Be IRIE #2 Black Death, LA Confidential, and Bubble gum..

ok, a few more pics... Everything seems well in the garden. The LA is changing everyday, getting fatter and more purple leaves.. She is quite pretty, and the pics do her no justice... So here they are on day 54...
The Black Death-

A few pics of randon LA nuggies..




I am thinking abouta week or two until the LA finishes..:peace:
Very attractive pix BE. I'm loving the cool autumn colors.

That looks like it's gonna be some powerful smoke brother. :smokin:

You gotta a macro mode on that thing? It would be cool to see those ladies up close and personal. ;)

I dropped my 8 meg camera with the macro and it is not working so I am stuck with my old 5 meg camera. I will try to borrow a camera so I can get some close-ups of the LA before she gets the axe......
ok, Itried to get closer but they did not come out so well.. You can kinda see some trich action.. Still no ambers yet on the LA, about 75% cloudy 25% clear...



[ QUOTE=Be IRIE;673707]OK, some pics of the ladies.
Incredable, no wonder when I was lucky enough to get 2 Buds of Organic
the L.A Confidental, they weighted together 10 grams. I had to use sissors
to break open the interior Afgani surprise & then use a grinder.:cool:

. Everything seems good, the LA has some leaves that are yellowing and dying off coming from the bottom up. Think I am going to mix in a bit of N into the next watering. Today is day 43..
The Black Death in the dark (love the dark green)


The LA Confidential





Gotta say, the La nugs are as hard as rocks, had to add a bit of support cause the nugs are getting heavy.. :ganjamon::peace:[/QUOTE]
Damn, those are some of the finest plants i've ever seen. I think you should trim off the giant fan leaves on Elvira, let some light get to the lower levels.
Thanks you guys, your words put a smile on my face. The nugs are crazy solid, just the way I like them.. I have thought hard about removing some of the big fan leaves and decided to let her go and see how the secondary nugs do, I use cfl's for side and low lighting when needed, which shoots light right up her skirt..:smokin: I may trim a few off of one side and see how it does...I imagine she only has about two to three weeks left..So it may be to late fot that to have any effect.. I will try to get a camera for some better close ups or work with my hunk of junk camera and see what I can do..I wish I could attach my 30x loupe to the camera!!! It looks like a planet surface from a sci-fi movie.. PEace to you all.... :peace:
Thanks Dean, I have always enjoyed yours too, and dreaded seeing you in the bud and plant of the month contests. :ganjamon: No damn ambers yet on the LA... I knew it would go longer then they suggested. They said seven to eight weeks and she starts the ninth week tomorrow..I trimmed some of the big ass fan leaves from Elvira only on one side and exposed some beautiful bush underneath ( chuckle) it's actually bud but I thought bush sounded better.. I will get a few pics tomorrow morning @ lights out. :peace:
Every time I look at your journal I drool... :)

Peace :roorrip:
Ok. like a proud papa got some more pics... Harry, I tried for close-ups but the were blurry as hell.. I trimmed away some of the big fan leaves and here she is.
Elvira day 58-



And I had to get one in of Lolita...

Looks like there may be some changing to amber on some of the lower nugs... :ganjamon::peace:
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