks look strong enough to support the weight.
If you think that trunk is big, wait 5 years and check out the 200 gallon smart pot flux grow of 2021 :rofl:
I am so glad I flipped the MG when I did after you filled me on on your Tiger grow or I would be really screwed worse then I am now.I was going to let it get around 3 feet before flipping, crap it was only 18" when I flipped her, imagine how big she would be had I waited till 3 foot :thedoubletake::rofl::rofl::rofl:

but it is not over yet, I still have plenty of time to screw this up :)
Subbed OG. :thumb:
A question. Do you know what breeder your Malawi is from?

Hmm why yes I do know who the breeder of said seed is though I must say he has not been on the site for some time now. It was 420's very own Llama, I had mentioned on my 1st grow that I wanted to try something different and was thinking about growing something other then the clones I had cut prior to flowering my LSD Mango and PW. He PMed me and asked for my address and I figured he was going to send me like 2 or 3 seeds. Well to my surprise it was a few more then that and like 10 different strains. Both the Huckleberry and the Malawi are from his seed banks.
I very much enjoyed talking with him and a few others who have since faded into the shadows. It saddens me that he did not get a chance to see his beans in my garden. I only hope I am able to do his beans justice.

Next grow I am going to grow 12 of the Malawi and watch them take over my whole house :rofl:
Wow. 12 Malawi. That's going to be a lot of trimming I hope you'll have help! I have to trim my remaining two ASAP - relatively tiny- and it's going to be a chore- all those little buds.
Llama got his Malawi Gold from Seeds of Africa, then bred it with itself to get a bunch of MG seeds. I know he also bred it with some other strains too.
I'm growing the Ace Malawi.
Funny I was just thinking about Llama the other day- another one who wandered off.
Next run you will grow 12?wow,you can get a big party:cheer:
I was only teasing about the 12 Sara, I would have to flip them into flower at 3 nodes and even then with the way they stretch I am not sure they would all fit. Actually for my next grow I am thinking of growing a single strain for flower and maybe a couple of different strains but autos till the others are big enough to flip over. but that can change at a moments notice :laughtwo:

Wow. 12 Malawi. That's going to be a lot of trimming I hope you'll have help! I have to trim my remaining two ASAP - relatively tiny- and it's going to be a chore- all those little buds.
Llama got his Malawi Gold from Seeds of Africa, then bred it with itself to get a bunch of MG seeds. I know he also bred it with some other strains too.
I'm growing the Ace Malawi.
Funny I was just thinking about Llama the other day- another one who wandered off.

I actually think about him quiet often as well as a few others who have wondered off. I always wonder and hope that they are well and OK.

Oh and my lord man, how do you remember where he got his seeds from and all of that, I can not even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday.What I remember most about Llama was that he was a very good human being and a very good grower. He would tell me about the snow storms he was dealing with and I could not help but chuckle having grown up in Montana myself I knew exactly what he was dealing with. I hope that he finally got the problem he was having with his feet addressed and is not having to deal with that anymore, I know it was very painful for him. His garden was huge, though he always had a few veggies growing back in a corner and his adventures he had with his guests were always a joy other about. Yep I miss him. I remember talking with him one day about what he was going to grow on his next grow, started out with like popping 8 seeds from 8 strains, by the end of the week he hd popped almost 50 seeds.

well it is off to work...
hope everyone has a great day what ever you are doing
That Malawi is a run away plant. Hell even at the third node you'd be fighting with overhead problems. Least the strain I did was. Quickly became the tallest pain in the ass I ever grew. I had afew seed of it so I sent them to Hawaii figuring that's a better grow site for it. I don't think OMM ever grew them out. I ended up killing mine it was just to much for my indoors Keepem Green
Landrace sativas are only for the most experienced growers indoor. Outdoor they just need plenty of space and careful feeding. They are good for scrog and lst grows though, so you should be ok with your training early on.
That Malawi is a run away plant. Hell even at the third node you'd be fighting with overhead problems. Least the strain I did was. Quickly became the tallest pain in the ass I ever grew. I had afew seed of it so I sent them to Hawaii figuring that's a better grow site for it. I don't think OMM ever grew them out. I ended up killing mine it was just to much for my indoors Keepem Green
good thing I am pig headed and stubborn :rofl:

Landrace sativas are only for the most experienced growers indoor. Outdoor they just need plenty of space and careful feeding. They are good for scrog and lst grows though, so you should be ok with your training early on.

Oh they still have more training yet to come which is going to be a trick in its self
so short of cutting a hole in the top of my tent, the lights over the MG are as high as it is physically possible and I looked into the tent this morning and DANG IT they are still growing

desperate times call for desperate measures, so I broke out the string and started tying branches over. Normally if I was growing in soil I would tie them down to the floor but since I have to be able to change buckets yet, that is not an option so I tied them down to the scrog framing. Just wish there were not so many to tie down

I had to tie down around a dozen or so branches.

So here is a call out for help, not for the MG I will figure something out one way or the other but the call out for help deals with photography.
I was considering entering my Huckleberry into the PoTM contest but it is so big that it is very difficult to pull out of the tent without help. With the MG in the tent with her it is difficult to get a full shot of just her where she is all in the photo and when I am able to get one, they never come out very clear. I was wondering if it would help if I hung like either a sheet or something against the tent walls so that the flash from the camera does not screw up the picture. Also because of where my veg tent is located in relationship to my flower tent, the best place to stand to take picture of her is right where my veg tent is.
As you can see the pictures are not very good and it does not really show her off very well.

If I get her all in the picture, she is dark and hard to see, or just plain out of focus, if I move in to get a better picture, she does not fit in the frame
Any and all suggestions will be attempted short of growing smaller plants:rofl:
I'd wait till harvest and pull the whole plant outside if you can. Step back and use the zoom. Yea you got a run away, super cropping time.
GL and Keepem Green
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