A SIP Grower's Guide To The Galaxy

Just a check in to show some bud fuzz. I'll be raising the lights tomorrow and putting my Exhale bag on the floor.,
Some lights are gonna require bailing wire to refit, but we'll get it knocked out.
Everything in due time...






Exhale bag? Is that like CO2?
Yeah, one of those mushroom bags that creates C02. Folks like to discredit their functionality, but I have 2 C02 sensors and they both agree that the bag produces a shit load of gas, even with my ventilation (and despite the naysayers.) Its my belief that the C02 is heavy and sinks to the floor, even as oxygen gets pulled to the fan at the ceiling.
Yeah, one of those mushroom bags that creates C02. Folks like to discredit their functionality, but I have 2 C02 sensors and they both agree that the bag produces a shit load of gas, even with my ventilation (and despite the naysayers.) Its my belief that the C02 is heavy and sinks to the floor, even as oxygen gets pulled to the fan at the ceiling.
I think thats right. @NickHardy usescCO2. Maybe he can give you some pointers.
I think thats right. @NickHardy usescCO2. Maybe he can give you some pointers.
Hi @RedskinnedRhino

Yes, I use cylinders but have used the bags. Keep them low, they give maximum production after two weeks. You might want to limit your passive intake for a few hours a day (we’re basically closed loop now. Noy perfectly but close. Its stays at around 1250ppm all day.

Hi @RedskinnedRhino

Yes, I use cylinders but have used the bags. Keep them low, they give maximum production after two weeks. You might want to limit your passive intake for a few hours a day (we’re basically closed loop now. Noy perfectly but close. Its stays at around 1250ppm all day.

I appreciate the advice Big Dog.
I've thought about piping in some bottled Co2, I'm always down at the ARC3 Welding Supply picking up Argon and Acetylene anyway, why not just grab a bottle for the plant room right??
What flow rate do you pump it in at? Do you have a system that regulates it for you and shuts it off at night, or do you operate it manually?

I would hang the Exhale bag at a midpoint in the tent, but in my 3x3 it would end up being down in the mix with my foliage. I dunno why, but I don't want the mushroom bag and the plant hugging all night and day. 🫂 🫤
She's up against all of the walls, makes picture-taking an awkward task. These thick stems make me think we're gonna stretch another node or two. Her nodes were stacked tight during veg, but now I got a mile between the the carpets and the drapes. Hopefully they fill-in, I don't want a bunch of popcorn on thick ass stalks.







I appreciate the advice Big Dog.
I've thought about piping in some bottled Co2, I'm always down at the ARC3 Welding Supply picking up Argon and Acetylene anyway, why not just grab a bottle for the plant room right??
What flow rate do you pump it in at? Do you have a system that regulates it for you and shuts it off at night, or do you operate it manually?

I would hang the Exhale bag at a midpoint in the tent, but in my 3x3 it would end up being down in the mix with my foliage. I dunno why, but I don't want the mushroom bag and the plant hugging all night and day. 🫂 🫤
We use Inbird TH320 I think they’re called?

That connects to a regulator with a solenoid. Then the ppm hits target (1300 for us) it cuts the power and the solenoid closes. When it hits 1100ppm as it clears i pops back on. 8am - 8pm for us in flower.

You could hand the bags behind your swing fan and blow it out over the plants. We have our two pipes jammed in the bag of fans spraying it out over the greedy girls!

We use Inbird TH320 I think they’re called?

That connects to a regulator with a solenoid. Then the ppm hits target (1300 for us) it cuts the power and the solenoid closes. When it hits 1100ppm as it clears i pops back on. 8am - 8pm for us in flower.

You could hand the bags behind your swing fan and blow it out over the plants. We have our two pipes jammed in the bag of fans spraying it out over the greedy girls!

What did you find improved after using the canned Co2?
Just the size of the plants and their hardiness to heat stress? Or did you also find a noticeable increase in potency and flavor?
My weed will already get a seasoned smoker disoriented and geekin, but I'm willing to spend some coins for a plant that'll get you comatose...
...Sometimes a brotha just wants to get deeeeep into the couch, ya know? :ganjamon:
Dunno. Depends the lights and temps and Rh you can get.

