Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I love my Purple Train wreck.....:circle-of-love:

That's the one I want to grow dedicated to Dale. How much better can it get for a man who had a life-long love of trains and a strong need for cannabis?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

hey everyone.

so what is confusing me is when u talk about day time strains being energetic and night strains being sedative? i thought there was no high assosciated with tacking? to me this sounds like you still get high? this is definately somethinh i want to avoid. i have young children to look after and i need to be aware of what is going on. i definately do not want to be high? is this possible? because i feel what im reading is misleading?

can someone clarify please?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


My "energy" is not a high. There is no buzz, no lightheadness, or anything that you would associate with a high. It's more like having gotten plenty of rest and ready to take on the day with energy to do it. No lethargic feeling, or dragging like you feel when you're sick or hurting. It feels to me, like it should feel when people are healthy and active.

The night time is more of a relaxed feeling that helps me sleep. My mind isn't running a thousand miles and hour and my body feels relaxed, not tense and anxious. No body buzz, no high, just calm and serene. I used to wake up many times during the night because of pain/nausea, restlessness and bad dreams. I don't do that now, I sleep through the night and wake feeling like I've rested...the way I should.
At the same time, I'm not sedated or groggy in any way that I couldn't take care of things if I decided to get up. I am alert when I need to be for sure.

Also, there are no munchies or cotton mouth or anything like that. It has made my appetite exist, but it's not like a craving that I have to have right now. I am thankful for that..absolutely.

That's about the best I can explain what it does for me.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

It's not a high as in being stoned... It is more like a feeling of well being.... It helps me focus and I'm much less stressed and antsy.... My nighttime does not knock me out in the way your thinking.... It's not like taking a sleeping pill.... Again it just allows you to sleep in a deep REM type sleep which is wonderful when you have been an insomniac most of your life... If anything... You will be more aware and focused on taking care of the kids....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for clearing that up. The only thing stopping me tacking is the fear of being stoned. believe me ive smoked alot of weed and i just woke up one day hating it. although i do love growing and everthing assosciated with weed, i just hate being high. and when i read comments that sounds like what is being described to me.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for clearing that up. The only thing stopping me tacking is the fear of being stoned. believe me ive smoked alot of weed and i just woke up one day hating it. although i do love growing and everthing assosciated with weed, i just hate being high. and when i read comments that sounds like what is being described to me.

It is very important to get the tacking correct. You WILL get high if you don't tack properly!!! I would recommend learning on a Friday night or a Saturday so if you accidentally swallow and do get high, it will not be at an inopportune time!! That is what I am going to do with my wife. Teach her at a time that if she does get high, no harm no foul!!!

If you learn to tack correctly, you will feel the true effect of cannabis oil!!! :peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

There are members who smoke to get high as well as use the oil for wellness and healing, Cultivator. That may be why you are reading the "high" message in some of the comments. You have to kind of get to know each person and what they use cannabis for as a whole.
I don't do that, I'm only using the oil and an occasional light vape if I want to do a couch lock every now and then.

Does that help?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

It is very important to get the tacking correct. You WILL get high if you don't tack properly!!! I would recommend learning on a Friday night or a Saturday so if you accidentally swallow and do get high, it will not be at an inopportune time!! That is what I am going to do with my wife. Teach her at a time that if she does get high, no harm no foul!!!

If you learn to tack correctly, you will feel the true effect of cannabis oil!!! :peace:

Yepper, done high. :) The tacking starts out in small doses. To get you built up to what you need. :)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Cultivator, I know how concerned you are because I was where you are.
After reading and seeing what people were posting, as I said...I was still skeptical. I didn't know these people, it's the internet.

I had to ask myself what they could possibly gain by insisting that you wouldn't get high, if in fact you would.
They weren't selling anything, they weren't trying to get me to buy anything, I couldn't see a single gain that any of them would have besides trying to get the word out on a natural earth given healing concentrate. R. Simpson is selling books and other media as well as selling his oil...there is nothing being sold here. In my opinion there were no hidden motives of any kind.
Think about that a bit, and hopefully you would agree.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Cultivator, rest assured.

The REASON to tack is to avoid getting high.

That is it's PURPOSE.

Otherwise, eat it and get high. Smoke it and get high.

A non-tech. explanation:

Tacking gets cannabinoids to the brain fastest (through the blood/brain barrier) activating the CB-1 receptors (entering, activating, enabling, strengthening the endocannabinoid (EC) system), which uses the canna as a medicine without psychoactive properties.

The colon also concentrates these CB-1 receptors.

The lungs and stomach concentrate more CB-2 receptors, which, when keyed with cannabinoids, present the psychoactive 'high' response.

CB-1 and CB-2 receptors are in every organ and throughout the body.

