Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

i ordered this from wally world
6 bucks and 2 days to get not bad
How do I view journals. I'm involved in this because I have a friend with cancer and he can't afford his meds, I need any and all the help I can get, lol. Outdoors is shit easier than indoors

That's how to make one, so I recommend that too, because having a journal can be one of the best ways to get direct help.

But I think you were asking how to view others' journals...? Browse to the grow room and you'll see completed and active journals. Searching for particular things/aspects of growing etc. will bring journals to your search results too. There's also the how to grow thread, full of good help for getting going. One of the things I've found best is finding the growers whose plants I like the look of or who are using similar setups, or setups I think I could achieve and then find their journals past and present via their profile. And when you find info that's helpful, blog it for yourself or save it in some way. I just blog a post and save it as a draft - acts like a kind of bookmark to particular discussions in threads.
There's a 'blog this post' button when you're using the full website , in the left hand section of each individual post - I haven't worked out how to do it in the app.

Hope that helps.

That's how to make one, so I recommend that too, because having a journal can be one of the best ways to get direct help.

But I think you were asking how to view others' journals...? Browse to the grow room and you'll see completed and active journals. Searching for particular things/aspects of growing etc. will bring journals to your search results too. There's also the how to grow thread, full of good help for getting going. One of the things I've found best is finding the growers whose plants I like the look of or who are using similar setups, or setups I think I could achieve and then find their journals past and present via their profile. And when you find info that's helpful, blog it for yourself or save it in some way. I just blog a post and save it as a draft - acts like a kind of bookmark to particular discussions in threads.
There's a 'blog this post' button when you're using the full website , in the left hand section of each individual post - I haven't worked out how to do it in the app.

Hope that helps.

Well I don't expect much my first time with the equipment I've started with. I'm ordering some seeds next week so maybe I can have luck with those for my buddy. I've read allot about seed banks and have narrowed it down. However any help and advice in seed banks I'll gladly listen too it, lol.
Well I don't expect much my first time with the equipment I've started with. I'm ordering some seeds next week so maybe I can have luck with those for my buddy. I've read allot about seed banks and have narrowed it down. However any help and advice in seed banks I'll gladly listen too it, lol.

There's a member 'round here called Canyon. If I was growing to help with a cancer treatment, I'd start by reading his journals. And maybe posting some questions to him and his readers in his threads. There might be some advice there about good strains, or features to look for when choosing strains.
SweetSue ought to be part of your rounds too!
I'm still too much of a noob to be giving any advice about seed banks etc. I just point you to the people who're most likely to help with your particular endeavour.


Except to say of course that when choosing seed banks - go with one of the sponsors of you can. They're all known to be reliable and they collectively keep 420mag going with their support!

There's a member 'round here called Canyon. If I was growing to help with a cancer treatment, I'd start by reading his journals. And maybe posting some questions to him and his readers in his threads. There might be some advice there about good strains, or features to look for when choosing strains.
SweetSue ought to be part of your rounds too!
I'm still too much of a noob to be giving any advice about seed banks etc. I just point you to the people who're most likely to help with your particular endeavour.


Except to say of course that when choosing seed banks - go with one of the sponsors of you can. They're all known to be reliable and they collectively keep 420mag going with their support!

Thanks again Im gonna do a little reading later.
Well I don't expect much my first time with the equipment I've started with. I'm ordering some seeds next week so maybe I can have luck with those for my buddy. I've read allot about seed banks and have narrowed it down. However any help and advice in seed banks I'll gladly listen too it, lol.

It's not as much about the seed banks but the strains that will be most effective that can do the best job. Unfortunately it's still more of a dark art than science but great leaps are being made thanks to our reluctant gov'ts finally loosening the ties that have kept serious research from happening.

High THC has been the goal of most breeders for the last couple of decades but what info that has surfaced points toward a mix of THC/CBD and all the other cannabinoids, terpenes etc working together to get the best medicinal properties working as mother nature intended.

People like SweetSue, Canyon and so many others are helping us all put the pieces of the puzzle together tho there are still many pieces missing.

Good luck!

I dont know I waited for someone to answer. Is the pic magnified?? They look like russets under the scope. Maybe Root Aphids?? Im curious for diagnoses. They dont look good. They aint lady bugs! Dont have white rice for dinner for at least a week, might cause nightmares!! What fun!! Great Day 420! Happy Motherfucking Saturday!!! Lets get HIGH!

Was waiting for sumone to answer. And yes that is magnified.

Can sumone please help with these little things I'm trying to identify them to try and treat my problem. Root aphids? They tend to float on top on the water.

I don't know enough to help, sorry. And I'm not sure I can decipher them visually, even if I would know what they were. Can u get a closer pic with more detail?

Ask anything, right? Ok - hopefully someone who knows will see this ...

Very recently while reading numerous journals here I saw a watering system someone had made that I want to try. It'll be perfect for me and I have the materials already. I saved the photos but didn't mark the thread or the person who posted it!!!
One of the pics is this one:

If you know who's set up this is, or if it's yours, please tell me so I can thank them/you when it's working for me!! (And so I can give credit properly when it features in a future grow journal).

Hello good evening, i'm badly needed your help guys to identify the deficiency on my plants and what should i do to rectify it? Can you identify if it's on flowering stage? I'm using soiless mix medium, organic soil, verm and perlite in 2gal pot. My lights is 1000w led ang i ph my water between 6.0-6.3 thanks in advance ..

Hello good evening, i'm badly needed your help guys to identify the deficiency on my plants and what should i do to rectify it? Can you identify if it's on flowering stage? I'm using soiless mix medium, organic soil, verm and perlite in 2gal pot. My lights is 1000w led ang i ph my water between 6.0-6.3 thanks in advance ..

Why are your plants all wet? Shouldn't be spraying at all unless you got bugs and sending pics with soaked plants doesn't help to see if something's wrong.

Your pH is a little low for dirt growing so you may be locking out some nutrients and I'd water with something higher pH to bump it up a bit before adding any nutes or other things as you could acidify the soil further making the problem worse.

A dash of epsom salts wouldn't hurt as it looks like a bit of low sulfur tho that could be due to the low pH blocking it. And the magnesium in the salts will cover that base as well.

Nothing to worry about really so far. What kind of water are you using? If it's tap at 7.5 or something just use it straight up with a dash of salts and after a couple watering cycles you should see a difference one way or another.

Good luck!
Ask anything, right? Ok - hopefully someone who knows will see this ...

Very recently while reading numerous journals here I saw a watering system someone had made that I want to try. It'll be perfect for me and I have the materials already. I saved the photos but didn't mark the thread or the person who posted it!!!
One of the pics is this one:

If you know who's set up this is, or if it's yours, please tell me so I can thank them/you when it's working for me!! (And so I can give credit properly when it features in a future grow journal).


Looks like a standard watering ring setup to me but would have to stay until the plant is cropped.

Most are open on one end so they can be removed any time.

Don't see a feed line connected to that one either.
Hey everybody, could I get some comments/guidance on this scrog? The 3 plants in the back were 2x as tall as the ones in front, and I've basically got them bent over in half under the net, but the front-row plants are not even coming up through the netting. Should I veg a little while longer and let the shorter plants come up through the net some more? I feel like there's a lot of growth down under the net that I should be trying to get over it. Not really sure what I'm doing with scrog, but I haven't even flowered yet and they're going to get pretty tall without it so I figured it was the only way to get good light distribution.

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