We run 3x @Mars Hydro FC6500 now. They’re 730W Samsung LM301B and Osram two reds. We run them at 4” from the plants mostly. 1250 Co2 ppm average at 65% Rh and 27 degrees centigrade air temp say. We feed at 3.0EC maufacturer of our nutes tops at 2.0 I think.

But all of those things are dependent.

Add banging Co2 and don’t increase all the other factors above its more likely to kill than improve.

Through some bags in - composting mushrooms? Mostly next to your plants? Kinda like nature, yeah? Try that. A proper Co2 setup can maybe come after?

Dunno. Depends the lights and temps and Rh you can get.

We run 3x @Mars Hydro FC6500 now. They’re 730W Samsung LM301B and Osram two reds. We run them at 4” from the plants mostly. 1250 Co2 ppm average at 65% Rh and 27 degrees centigrade air temp say. We feed at 3.0EC maufacturer of our nutes tops at 2.0 I think.

But all of those things are dependent.

Add banging Co2 and don’t increase all the other factors above its more likely to kill than improve.

Through some bags in - composting mushrooms? Mostly next to your plants? Kinda like nature, yeah? Try that. A proper Co2 setup can maybe come after?


I run the Exhale bags in every grow. My grow box has the standard inkbird controller tech, the AC infinity controller for my fans and VPD, the humidifier and dehumidifier, heater and air conditioner, multiple Bluetooth sensors, cameras, etc. It's a fully standalone unit - because it lives in a semi-outdoor environment.
I was over excited when i built my arbor box.
I don't utilize most of the tech anymore though, I've found it isn't super necessary, the Air conditioner can handle most of the heavy lifting on its own.
I had kicked around the idea of setting up a Co2 bottle, but the Exhale bag rings the Co2 sensors at 1100-1500ppm depending on the light cycle, so it didn't seem like it was necessary - and no one has any real proof that more would be better beyond bro-science and hearsay, so I just stuck with the easy-option mushroom bags.
We're in that weird grey area where you don't know how the buds are gonna grow. You're just hoping for huge hairy nugs and staring at stems while judging their potential... it's a beautiful and awkward time.
Check my poor little CBD getting crushed against the wall, nothing I can do for it though, "we here now".







@RedskinnedRhino, I have visited your thread several times. The SIP method is fascinating. As for the occasional stopping by to see what is happening, it must be your play on the wording of the title.

It has been a long time since I used the original book on how to hitih-hike or where to visit;). As it is, it has been a long, long time since I just plain ol' hitchhiked.
Yeah, one of those mushroom bags that creates C02. Folks like to discredit their functionality, but I have 2 C02 sensors and they both agree that the bag produces a shit load of gas, even with my ventilation (and despite the naysayers.) Its my belief that the C02 is heavy and sinks to the floor, even as oxygen gets pulled to the fan at the ceiling.
Thanks for the info, I was wondering about that. CL🍀
Lookin fine Redskin. What you feeding those monsters? Still just water, no Rx Nutes? Excited to see how the stalks fill out. Got a feeling you'll monster this. :thumb: from 🍁 and my girl in Ukraine says she's never seen one that big after she looked at your pics. I sure hope she meant your plants! She can't post, opsec. Yeah, it really sucks.
I'm back from a "Dude's Retreat". It was fun, although them boys are a little too sleepy for me. My energy can be a bit obnoxious if you aren't ready for it. :yahoo::rolleyes::goof: hahaha
I'm 63% recharged, up from 29%, and I'm ready to get shit done. (In the morning, its like 2am right now) here are a couple photos of the girls now that I'm back. The Bubblegum continues to stretch, it's over 4ft tall now, and the CBD is still being squashed into a pancake. Some decent sticks below the canopy, yeah?
I'm sleepy, so I'm done typing.








Oh, she's beautiful mate! Just beautiful. You've been doing this a long time, I see that. Did you get new lights? .I can't remember if you did, only that you brought it up. Too bad about the CBD not being able to keep pace. That's why I started putting them in soft bags in the 27 gal totes, sometimes the competition is a little too intense! It's seemed to have helped and if things get out of balance I still have the option to remove and relocate the smaller plant. I drop the bags on top of a thin layer of vermiculite atop the false floor. GeoPot makes a square ten gallon soft pot that's s squeeze but I use it, and I think they have square (doesn't matter that much, little more dirt fits) 7 gallon too.

