Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

I may try a batch with carob. I have some in the pantry waiting to be used.

B-e-utiful chocolates Amy. :high-five: I like the idea of CBD ones. May they do what you expect. :hug:
Oh I should also mention, it is largely hollow so I’m not sure slabs are in the picture, will report back about that :). I haven’t been out there for a good look from the other side yet - too much going on. Maybe I’ll get to do that later on today - i’m sure there are many photo opportunities out there!
Glad to see you are safe from the fires at the moment Amy, it is still very smokey from your photos. The clouds of ash we are having down south are incredible. An ash cloud from fires that are 3 hours away.

Your treats look delish! :green_heart:
It’s always a joy Amy. :hug: I still intend to visit more often. Things are settling somewhat around my world, so don’t give up on me. :laughtwo:

The tasty chocolates were one of my special delights, but I have a fondness for the brownies that leave nothing behind. Fiber and euphoria all rolled into one.

How glad am I that the tree has fallen and everything was spared. Nothing like a little instant stress relief, eh? :cheesygrinsmiley: A good friend of mine in the building is a master carver who would have loved some of those burrs. He and his wife have a one-bedroom apartment with an extra closet that he turned into his carving studio. They call it his “Stu.” Lol!

@Graytail, I tell people all the time I don’t follow the rules. I make my own rules and then I break them too. :laughtwo: Life is more fun when you’re a little fearless. :slide:
Hi Sue! :ciao:
have a fondness for the brownies that leave nothing behind.
Show me brownies without grains or added sugar and I’m there! :laughtwo:

But really, these treats are excellent. No effort required at bedtime, beyond asking the lovely to please get me one out of the freezer! I’m definitely making some CBD ones :D
Glad to see you are safe from the fires at the moment Amy, it is still very smokey from your photos. The clouds of ash we are having down south are incredible. An ash cloud from fires that are 3 hours away.

Your treats look delish! :green_heart:
The really are!

Thanks for the thoughts curious :Namaste:

Thankfully yesterday afternoon and today are a bit clearer smokewise for us. Was a really thick few days before that, and yesterday morning another “thickest yet” morning.

The poor plants have had more weather extremes to deal with. The hot dry super windy times retuned, with unbreathable air and then it went super cold again - with a bit more wind. I’ll ai. To get a better update up for this combing week. While some are struggling (of course, in these conditions) some are going ok and i almost have some young veglings.

Note to self: just grow fems for a few years - this waiting in pots to sex plants is not quite the ticket for my set-up. :)
Your welcome.

Sooo much better atm, increased energy from the animals was noticeable straight away.

I can imagine just looking at our veggies all ash covered :(. Even indoor is copping it, the change in temps has played havoc with the humidity. Thinking a close eye for mold later on will be needed.

Can I ask, can you do a pheno hunt with just fem beans or do you have to use reg beans?
I’m pretty sure pheno hunting is relevant to either, feminised or regular. :) Feminised plants may have less variation amongst them but there are still diffe phenos, defending on how stabilised it is. I’d guess even a super stabilised fem might still produce some variations, even if only minor.

There are a few folk who frequent here that might know if there’s much difference
I’m in the middle stages of researching about making cosmetic oils. I am about to embark on a mission to make a CBD infused face oil and even though I’ve already decide on my carrier oils, I think, I’ve been doing a bit more reading about them.

These 2 links are entry level and really helpful so I’m dropping them here for quick access and for anyone interested.

The blog at New Directions is pretty damn helpful overall actually... Blog - Information Rich Resource Center - New Directions Aromatics Inc

That’s my Christmas! Making a new kind of oil :D I’ve been using the topical oil as a face oil for a couple of years now and I do get comments about my skin already. I’m expecting the CBD infused one wil be even better. I may combine them a bit - but i need a CBD only one for friends w THC anxiety lol! (“Are you sure it won’t get me stoned if I put it so close to my eyes? :eek::eye-roll: ).

I’ll be sure to post it when I do!
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