A SIP Grower's Guide To The Galaxy

The Kuahy Kush is doing well, even though it gets to 100° in the garden shed at times. I suppose that's due to its naturally hot and humid origins? Also check this clone! I topped a couple quad-lines and planted the cuttings, and one of them rooted!
I'm not sure what to do with the clone, because I doubt I'll let it share the box with my Kush.
We'll see!


The Kushy Kush is a tight node little broad, but I'll continue her training until she's the size I want. She's going to be my first experiment in mass-defol. I'm going to grow her low and super wide, then strip her to only the top 3 nodes on each growing top, full lolipop with nothing below the canopy. No net, just wire ties and such. Not sure what I expect the difference to be, just doing what I've seen other growers do and it looked cool.

This SIP is also a No-Till.
I just ripped the old plant out of the dirt, let the box sit for a couple months, and planted a new seedling in it. The dirt seems to be really hot still, I haven't given the Kush anything but water and she's a nice dark green. This is my first no-till, so I'm wading into unknown waters with this one.
I got sunburnt on the boat, so I'm gonna take it easy today. Do some visiting with fam and check up on my garden, easy breezy Sunday. Let's roll!


I grow lots of other stuff too.
Check the Ashwaganda, it's looking to start making berries. My jalapeños should be turning dark green any day now too, they are gonna make awesome poppers!
... and then there's my little princess and her babies, standing in front of 7ft tall tomato plants.
It's a jungle round here.




Bend me, shape me, anyway you need me. As long as you love me, it's alright...

The Kushy Kush is training herself. I've only installed 2 tie-downs, the plant decided to spread her limbs, all on her own. Probably getting into the flip zone now though, don't want to spend every day after work supercropping to stay under the lights.


Dude, nothing here is fucked...

Kushy took a beating today. I stalled out on the lst and had to supercrop this heifer! Looking like a bomb went off in the center. Those stems were crazy thick. She still not getting any real nutrients other than cal/mag and Remo Micro. I'm tired as shit, so this was the best I could do today. Working 18hrs a day till the holiday baby! Getting that cake!

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