'Sloppy tacking' means eating or swallowing some part of the dose you just tacked, and can result in unwanted anxiety or paranoia (high/euphoria).

Re-tacking properly, after a sloppy tack w/unwanted high, will reduce the high. This is a 911 tack.

Three days treating an athlete with problems of muscles locking in spasm and cramp. Neck, shoulders, and lats. Can't sleep due to pain and can't get comfortable. I'm trying to get him to take sativa oil during the day, but he gets such great muscle relaxation and sleep for the first time in years....that he keeps sloppy tacking indica oil and is fearful of changing. He requires the feeling we get with edibles AND the medical effects of tacking.
Great news again, family!!! Makes up for my Asperger incomplete. Almost.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Cultivator, rest assured.

The REASON to tack is to avoid getting high.

That is it's PURPOSE.

Otherwise, eat it and get high. Smoke it and get high.

A non-tech. explanation:

Tacking gets cannabinoids to the brain fastest (through the blood/brain barrier) activating the CB-1 receptors (entering, activating, enabling, strengthening the endocannabinoid (EC) system), which uses the canna as a medicine without psychoactive properties.

The colon also concentrates these CB-1 receptors.

The lungs and stomach concentrate more CB-2 receptors, which, when keyed with cannabinoids, present the psychoactive 'high' response.

'Sloppy tacking' means eating or swallowing some part of the dose you just tacked, and can result in unwanted anxiety or paranoia (high/euphoria).

Re-tacking properly, after a sloppy tack w/unwanted high, will reduce the high. This is a 911 tack.

Three days treating an athlete with problems of muscles locking in spasm and cramp. Neck, shoulders, and lats. Can't sleep due to pain and can't get comfortable. I'm trying to get him to take sativa oil during the day, but he gets such great muscle relaxation and sleep for the first time in years....that he keeps sloppy tacking indica oil and is fearful of changing. He requires the feeling we get with edibles AND the medical effects of tacking.
Great news again, family!!! Makes up for my Asperger incomplete. Almost.


Well, one way to look at it...he's not fighting a major life threatening it's not going to cause any issues there. Hopefully he will give it a try your way soon and he will see the benefit.

Thanks so much for the non-techy (which is what I call Techy) explanation. I had it kind of bypasses the high receptors which is what sold me. LOL

Great day for you johnnytechyson
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Great for HIM and me.

Hits the CB-1's first, which determine how the body will use the cannabinoids. But also hits all the CB-2's as well, I suspect. Modality seems determined by which receptor type is stimulated first, or most/first. This seems, surely, to be challenged as we go, but useful as a simple visualization tool for now.

Just wanted to point out the CB-2's weren't bypassed. We're equal opportunity stimulators...well, edge to those CB-1's.:rofl:

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Great for HIM and me.

Hits the CB-1's first, which determine how the body will use the cannabinoids. But also hits all the CB-2's as well, I suspect. Modality seems determined by which receptor type is stimulated first, or most/first. This seems, surely, to be challenged as we go, but useful as a simple visualization tool for now.

Just wanted to point out the CB-2's weren't bypassed. We're equal opportunity stimulators...well, edge to those CB-1's.:rofl:


And this is why I count on you guys to explain these things. I'm more user proven testimonial cheerleader type.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Okay, here is what I'm going to mix for the next oil batch this week:

Afghan Kush: Pure indica - THC 21% - CBD reported as "high" - Medicinal qualities: Migraines, headaches, muscle spasms, depression, Pms

THC Bomb: Hybrid - mostly Indica - THC 20-25% - CBD reported as "medium" - Medicinal qualities: Anxiety, pain relief, increased appetite, insomnia

Those are just the most important medicinal qualities I want. I'm hoping that a mix here is going to take care of some cramps I get in my feet at night. They are less often than they used to be, but when they hit they are awful! And I can never get my feet warm. LOL
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I have Master Kush x White Widow growing perpetually (home cross). Just got some Amherst Sour Diesel, so I will be watching yours during the grow.
Right now I'm placing an order for Blue Blood, Blue Dream and Pineapple Express (photos). I have to choose something else to get max freebies, so I'm looking around for something mainly Indica.

But Sue just gave me what I had been thinking about a couple weeks ago, Dark Devil, it's ruderalis/indica/sativa.


Unfortunately, I can't find it on Herbie's site. Anybody have a link there where I can find it?

Sorry Canna, I haven't been back for a while.

This is the one for single seeds. Let me track the other one down.

! Pick and Mix Sweet Dark Devil Auto Autoflowering Feminised Seeds - Sweet Dark Devil Auto Autoflowering Feminised Seeds - Updated:2nd Jan 2016

Here you go:

https://Sweet Dark Devil Auto Autoflowering Feminized Seeds
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