I can't figure out why you cut the drain pipes in half (lengthwise, right?) All of the drainpipe builds I'm aware of use it like this

Seems to be working for you though. Looks to me like you've got donkey-dicks in your future., stalks are gonna fill up really nicely and there'll be tons of bud down low too.

Check out that link, it's full of top-level DIY weed projects and I've built them all except for the grow cabinet. His DWC game is quite good and all the DIY crap I built off there has worked aces.

He's where I got the idea to make wine and use the process to pipe co2 into the tent from the brewing wine carboys, and it works really well. I can hang in at 1200-1300ppm pretty easy in a 5x5 with three carboys brewing away, and I have a bottle/regulator/controller setup when I want to top it off at 1500. I also have a big grape harvest at the house every year so that helps, (no it doesn't its a fuckton of work what am I saying) but you could make cider from juice and get the same effect, very few special tools needed.

Wish I was on the water right now. I've got over 5000 hours on 20-30ft RIBs with twin 250s Yamahas from whale watching, S&R, and some fish guiding on smaller stuff, here on the W. Coast, and I always get pretty itchy this time of year.
Oh, she's beautiful mate! Just beautiful. You've been doing this a long time, I see that. Did you get new lights? .I can't remember if you did, only that you brought it up. Too bad about the CBD not being able to keep pace. That's why I started putting them in soft bags in the 27 gal totes, sometimes the competition is a little too intense! It's seemed to have helped and if things get out of balance I still have the option to remove and relocate the smaller plant. I drop the bags on top of a thin layer of vermiculite atop the false floor. GeoPot makes a square ten gallon soft pot that's s squeeze but I use it, and I think they have square (doesn't matter that much, little more dirt fits) 7 gallon too.

I can't figure out why you cut the drain pipes in half (lengthwise, right?) All of the drainpipe builds I'm aware of use it like this

Seems to be working for you though. Looks to me like you've got donkey-dicks in your future., stalks are gonna fill up really nicely and there'll be tons of bud down low too.

Check out that link, it's full of top-level DIY weed projects and I've built them all except for the grow cabinet. His DWC game is quite good and all the DIY crap I built off there has worked aces.

He's where I got the idea to make wine and use the process to pipe co2 into the tent from the brewing wine carboys, and it works really well. I can hang in at 1200-1300ppm pretty easy in a 5x5 with three carboys brewing away, and I have a bottle/regulator/controller setup when I want to top it off at 1500. I also have a big grape harvest at the house every year so that helps, (no it doesn't its a fuckton of work what am I saying) but you could make cider from juice and get the same effect, very few special tools needed.

Wish I was on the water right now. I've got over 5000 hours on 20-30ft RIBs with twin 250s Yamahas from whale watching, S&R, and some fish guiding on smaller stuff, here on the W. Coast, and I always get pretty itchy this time of year.
My bad, I was building several SIPs at the time and mixed up my build details. This SIP has full pieces of French drain, not half cuts. It's like a 4 or 5 gallon reservoir (I think, never had it overflow yet)
My smaller SIPs are cut in half because a full piece was too tall for the box.
This one's built pretty much the same way as the link you posted, except with screen on both ends instead of plastic. All future builds will have a "drain sock" around the pipes to close em in, I used a sock on the pipes under my outdoor garden and it worked great. In retrospect, putting 2 plants in 1 SIP and then vegging for 36 days wasn't a great idea. Had I cut it down to 20 days in veg I believe the girls would have had plenty of room for each other. I'll stick to 20-25 days from here on out. I like 1 big SIP over 2 smaller SIPs, mainly for the big reservoir. I'm super busy so a fill-and-forget setup is the bees-knees.

I did buy a sweet ass new Spider Farmer light with the idea of opening up the other side of my grow tent and expanding my footprint, but I still need that space to dry my harvested buds... so I'm up against a wall and the light is still in the box on my floor. Hahaha you might notice in some of my pics that I'm using 4 quantum boards to light my room, 2 Spider Farmer and 2 GVG lights, all are 100w draw and pretty damn good at growing stuff. I have multiple cheap GVG lights over my garden seedlings and they go into full bloom waiting to be planted. I got a damn 2 inch green pepper growing on a 10 inch seedling in a 1 cup peat pot!

I like the idea of making wine, my dad used to make wine for fun even though he didn't drink. I might make a little setup and mount it on the grow-box roof, pipe its gasses down into the room.
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