

New Member
hello everybody, iam new here and I have been looking for bushmaster on the web, but every website that I have gone to are out of stock. can anybody tell me where I can find some bushmaster or other chemicals that slows down vertical growth. Thanks, misterbig
PGR's are nasty mojo

snipped from the web --

We've all heard that nobody has died from smoking weed. Well, with a new standard of harmful PGR's and systemics sweeping through the growers community, i think that might change soon. there has already been a medical marijuana/AVID related death. Its just a matter of time before peoples health starts getting compromised form the consumption of these mystery PGR products and systemics.

The following attachments were provided to me by G. Low, author of Integral Hydroponics and the co/owner of integralhydro.com and manicbotanix.com, with the expressed permission to post said given attachments. The attachments are lab test results of PGR concentration of different "mystery" growth regulating products like Phosphoload, Gravity, Flower Dragon etc. Thank you G for all your personal endeavors in fighting the good fight against the PGR Peddlers

Lab Testing Results courtesy of integralhydro.com
Bushmaster: 271ppm Paclobutrazol
Gravity: 516ppm Paclobutrazol
Flower Dragon: 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol
Phosphoload: 17,800ppm Daminozide, 20.6ppm Paclobutrazol
TopLoad: 3,467ppm Daminozide

end snip --
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