BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Thurweed day BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

and heres the scrog pics i promised
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Holy Shiatsu Massagers!!! Beautiful!!!!!!!!

edit-- your images are beautiful too!!!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Simply marvelous marvelous!!:bravo:
"Uncle Benny"
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Freeweed day BID
and a Chronic Weekend to you :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Dammmmmmm B!!
You got some serious meds stacking up in there!
Looking incredible buddy!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thanks guys you guys fatter me oh i mean flatter, lol yeah i was shooting for a very merry xmas as i am a broke ass scrub i give the gift of meds to my medicating friends & family they love it and i feel good because it helps them with a myriad of health issues, last year i gave my mom a "BIDmans sampler" of 12 different strains she loved it and even has a few gms left of the ones she found most special, cream caramel seems to be one that many reserve for special occasions i regret not planting some 2 months ago its the fruitfullest smelling one ive ever grown literally like the scent of a fresh box of fruit loops, but this year its the og's and diesel's "year of the funk" with a little blu headband wrapped around it lol it looks like i will be trimming today and prolly be chopping for the next week the scrog looks about done, and the sd2 in the 4x4 is ready shes falling over some branches are nearing the floor, :thumb::thanks::circle-of-love:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Just doing a fast drive by and I'm happy to see you got a pretty crop coming along nicely. I seen ya'll talking about doing the fem seed thing. Just something to read on I tied this stuff once, I know it's costy per say, but hell for 20 bucks, Tiresias Mist. I know it's really simple to make your own brew and a lot cheaper but. It worked great. I was only using it on acouple lower branches and the whole damn plant turned male. I didn't even follow thru on collecting pollen for some reason or another bad stock I think. But One day I'm going to play with it again. Buds are getting a great coat of trichomes on them. You know I can see the blueberry in that one strain your working with. The blueberry gum I'm growing out, the leaf and bud structure is almost identical. But neither really look like that new Blueberry I just started working with. I also started that seed variant of Blue Dream. They have a total opposite look to them. The Blue Dream I'm use to seeing is the strain you have. Look at the differences,

Well gl and congratulations on the harvests up and coming Keepem Green
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Skunkday BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Weensday BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

hi bid :) first have to thank you for sharing your knowledge with everyone. absolutely incredible plants. in the last month i have read so many journals its not funny lol. i have been an outdoor casual grower in the past, but then i found out about seed banks. maybe its my ocd, but once i am interested in something, i need to learn as much as possible. and you my friend are an amazing resource :) thankyou again. got myself a mars 2 400 and a cheap no name 100x3w and time to try a bit of indoor fun lol. one question i have is about optimal temps. the last 2 days here have been well over 100f at the moment it is 110f very very hot and my outdoor blue cheese is absolutely loving it. the growth in the past 2 days is easily noticable had to rub my eyes this morning lol. i read that above 95f the plant just basically shuts down so can you pass on any of your experience to me. merry xmas and thanks again
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Sure beats a fruitcake! lol :tokin:
idk i make a mean fruitcake get you drunk n high with 1 slice!! lol my last fruitcake i made was incredible it had a fifth of makers mark and an oz of golden keif in it and i left out the funky fruits just the pineapple cherries and i added toasted coconut and glazed with orange butter/budder glaze, i poured 2 oz of mm every day for a week till the fifth was gone, oh and the liquor was used to wash an oz of blue dream bud so yeah it was potent as all hell i could only manage 1 slice 1/2 an inch wide i used a bundt pan, hehe it lasted several months i kept it sealed tin and only broke it out when friends came over
Just doing a fast drive by and I'm happy to see you got a pretty crop coming along nicely. I seen ya'll talking about doing the fem seed thing. Just something to read on I tied this stuff once, I know it's costy per say, but hell for 20 bucks, Tiresias Mist. I know it's really simple to make your own brew and a lot cheaper but. It worked great. I was only using it on acouple lower branches and the whole damn plant turned male. I didn't even follow thru on collecting pollen for some reason or another bad stock I think. But One day I'm going to play with it again. Buds are getting a great coat of trichomes on them. You know I can see the blueberry in that one strain your working with. The blueberry gum I'm growing out, the leaf and bud structure is almost identical. But neither really look like that new Blueberry I just started working with. I also started that seed variant of Blue Dream. They have a total opposite look to them. The Blue Dream I'm use to seeing is the strain you have. Look at the differences,

Well gl and congratulations on the harvests up and coming Keepem Green
wow wood thats an odd looking "blue dream" indeed, it usually looks quite sativa like, but it could be expressing its indo side, but i might just turn out great, if i didnt have access to cheap n easy cs i would consider the product you mention, it sounds potent as hell, thats scary to me, but if it works i say give it a whirl, i really want to get my hands on some of those stony girl garden seeds but it seems impossible from my location, ah well at least i still have a fantastic collection of beans to play with and breed my way to greatness lol i hope:thumb:
always a pleasure to see you wood!:thumb::circle-of-love::high-five:
Happy Skunkday BID :thumb:
ty chd :high-five: backatcha
thank you sara the bomb berra:high-five::Namaste:
Happy Weensday BID :thumb:
may your day be as equally awesome:peace:
hi bid :) first have to thank you for sharing your knowledge with everyone. absolutely incredible plants. in the last month i have read so many journals its not funny lol. i have been an outdoor casual grower in the past, but then i found out about seed banks. maybe its my ocd, but once i am interested in something, i need to learn as much as possible. and you my friend are an amazing resource :) thankyou again. got myself a mars 2 400 and a cheap no name 100x3w and time to try a bit of indoor fun lol. one question i have is about optimal temps. the last 2 days here have been well over 100f at the moment it is 110f very very hot and my outdoor blue cheese is absolutely loving it. the growth in the past 2 days is easily noticeable had to rub my eyes this morning lol. i read that above 95f the plant just basically shuts down so can you pass on any of your experience to me. merry xmas and thanks again
well hello there srvdbltrbl welcome to my journal and to :420: i hope you find it to be as great a hangout as i do,its my f-book its like a family of great ppl and growers from brand newbies to old pros it sounds like you have been diggin n readin just like you should there's more info here than a person can absorb in 3 yrs i know ive tried lol so again welcome!!
to anwser your question about temps, i find its really just a guideline i have seen my indoor plants do very well at 95-100f but not all strains, for instance my blue dream 80% sativa does real well in upper temps so long as she water and fresh air, but my gdp not so well 100% indica, so i think sativas tend to do better in the heat but thats not a hard rule because i have other indica dominate strains that do well in the heat too, one thing you can do that will help is co2 enrichment makes higher temps easily tolerable you can get a good result with a diy system comprised of 2 liter bottles yeast,sugar water ,if you want links on that let me know,
any way thats my thoughts on it im happy if i can stay at or below 85f if i cant keep it below that i add co2, but if its just a few spikes in temps over a few days i wouldent worry, you can also water with slightly chilled water around 55-65f at the heat of the day, also smartpots will help tremendously as they keep the rootzone cooler
hope that helps and thanks for the kind words keep the questions coming thats what im here for bud!! rock on!
oh hey are you gonna run a journal? thats a great way to get lots of help!!:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Now that's a fruitcake!! lol

Put me on that christmas list santa!! haha :lot-o-toke:
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